Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 411: Storm in the shadows

Nomi's superb cooking skills have given him one more "follower"-but Valera is also helpless. After all, in the vast grasslands of the Hinterlands, there is nothing to do without following Nomi.

So Varela was simply trying to leave Quel'Thalas. As long as she didn't see her rigid brother, she felt that it would be the same everywhere!

It’s also interesting to say that by Valera’s side, Nomi’s culinary skills are quickly known. In this case, Nomi even took the stalker with him after he walked out of the grassland. In Nomi's opinion, Valella's combat experience is lacking, and his combat effectiveness is terrible, but after all, he has a good talent. It seems that he still has the buff of "speeding up teammates' cooking learning", which is also good to bring around.

Just as the two people stopped and walked all the way south, in the shadows, a new round of storm began.


Under the night, Gilneas was lifeless.

King Jean brought his elite troops back to Gilneas overnight, but found that the entire city was almost shrouded in darkness.

In the past two years, the victory of the war in Tirisfal and Silverpine Forest did not bring much joy to the old king. At this moment, he looked at Gilneas in the dark and listened to the whole seat. The stern horn in the city trembled.

"Grey Temple Legion, start Operation Wolf Hunt." Genn closed his eyes. "If necessary, he can kill him-taking his own safety as the first priority."

The knights of the Grey Temple Legion drew their short swords, loaded the bullets, and a small group of three people scattered among the streets.

And Gene went straight to his palace.

In the prince's room, Liam was lying on his bed in pain.

Gilneas Rose Lorna Crowley, Prince Liam's fiancee, was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Liam's hand.

"Hold it back, my dear-you must hold it back, you can't lose your mind!"

Liam nodded hard, but the blood vessels in his neck and forehead were already protruding. It was obvious that the prince had done his best!

The door was suddenly pushed open, and the dusty Genn came to the bed, looking at his painful son on the bed, Genn was furious.

"Who did it? Damn it! Who was it?!"

No one responded to Gene, Rona still held Liam's hand and comforted gently, while Liam continued to clenched his teeth and persisted.

Time passed by every minute.

The night passed slowly, and the exhausted Liam finally fell asleep, and Rona and Gene left the room.

"Lorna, tell me who did it? How dare you do this to Liam, I'm going to unscrew his head."

"It's you! My Majesty Genn!" Rona glared at Genn. Although it was you, there was no respect in her tone. "Werewolves have been raging in Gilneas for two years! If not! You took away all the elite, why would Liam need to do it himself? If the taxes you collect are getting heavier, how can civilians be bitten by werewolves?"

A series of rhetorical questions made Genn's mouth dumbfounded. The King of Gilneas, known for his fiery temper, was actually speechless at this time.

Gene had nothing to say.

Unlike the Forsaken who focused on defense, Gene felt it when the Scarlet Crusade left two years ago.

After many trials, Gene was determined to seize this opportunity to annex Tirisfal Forest and Silver Pine Forest in one fell swoop.

As a result, Gilneas' taxes began to increase.

At the same time, werewolves began to appear in Gilneas-these guys who were usually humans and turned into wolves at night appeared inexplicably.

After returning from the Battle of Keldaron, Prince Liam, who was in charge of homeland defense, attached great importance to this. However, since the forces were brought to the front by Gendu, the interior of Gilneas was actually very empty, so the werewolves were also difficult to contain.

Liam also tried to send a letter asking for help to Genn, but Genn, who was eager to advance the line, had no intention of caring about the werewolves.

"It's just a group of beasts, it can be solved at will, dear Liam, hold on for a while, wait for me to return with victory!"

Genn's letter has a sense of spirit, but it hurts Liam.

In this case, the wise Liam mobilized the forces of the Gilneas people and launched the Wolf Hunt operation, encouraging every adult man to enter the Black Forest during the day to destroy the werewolves, and reward the destroyers based on the werewolf's corpse, and For innocent bitten people, Liam also built a special nursing home to give treatment-although it is difficult to change back to ordinary people, but he will not bite everywhere.

Under Liam's control, the werewolf's actions were stopped.

But not long ago, Gene launched a "spring offensive" and began a rapid advance.

Years of fighting has left Gilneas' treasury extremely empty. With a large military budget deficit, the wolf hunt no longer has rewards, and the bitten innocents can only cry in pain in their homes, and the national finances are stretched.

Finally, Genn, who wanted to expand his territory, regardless of Liam and Darius Crowley's dissuasion, he personally signed the tax increase order.

And because he was afraid that he would not receive the tax, King Jean even sent a team of soldiers back to personally supervise it-you know, even when the werewolves were the most serious, Jean did not send back a soldier!

Gilneas, who had just recovered a bit of energy under Liam's efforts, was on the verge of collapse once again.

Three consecutive months of high taxes caused Gilneas complaints, but Gene, who was blinded by ambition, didn't mean to stop at all.

On May 30th, the last night before summer, Gilneas civilians entered the Black Forest in droves and transformed themselves into werewolves.

This is the most famous "Night of the Black" in the history of Gilneas. If the previous werewolves sneaked into Gilneas from the outside world in an attempt to disrupt Gilneas' work, then after the night of the Black Forest, Most of the werewolves are the innocent people of Gilneas.

Liam didn't know how he should face these people at this time. After all, if there is a glimmer of hope, no one is willing to abandon his human identity!

But if you let it go regardless, then Gilneas is really over!

Under the huge blow, Liam fell ill-but even so, he still needs to hold his short sword and continue to guard his country!

Finally, in a battle, Liam was bitten.

And now, facing his seriously ill son and a country riddled with holes, Jean, who has been pursuing an isolation policy throughout his life, feels the deepest exhaustion.

I used to think that a high wall could block everything, but ironically, things are happening inside the high wall.

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