Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 383: Just let the fist be the referee

   The angry Loya wanted to lift the negotiating table directly, but she didn't do it—just kidding, getting angry, turning the table is still impossible. ..

  Although the tribes often brainstorm, the Alliance is still sensible and can negotiate and solve problems. Whether human dwarves or dwarves, they don’t want to use force.

   Especially when this kind of dwarf was about to unify the three hammers and the dwarf main city was in a mess, although Roya was upset, she tried to restrain it.

   "Damn, your fortress is only over forty kilometers away from our nearest settlement!"

   "So no longer within your territory!"

   "According to the original pioneering bill of the Alliance, 50 kilometers is the radiation range of the settlement, and no more settlements are allowed!"

   "That's the bill of your alliance, it can't control the tribe."

   "But at the meeting after the natural disaster war, Thrall personally agreed to respect each other!"

   "Our tribe has never said that there is no radiation range, you just ignore this fortress, respect each other!"

   Leaving aside the violent Loya, Grommash and Reid, who have statues on one side, are almost stunned!

   Is this Shulu of the Blood Ring clan? How come the face on the negotiating table is exactly the same as the goblin called Black Cable?

   Methodical, clear logic, and thick-skinned... Shulu fully demonstrated all the qualities a negotiator should have.

   But, this cunning guy is actually a warrior, can you believe it? !

   To Shulu's blessing, the negotiation has entered an absolute stalemate.

   However, changes always happen when you don’t expect it.

   After all, it was not Shulu who had gained insight into the hearts of people, but the dagger around his waist—Saratas Dark Empire Blade.

By chance, at the end of the meeting, Luo Ya felt an extraordinary breath from the dagger on Shu Lu's waist—just like the despair and powerlessness of facing a leper dwarf for the first time in Gnomeregan. .

   This time Luo Ya stopped trying her best, and obediently informed Gelbin.


Just when Roja was spitting at the orcs at the negotiating table, Gelbin had already taken the Gnomeregan infantry, and with the help of the dwarves who rushed over, cleared most of Gnomeregan—though here The radiation concentration is still higher, but at least the stone palate and the leper dwarf have been cleaned up.

   Therma Prager already had a foreboding of his failure at this time. He contracted his strength and tried to resist.

   To the east of Gnomeregan, Therma Prager activated an emergency broadcast, and then began to clamor, if Gelbin insisted on attacking, he would detonate all the explosives accumulated here and let Gnomeregan be buried with him!

   This is really tricky!

  Poor Gelbin, the master craftsman felt that the Mediterranean Sea above his head seemed to be bigger.

But there is no one in the world. Thermaplugg, who is still unwilling to give up, used an emergency broadcast to make his own bet-singled out with Gelbin. Thermaplugg won, Gelbin let him go. ; Gelbin won, and Therma Prager was defeated.

   Let fist (ji) head (xie) be the referee.

"Fair and reasonable." Gelbin, who learned the news, pushed the lens on the bridge of his nose. "It's very good. My gullibility caused the Gnomeregan disaster at the beginning, and now everything ends with me, just right. "

   This battle was fought in Gnomeregan’s largest testing ground.

   For this battle, Therma Prager made himself a new combat suit-a very agile equipment. With the hiss of steam, this machine, the size of an adult, surpassed the barriers.

This combat armor is made of a lot of decorative ductile metal welding, which is exactly like a gorgeous armor that humans show to the public during military parade-the only difference is that the wrinkled Cisco face is exposed above the neck. Little forehead. In just a few days, the crazy dwarf seemed so old that Gelbin could hardly recognize his old friend. His skinny cheeks, a few clusters of gray and sparse heads messed up into a chicken coop, and the gloomy and pale green on his face clearly showed the radiation and mental confusion he had endured.

   Therma Prager mistakenly took the pity look on Gilbin's face for appreciation. He turned around excitedly, then bowed exaggeratedly.

"A breathtaking machine, isn't it? You know, I used a prototype that is more practical on the battlefield for a trial run. It turned out to be too bulky... and easy to explode. And this suit is stable. Sex is much higher. More in line with my identity."

   "Your identity?"

   "Of course. Only the king of the dwarf is worthy to sit on an equal footing with the rest of the rulers on this big six. A trivial loser like you will not understand."

"The king of the dwarf?" Gelbin frowned, "That is to say, you have completely abandoned the election road? It is quite self-knowing. After all, you want voters to vote for a guy who is not even a dwarf. It's really a bit reluctant."

   Therma Prager stuffed it for a second, and then there was a hiss.

  The master craftsman is not sure whether the sound comes from the steam engine boiling in the belly of the battle suit. It was the usurper himself who came out at all-but in any case, the noise and the anger on Thermaplugg's face matched each other.

"The days I want to be a dwarf follower for a long time make your mind a little confused! Not a dwarf? I am a dwarf ten times stronger than you! You are not sure what you can blow out with you.' 'Talent' When things go well, people like me have to work hard to gain recognition."

"Who has spent so many weeks designing the ballistic design for your siege tank? I turned your heavy iron bump into a mobile fort to make it shine during the natural disaster war, and I have Have you received any thanks?"

"Cisco-Cisco Therma Prager." Gelbin sighed: "You used to be one of Dun Morogh's smartest dwarves, and you seem to have forgotten. I have never spared my thanks to you! You have quite a lot of creative or even genius ideas. But you have always been too careless. Many times you just rely on vague estimates to make assertions, maintenance and improvement are also treated carelessly. It’s almost like a goblin. I sent you to design the cannon in the hope that you can grow a little bit with this task, but the ballistics you calculate will make my siege tanks explode during loading. Sending them to the iron furnace Before the castle, it took me several hours to redo your part."

   "What? Lies! If I make it so watery, why do I still say that the cannon was designed by me?"

   "Because," Gelbin said, "you are my friend."

   Cisco Thermaplugg stepped back, eyes widening.

   For a moment, Therma Prager’s expression softened, as if she had changed back to the young and energetic young man, the former partner of Gelbin, the dwarf who graduated with his help. It was Gelbin who let this friend into his foundry, and after he became a great craftsman, he was promoted to a prominent position in the craftsman's court, even though he was worried and made mistakes...

   But so what.

   Therma Prager squinted his eyes, the unambitious dwarf lacks the motivation to move forward, what **** dwarf light, he is the real future of the dwarf.

  Everything, let the fist speak!

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