Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 370: Fire demon greedy for life and fear of death

Drunk Wind satisfactorily pulled out Sunderland’s Insignia of Imprisonment from Gar’s corpse. It seems that there is a space in Gar’s body with a lot of interesting things hidden in it-it’s just that those minerals Drunk Wind don’t know much about it, just ask for it. Sex was given to the dwarves. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

Now that Sunderland's imprisoned emblem has been found, Drunk Wind believes that he can find another piece in the hands of Baron Gardon, and it is not difficult to resurrect Sunderland. In this case, some plans will be implemented much smoother.

Zuifeng has always been a person who likes to make long-term plans. Since landing in the Eastern Kingdom, he has successfully drawn up a huge oath in just two or three years.

And now the vows are greatly injured after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and the drunken wind is coming out again-this journey of the Molten Heart, expelling Ragnaros is only part of the reason, it is to promote the unity of the three hammers and rescue Sunderland The top priority.

Unexpectedly, Drunk Wind found another piece of Sunderland's imprisonment in the hands of Baron Gaddon after not far forward.

The drunk wind who held two imprints in his hand let out a breath.

It seems that we are going to Quel'Thalas next. If you want to resurrect Sunderland, you must use the water from the Well of Eternity. Unfortunately, although the mouth of Mount Hyjal is still there, it has been completely destroyed after the war. Sealed, now I can only go to classmate Kael'thas.

I hope the higher ‘jing’ spirits will not be too difficult to speak!


Compared to Darkforge City, Molten Heart is not too big. After "just" five hours, Drunk Wind led the dwarves to clear most of the area.

The rest is the site of the manager Exotus.

Before Drunk Wind, he specifically confirmed to Thaurissan that the strength of this Exotus is not very good, but he has the essence of flattering. The reason why he became the manager of Ragnaros (the housekeeper) , It is not strength, but flattery.

Because of this, Exotus is actually not in the Molten Heart most of the time, and only appears when he is summoned.

The method of summoning Exotus is also very simple, the first few bosses will extinguish the corresponding rune after death, Exotus will feel it.

But this is not a game after all, and Exotus will not be so stupid that his subordinates are clean before appearing, so Drunk Wind specifically instructed Thaurissan, after every boss dies, someone must be left to provide energy and guarantee runes. It is still in a state of being'activated'.

Now that they are all resolved, these runes are finally extinguished together.

Soon, Exotus' voice rang in Molten Heart.

"The humble ants-you are provoking the great Balrog King, and your recklessness will engulf you in billowing flames!"

The fire demon holding a trident finally appeared where he should be.

At this moment, Exotus could no longer restrain his inner anger.

When did the Dark Iron Dwarf dare to resist himself?

When was the land of the Balrog King actually invaded?

When was he actually deceived by Thaurissan's tricks?

"Dust to dust, dirt to dust, go to death, you **** mortals!"

The angry Exotus took out his greatest strength as soon as he shot it. The ground cracked, and lava gushing out, and more and more, as if to fill it up.

Maybe the other boss Thaurissan doesn't understand, but Exotus knows it all!

Facing the fire demon who had added countless burdens to the Dark Iron Dwarf, Thaurissan raised the hammer in his hand.

"Warriors of Dark Iron, prepare the fire demon to bind the magic circle!"

As early as the last time Old Chen and Colin gambling, Thaurissan had the idea of ​​rebelling against Ragnaros under the influence of the Drunken Wind Lorewalker. Although the Dark Iron dwarves could not deal with the Balrog, they A lot of preparations have been made for Ragnaros's men, and this fire demon binding circle is one of them.

Fire demon is a humanoid creature, not an elemental creature. Because they are flesh and blood, they will be affected by many other factors. In this fire demon binding circle, as long as they try to move, the fire demon will feel pain in the heart.

Sure enough, after the preparation of the magic circle, Exotus seemed to be nailed in place, motionless.

Grab this ‘exciting’ life, and Drunk Wind, Magni, Muradin and Thaurissan will take action together!

A bamboo ‘stick’ and a three-handled sledgehammer hit Exotus directly!

Exotus raised the trident in his hand and barely blocked the blow.

From the very beginning, Exotus was at a disadvantage.

This luxurious four-person siege was originally something that managers couldn't handle, plus the painful pain every time the position moved...

How to fight this!

Then the next moment, Exotus lay decisively on the ground.

"Don't fight, I surrender!"

Perhaps it is the illusion of drunken wind. At this moment, the Molten Heart seems to have a crow flying by...

Now that the depth of Exotus has been tested, everyone is not afraid of him turning back.

"Well, since you are willing to attack, then call your master out!" Drunk Wind walked up directly, "Our goal is Ragnaros!"

"Okay, no problem!" Exotus nodded flatly and bowed, "I'll tell him to come out!"

With that, Exotus ‘inserted’ the trident in his hand on the ground, ‘stimulating’ a huge magic circle.

The ground began to crack and everyone backed away.

A huge lava pool finally took shape, and as the heat'waves' rolled in it, a huge body finally appeared in the molten core.


Seeing his master arrive, Exotus also looked like a dog and betrayed again in an instant.

"Ragnaros, Lord of Fire, he is older than the world itself, succumb before him, succumb to your doomsday!" Looking at the drunk wind, Exotus was complacent, "Now, you guys Dead!"

It's a pity that Ragnaros seems to be in a bad mood: "Why do you want to wake, why bother me?"

"Because of these intruders, my master, they broke into your temple, trying to steal your secrets."

"Idiot!" Facing his subordinates, Ragnaros showed no mercy, "You let these unworthy bugs into this sacred place, and now you have brought them to me. You disappointed me too much. Now, Exotus, you disappoint me so much!"

Visible to the naked eye, the flame in the fire demon's body was gradually stripped out.

Exotus really panicked this time: "My flame, please don't take away my flame!"

Unfortunately, Ragnaros did not forgive his incompetence.

After solving Exotus, Ragnaros looked at the Drunken Winds: "Now it's your turn. You foolishly pursue the power of Ragnaros. Now you are about to see it with your own eyes."

"Let the flame purify everything!"

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