Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 428: Not a Darkspear Troll

The journey of Nomi and Valera's forest started quite smoothly, perhaps because of Nomi's lineage. Apart from the ooze monster at the beginning, there were no creatures that dared to harass them. ranw?en??????????`t

But in fact, no matter Nomi or Valera, although both of them calmed down a lot, they did not dare to relax their vigilance at all.

Because the smell of blood in the forest became stronger and stronger, the fog began to fill, and the light red mist gradually enveloped the forest. For a while, the two of them felt a little at a loss.

"Pandaman, are you sure you can reach Arathi Highlands in this direction? Why do I think this road is wrong!"

"The direction is absolutely correct, but there seems to be some problems with this road, wait a minute!"

With that said, Nomi turned into a black whelp, and then flew into the air with flapping wings and looked down from the air. This mist enveloped the entire southern part of the forest. Unless Nomi and Varela turn their heads, how can they go around the capital? Can't get around this fog.

After confirmation, Nomi reluctantly chose to land.

"Don't think about detours. Unless you are willing to return to Quel'Thalas, we can only walk into this mist."


"By the way, our food reserves are running low."

"Know it, just leave!" Valera rolled her eyes, and then strode into the mist first.

As they gradually deepened into this fog, the two people were finally sure that the red fog had become like this because of blood.

"Unbelievable, how much blood does it take to create such a terrible fog of blood!" Nomi couldn't help but muttered, "Who did this?"

"It's a troll." Valera frowned. "To be precise, it's a forest troll."

"It shouldn't be..." Nomi said in disbelief. "I have seen trolls. Although their attitude of being proud of bad breath makes me unbearable, I don't think they should be so crazy, right?"

"Pandaman, it seems that you don't really understand trolls." Varela found that Nomi's knowledge is lacking, and pointed with excitement, "There are quite a few branches of trolls, you The trolls you have seen should be the darkspear trolls in your pledge, right? That's the jungle trolls, but these trolls in the Hinterlands are the forest trolls, a world of difference!"

"My name is Nomi, not Pandaren!" Nomi shook his head somewhat depressed. He didn't like the feeling that the knowledge in the book was not enough to explain the actual problem. After all, he had all about the Hinterland. I understand all the travel notes from Bryan’s Bronzebeard, but Bryan will obviously not go deep into a tribe of trolls, so Nomi really knows very little about forest trolls. "Then tell me about these forest giants. Demon, aren't they feud with you?"

"To be precise, those filthy guys were holding a grudge because they couldn't beat them." Nomi's little depression made Varela feel quite good, and she began to give a serious explanation with difficulty, "Originally in Quill. There are many forest trolls in Salas. They have a huge empire Amani, but then our high elves came, and these trolls were driven away by us. The Amani Empire fell apart and became many big and small giants. The tribe of demons."

"You seem to have forgotten something." Hearing Varela mentioned this history, Nomi suddenly remembered another drunken and unconscious spit, "If you remember correctly, your high elves have never fought a troll before and The human King Thoradin signed a covenant to help humans train wizards and clean up the trolls together?"

"Damn it, Nomi, don't you know that these guys are here?" Valera was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and her fur was blown up directly. "You deliberately lead me to say that, and then correct it again to show it. Are you profound?!"

"..." Nomi was confused. "This is something between you and the trolls. I know it. What I want you to say is the characteristics of these forest trolls. You took the initiative to show off with me. Blame me. ?"

"Huh! (`Δ?)!" Valera wrinkled her nose, and then reluctantly said again, "We and the forest trolls fight, although the battle for land is the main reason, but there are also some factors. The trolls or the barbarism of the forest trolls, these guys like to sacrifice, and they are often sacrificed by living people. We haven't figured out why they want to do this yet. It may be related to their beliefs."

"Faith?" Nomi narrowed his eyes slightly. "Have you heard of God Luoa?"

"God Loa? Are you talking about the beasts and spirits that trolls believe in? God Loa is indeed one of the beliefs of trolls, but God Loa does not advocate **** Your eyes are too narrow." Nomi shook his head, "There is a Loa **** from the Twisting Void, and they like **** sacrifices."

"Twisted Void?" Hearing that Nomi connects the existence of Twisted Void to the native gods of Azeroth, Varela did not react for a while, "Aren't Loa gods all animal demigods?"

"No." Nomi shook his head, "Fifteen years ago, there was no me at that time. My father and mother used to solve a Loa from the Twisted Void, the blood **** Haka, in the Swamp of Sorrows. , He is the existence of extreme advocacy of blood and sacrifice, and even sacrifices his most pious believer without hesitation."

"Moreover, this belief in the God of Loa is also taboo within the trolls. If I am not mistaken, we may have met believers of the God of Loa, and it is even possible that they believe in the blood **** Hakkar!"

Hearing what Nomi said, Valera also realized the seriousness of the problem. What he is facing now is likely to be a rather terrifying existence!

"Otherwise, let's turn our heads..." After thinking about it for a long time, Valera sighed helplessly, "If this is the case, I'm afraid we need to ask for help. This kind of battle is not something you and I can participate in..."

Looking at Valera who was dejected, Nomi suddenly surged in pride.

"Why look back? What can Hakkar do? Fifteen years ago, my father and my mother dealt with him together. Fifteen years later, I can also clean him!

Looking at the energetic Nomi, after Valera's eyes lit up for a long time, she also clenched her fists.

"Yes! What are you afraid of! Trolls! Hakkar!"

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Now, the two people who already know the way forward have taken their own steps again. (To be continued...)

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