Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 407: Drunk style

Seeing Zuifeng took out the blank scroll of Lorewalker, Nomi couldn't help covering his face.

How could Nomi, who had the best relationship with her uncle, know the meaning of this scroll! Just like what Nefarian said at the beginning, because Drunk Wind took out this scroll, he flicked and believed it.

But this time, with the help of the scroll, Xindessa obviously put down a lot of defenses.

"Sir, can you talk more about it?" Zuifeng opened the scroll with a smile and looked at Xindessa, "I think you clearly have the momentum to destroy the sunstrider!"

Xindessa also reacted now, how could Drunk Wind act on the Sunstrider, isn't this funny! The oath preaches the "Ancient God Threat Theory" and the "Burning Legion Threat Theory". They have always said that they must unite all the forces. If the Drunken Wind really does something to the Sunstrider family now, maybe they swear to date themselves and fall apart!

Thinking of this, Xindessa reluctantly sat down and looked at Drunk Wind with a little loss.

"Go ahead, Pandaren, what do you want to know?"

"What is the relationship between your Silvermoon Council and the Sunstrider Royal Family?"

"Huh-" Xindessa took a breath, organized the language, and finally said, "It's a long story. It starts with our ancestors leaving Kalimdor ten thousand years ago. Those stupid The night elves organized us to continue to use arcane magic. Under the leadership of Dathremar, we left Kalimdor with the water from the Well of Eternity..."

"This part can be skipped." Drunk Wind interrupted Xindessa's tirade, "I know your eastward crossing very clearly. Even the well water in your hands is what I asked Illidan to give you. ."

Xindessa took a look at Drunk Wind rather unexpectedly. Under the Lorewalker's scroll, he temporarily accepted this statement, so he skipped that part and continued.

"It is undeniable that Lord Dathremar has brought us a lot, but after he gets old, he will inevitably become conservative and uninspiring. His prestige and his stubbornness have combined to become Our high elves have a huge cancer."

Listening to Xindessa's words, Drunken Wind nodded slightly. After all, Das' Remar is a mortal, and he is a mortal with great power. In this case, his fall is almost predictable.

"So, the leaders of other families formed the Silvermoon Council together. We must take a more people-friendly perspective and plan for the future of the high elves. Had it not been blocked by the Silvermoon Council, Dathremar might have gone north. Northrend is going to challenge the dragon..."

Hearing Xindessa's words, Drunk Feng was stunned - I really can't believe that Dathrema had actually done this before?

In this way, the role of the Silver Moon Council far exceeds Drunk Wind’s imagination!

"Many times, the high elves regard the Silvermoon Council as the most rigid existence, but they actually don’t know what we are doing. Every member who joins the Silvermoon Council must swear that they are willing to give everything to protect the high elves. Even if it’s your own life."

Drunk Wind nodded slightly after hearing Xindessa's words.

Indeed, although the Silvermoon Council is incompatible with the Sunstrider royal family, they are worthy of their oath. In the original history, when Arthas swept Silvermoon City, Kael'thas was still in Dalaran and did not rush back. , The traitor opened the barrier.

Facing the menacing Arthas, the Sun King of the High Elves, Anastrian Sunstrider and the wizards of the Silvermoon Council cast aside their suspicions, leaned back on the Sunwell, and fought to the last moment.

The violent undead drowned everything after all.

Evil won a temporary victory. Arthas triumphantly threw Kel'Thuzad's ashes into the Sunwell and resurrected the lich, while King Anastrian and the wizards of the Silvermoon Council fell on the ground. After Frostmourne, he did not take a step back to death.

It is precisely because of the final result of these wizards that although Drunk Wind laughed at their funny "political struggle", but never regarded them as enemies.

"Now, many times we have a quarrel with His Majesty Anastrian-but we are not enemies!" Xindessa said decisively, "I firmly believe that high elves should not put too much energy on Outside of Quel'Thalas, our use and development of the Sunwell is too superficial. Now is not the time for us to blindly expand our influence!"

Under the blank scroll of the Lorewalker, Xindessa spoke out the thoughts of the Silvermoon Council.

In fact, it is very simple. The Sunstrider Royal Family has always been a radical, while the Silvermoon Council is a conservative.

The royal family has always hoped to expand its influence to the outside world and obtain more resources and technology, thereby enhancing the level and strength of the high elves.

The Silvermoon Council insists that there are many resources and abilities within the high elves that can be tapped and utilized. The population of the high elves is too small, and rash expansion will only waste their vitality.

In this case, the ranger forces favoring the royal family are constantly rubbing against the trolls, while the wizards favoring the Silvermoon Council are selectively turning a blind eye-no way, not indifferent, conservatives can easily be led by the nose passively .

As a result, many ranger troops lacked support and died in the hands of trolls, and the gap between the Silver Moon Council and the royal family grew wider.

After listening to Xindessa, Drunk Wind was also speechless for a long time.

If Azeroth is not facing serious crises, perhaps the proposal of the Silvermoon Council is a good way, but now there are ancient gods in Azeroth who are ready to move, and the Burning Legion is staring at them. How can there be time for Silvermoon? The council is slowly studying it? ! If everyone in Azeroth doesn't unite immediately, everything will be over!

Thinking of this, Zuifeng finally spoke slowly.

"In fact, Kael'thas has promised me to join the oath."

Xindessa's eyes widened suddenly, he had no idea that Kael'thas would make such a decision!

"Damn it, how can His Royal Highness do this? Obviously we can stay out of the matter!"

"Outside the matter?" Zuifeng raised his eyebrows. "It's okay to stay out of the matter, but you need to destroy the Sunwell yourself first!"

"What do you mean?" Xindessa frowned. "Speak clearly, what do these things have to do with the Sunwell?!"

"The devil needs an energy source to come to this world. The well of eternity on the night elves has been destroyed, and Sargeras' tomb has also been forcibly extracted and Now it can provide energy for the coming of the devil, There is only your Sunwell."

"Everyone is not guilty, and you are guilty of it-as long as you still want to keep your Sunwell, there are only three roads, alliance, tribe, and oath. Do you think that road is better?"

With that, Zuifeng finally raised his head, staring at Xindessa with scorching eyes.


Lorewalker's blank scroll, artifact, unique.

Intimidation +5, deception +5, acting +5, persuasion +10, friendliness +10, bard level +1.

The target corresponding to the unwinding scroll will completely trust the user during the process of being persuaded, and will not initiate interruption, resistance, or lies. The user's persuasion result will be settled at once after the persuasion process is completed.

Additional skills: real illusions, using fog to create illusions in the user's mind, enhancing the probability of persuasion.

"The lorewalker inscribes top literary works, which can be met but not sought."

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