Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 434: Haka's true identity

Nomi's boldness made Varela stunned. She never expected that Nomi would take out a tail of Deathwing with a casual shot!

"And, what's the use of this tail?!"

"Hehehe!" Nomi gave a rather sinister smile. "Uncle's research shows that my grandpa is sensitive to these parts of his own. As long as these parts are broken, he can feel it everywhere. Even he can tear up the space and come here directly. Ranwen novel??????????`?t"

"What? You want it?"

"That's right, Hakkar likes to devour flesh and blood so much, I think it will not let go of such a nutritious piece? As long as the idiot dares to do it, I believe someone will educate him!"

"..." Varela suddenly had nothing to say. Although Nomi's thoughts were wild, but it made sense to think about it carefully, but she always felt that it was a pity to do so, that was the tail of Deathwing!

"Don't feel a pity." Nomi seemed to see Valera's thoughts. "In the Battle of Grim Batol, my poor grandfather left a long tail, which was then changed by my uncle. A dozen such long swords."

With that, Nomi took out two long swords that looked exactly the same.

"This kind of plan may be used several times. For this reason, I also specially named these long swords, called Dragon Summon!"

There are still a lot of Dragon Summon... At this moment, Valera even feels a little distressed about Deathwing.

The next day, Nomi, disguised as Duke of Prestor, took Varela to see Hex, and expressed his desire to communicate with Hakkar in person.

Then in this case, Hex decisively put the matter of eliminating the evil tooth aside, and walked towards Cintharo with Nomi like a dogleg.

"It's too slow..." Nomi, who pretended to be Duke of Prestor, shook his head and complained, "Don't you have any means of transportation?"

The enlightened Hex summoned a few mountain eagles. This was the **** Loa worshipped by the evil branch trolls before he believed in Hakkar, and Nomi and Valera "accidentally" scared one of them to death. only.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!


Nomi and Valera's guess was not wrong. Hex did not give them a chance to see the real Egg of Hakkar, but took them to a mysterious altar.

"Sorry, Duke Prestor, my master hasn't really come to this world yet, so I can only communicate in this way..."

Duke Prestor waved his hand impatiently, indicating that Hex could leave.

"You are Hakkar?" Duke Prestor carefully looked at the feathered snake-like statue in front of him, and spoke contemptuously, "From the Twisted Void, the guy who claims to be the blood **** but hides his head and tail?"

"Mortal, you are trying to question a **** who thinks it is great!"

"Idiot!" Prince Prestor activated the enchanted dragon scale with a few seconds left, showing an extremely powerful aura, "In front of me, you are a mortal!"

"This is the power of those titans! It's Khaz'goroth!" The statue seemed to shudder. "Are you the guardian of the world left by the titans?"

"It used to be." Duke Presto narrowed his eyes slightly, "Now, I stand with the ancient god."

"A wise choice." The statue stopped trembling, and the voice was no longer arrogant. "In this way, we seem to be from the same camp."

"The same camp?"

"Not bad..." The statue seemed to hesitate, and then slowly said, "I was also an ancient god..."

"Ancient God? Hahahahahahaha!" Duke Prestor laughed up to the sky, and the whole altar was shaken. "Just like you are now, you still claim to be an ancient god?"

"I...I am an ancient **** who failed in the civil war..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"You should know that the relationship between the ancient gods is competition and mutual devouring. A long, long time ago, I lost to the white spider **** in the war. At the last moment, I let my last believer send himself to the Twisting Void But don't get me wrong, I won't really come to Azeroth, I'm just quietly accumulating strength, looking for a planet to attach to."

The amount of information is so great that Nomi can't react to some moments...

The ancient gods compete with each other? Hakka was the ancient god?

Nomi remained expressionless, and his brain started to spin at full speed.

It seems that the guy in front of him does not have to deceive himself, so it is very possible that he is really a self-exiled ancient god?

"This world is completely different from mine." It seemed that Duke Presto didn't believe his words. The statue hurriedly explained, "The **** titans in this world have worked hard to build it~www.wuxiaspot. com~ and Minecraft is just their experiment. They set the rules of that world on their own, and then regularly send sweepers to clean up everything, and then read their experimental data every 10,000 years..."

If Hakkar's words just surprised Nomi, then now, Hakkar's words almost stunned Nomi.

Titan's trial?

Clean everything regularly, and then just need to test the data?

If this is true, then everything is terrible!

"Could it be that the world you once lived in didn't have a star soul? That's why you became a Titan's laboratory?"

"No! If there is no Star Soul, how can Void Lord send us to that world! It is the pantheon guys, they think that the world is not worth saving, and they think that the star soul of that world is too weak, so they simply They are used as a test item together! They want to learn about the abilities of the ancient gods through my world!"

At this time Nomi was completely confused. He couldn't figure out whether what Haka said was true or not. If it is true, this is a bit weird; but if it is false, then Haka has no reason to deceive himself!

Now Nomi is playing Deathwing! Deathwing has no good feelings for Titans!

"Hahahaha! But don't you know? That group of pantheon titans are finally finished! Sargeras finally had enough of this absolute order, and completely fell to the chaotic, unobstructed pantheon, relying only on Those Naaru, Void Lord’s plan will truly come true! And you, lucky Deathwing, because of your choice, you will have a valuable place in the shadow world in the future."

Nomi finally realized that he seemed to have really made a big news, and this big news seemed to be getting bigger and bigger... (to be continued...)

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