Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 475: Ways to resolve differences

In fact, Drunk Wind had long anticipated the restlessness of the Horde and Alliance.

Whether it is from the perspective of historical issues or from the perspective of competing for resources, alliances and tribes cannot live in harmony.

Especially in the situation where Kareem is firmly controlled by the oath now, the tribe and the alliance have completely focused on the Eastern Kingdom.

It's weird if the two sides don't fight like this!

Precisely because of early expectations, Zuifeng has designed some plans for a long time-even the previous exchange with Faor was part of this plan, but because of the changes in Lordaeron, the plan was delayed a little, also because Because of Nomi, the conflict between the tribe and the alliance broke out a little earlier...

Fortunately, everything is too late.

When two people dislike each other and finally fight, what can be done to stop them?

It's very simple, just find a guy who is even more unpleasant to them.

And in Azeroth, there are really such a few guys, their names are the ancient gods...

That’s right, Drunk Wind has been dissatisfied with these tentacle monsters for a long time, whether it’s N'Zoth, who is struggling with the Emerald Dream, or Yogg-Saron, who has made people cast a rat-and-dare to fight the Lich King in Northrend. , And even C'Thun, who lives in Ahn'Qiraj, and Y'Shaarj, who is dying, Drunk Wind is simply annoying these guys!

And the ultimate goal of the oath is to protect Azeroth, so these hidden dangers must be eliminated!

Drunk Wind’s plan is not complicated. Since the Alliance and the Horde have too much energy and want to fight, don’t waste energy. It’s great to fight the ancient gods—as long as you achieve results, the pledge will give you rewards!

Of course, it's not enough to just rely on your mouth, and it's quite necessary to show your fist, so Zuifeng also specifically called the Dragon Legion, who dares to engage in infighting, promise not to be merciless!

On the one hand, Zuifeng informed the green dragon through the Emerald Dream to let the red dragon and the blue dragon assemble in the Temple of Dragon Sleep, on the other hand, with the help of Medivh, he quickly rushed to Blackstone Mountain to organize the black dragon.

As for Medivh, his task is to go to Sinsaro and figure out what caused the destruction of the city.

Although the five-color dragon lost a lot in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the advantages of the Alliance and the Horde were quite obvious.

Under the layout of Drunk Wind, the grassroots combat effectiveness of Oath is not very strong, but it occupies absolute air superiority. Not to mention the huge advantage of the five-color dragon army, just pulling out the two-footed dragon knight of the dark spear troll and the dragon eagle knight of the high elves, and the tribe and alliance are very troublesome.

The alliance is fine, at least there are dwarf flying machines and wildhammer dwarves griffons supporting the scene, but the tribe's air power is basically zero, and the air power is only a group of troll spearmen.

It is precisely because of the superiority in the air that Drunk Wind has the confidence that as long as the sword is straight, the Alliance and the Horde will not dare to rush; as long as the conditions of the vow are made, the orcs and humans will once again fight side by side!


The weather in the wetlands is strange and unpredictable.

The cold air of the Khaz Modan Mountains in the southwest can often pass through the blockade of the Dan Ogaz Mountains, turning the entire wetland into gloomy cold. At that time, even the signs of the swamp may form a thin layer of ice.

But the next day, the warm air from Lake Rock would make the whole wetland become humid and sultry. It was originally a hard ground, but it might become muddy.

In addition to the weird and changeable weather, the wetland was once severely cursed (in Grim Batol), and normal people would find it uncomfortable here.

It is for this reason that although the wetland is close to the hometown of the dwarves, except for a small number of archaeological diggers and exiles, few dwarves are active here.

But the dwarves themselves don’t want to come, it doesn’t mean that the dwarves like others to come...

Especially after the form became tense now, Bronzebeard did not wander around but stayed in Ironforge, which fully explained the emergency of the situation.

Now, the dwarves' hill guards have also set off, and they have built a line of defense west of Orgrimmar.

In this line of defense, dwarves and dwarves are mixed, and steam locomotives are the main body of the line of defense. A large number of trenches are equipped with dwarf mortars equipped with fragmentation, and there are magical defenses arranged by black iron dwarves, which can be described as solid.

That's right, the brothers smashed the wall and defended against their humiliation. With the help of the tribe, the return of the Dark Iron dwarf went so smoothly (of course, part of the reason why Magni loves his daughter).

Wearing thick armor and a heavy shield on his back, Jerry, a soldier of the Hill Guard, was already out of breath.

It's not that this dwarf doesn't have enough physical fitness in defense, but there is a problem with the wetland.

"Hey, Tom, do you still have wine there?" Jerry shook his head, dizzy from the sultry heat, "Give me a bite, I'm going to get fainted!"

"Come on, little bastard." Tom carried his warhammer on his shoulders, his face full of disbelief, "Who doesn't know you, these days I have been begging for wine and drinking, saying that I will take a sip and take it all. I really dare not. Believe that the Bronzebeard family actually made you such a shameless thing!"

"Eh eh eh, you can't say that!" Facing the Jerry was not angry, but patted his chest with a grin, "Can you be shameless about drinking? Isn't it because the mobilization is too rushed and the supply of drinks is insufficient? Don't bully me as a recruit. I have inquired about the three times the supply of spirits for the Hill Guard! If there is not enough drinks here, I would not come here. ——How nice it is to sleep in Dun Morogh burying myself in the snow!"

Seeing the young dwarf in front of him grumbling and dissatisfied, Tom gave a rare smile.

"Okay, boy, stop complaining, we are a vigilance task. You know our rules. Drink less alcohol when we are vigilant. We are responsible for the rest and recuperation troops in the rear!"

Hearing what Tom said, Jerry could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. There was no alcohol and the weather was still so hot, he decided to untie his armor and relax.

"Oh~ don't take off the armor, we are on a mission."

Hearing Tom stopped him again, Jerry finally got a bitter face.

"I can't stand it anymore, **** it-I'm not one of those dark iron dwarves, I will really faint in this kind of weather!"

This time, Tom did not preach, but untied a simple hip flask on his waist.

"That's it, just one bite! I don't have much stock!"

Jerry raised his head, and it seemed that the smiling old dwarf finally took the hip flask.

"Eh eh eh, just one bite after you say it, don't drink it!"

At this time, in the low bushes not far away, the shadow was approaching-the two dwarves who were worried about the wine did not realize that the danger had arrived.


The master's sterilization work is basically completed successfully. From tomorrow on, I won't have to go to the pet hospital with the master to change the dressing, so tomorrow will be changed five times to celebrate!

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