Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 351: Above Mount Hyjal

When the oath was ready to fight the Burning Legion to the death, Akmund, Kil'jaeden and Azshara were also ready to step on Mount Hyjal. (Pinyin of biqiwu). :.

Without Mal'Ganis, in fact, the Burning Legion doesn’t know much about the oath—but no matter what, no one will underestimate the enemy this time. Those who dare to think that the oath is vulnerable will be Kirmund broke his neck.

Just kidding, if the vows are weak, what is the ‘Mund’ who was played by the vows? !

And when the devil really climbed the Shanghai Jiaer Mountain, they felt very uncomfortable.

The rich natural energy and breath of life here make these demons who like destruction and destruction feel uncomfortable!

But under the urging of Ake's ‘Mund’, no demon dared to run around to do damage, and the Burning Legion rushed to Teldrassil!

Without the Well of Eternity, only this towering tree can provide enough energy to summon Sargeras, and only by summoning Sargeras can Azeroth truly be destroyed!

After the Burning Legion reached Mount Hyjal, they promised not to send troops to harass them, but allowed the demons to march all the way and arrived not far from Teldrassil.

……………… It is a lie to say that you are not nervous at all, but no matter what, Drunk Wind has calmed down now.

Is Azshara... I didn't see you take action ten thousand years ago, but today after ten thousand years, you really are no longer my opponent!

At the same time, the Burning Legion also discovered the oath-what could be more obvious than a spaceship suspended in the air?

Kil'jaeden gritted his teeth when seeing the draenei driving over the storm fortress.

"My dear elder brother-it seems that you finally don't intend to escape. Even your precious spaceship was driven out. Do you think this will stop us from burning the Legion?!"

"This time, I want you to understand that fel and shadow are the greatest powers in the world, what holy light, what naru-all shit! Sargeras is the only **** in this world!"

Under the leadership of the five dragon kings, the five ‘color’ dragon legions rose into the air and formed an oath of air force with Aviana’s birds, and they took control of the air for the first time.

No way, although there are a lot of doomsday guards in the Burning Legion, they are not the opponent of the dragon at all. Instead of being slaughtered in the sky, it is better to fall back to the ground as a long-range firepower point!

In the devil's guard, the dragon couldn't find a good air strike opportunity for a while.

In any case, this battle started quite well for the devil.

However, only the beginning is satisfactory.

When the demons clapped in a neat line and moved forward under the leadership of the Big Three, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Storm Fortress is on fire!

With a sound of "Holy Light Prism is charged!" that resounded across the battlefield, an extremely hot holy light ‘shot’ from the storm fortress, cutting straight through the demon’s formation.

In everyone's astonishment, the demon that was swept by the light was directly wiped out!

Kil'jaeden couldn't believe his eyes--when did Velen's storm fortress have the power to attack? What exactly is going on?

After a pause, Storm Fortress opened fire again!

Same beam, same result!

The demons of the Burning Legion suddenly lost control!

In the formation of the devil, the guys who had just become the commander did not have enough power to suppress the chaos at the first time, resulting in the entire formation being divided up-the tauren and trolls of the second line of defense are not They were sacrificed in vain, without those skilled demon leaders, these newly appointed guys did not exceed Ravencrest's expectations, and there was no cooperation between them!

The Abyss Demon began to charge brainlessly, while the Dread Demon retreated strategically. The Doomsday Envoy was at a loss, and the Destruction Demon hid aside...

It's now!

Taking advantage of the ‘chaos’ and ‘chaos’, vow the whole army to attack!

According to the plan, Tortola directly stopped Kil'jaeden who wanted to attack the storm fortress, and then ate a burst of shadow arrows from the fraudster—the kind that was unscathed.

Akmund led the demon's main force to fight head-on, hoping to break through the line of defense of the oath and come under Teldrassil.

Azshara took Naga to the side to attack, and met the Drunken Wind and Nasara who had been here for a long time. Seeing Nasara carrying his former crown, Azshara was furious!

"Sordid bastard, how dare you desecrate my crown with your dirty head? You have to pay for it!"

Poor Nasara, although she knew she would face Azshara's "female" king for a long time, and thought she was mentally prepared for a while, but at this time, she almost squatted directly on the ground.

Looking at Azshara, who was still powerful after thousands of years, and at the smiling drunken wind around him, Nasara suspected that it was a mistake to join the vow for the first time-this Pandaren is better than himself Quite a lot, but is it really Azshara-sama's opponent?

"Don't be aggressive, Lord'female' Wang." Glancing at the terrified Nasara, drunk wind said lightly, "This is meaningless, on the battlefield, it is more scary than someone else's power. "

"The ridiculous Pandaren, who has the courage to face the great'female' king Azshara directly with you?!"

"Hahaha, the'female' king Azshara, I'm really sorry, you are not great at all-how can a guy who sacrifices his entire race to please someone he likes can be called great? What's more, you still Failed!"

"Mortal... It seems that I haven't been on land for too How dare you even dare to challenge me?!" Azshara was furious, "Since you Seek death, then I will fulfill you!"

As he said, the gust of wind blew up, and in the howling wind, a series of lightning exploded, and the billowing thunder hit the drunk wind.

The drunk wind was calm, so he watched the bright yellow lightning strike him, and then disappeared invisible in front of him.

Yes, Drunk Wind did nothing, and the lightning disappeared out of thin air!

Azshara's face changed drastically in an instant. Maybe it seemed to others that Drunk Wind defended her attack, but Azshara knew that it was not her attack that was counteracted, but the lightning she summoned did not obey. Take control of yourself!

In other words, Zuifeng didn't know what method to use to cut the connection between himself and his attack!

Azshara, who does not believe in evil, once again summoned a hurricane and swept the drunk wind.

And this hurricane disappeared in front of Drunk Wind once again, and Drunk Wind remained motionless.

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