Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 482: There are others

Detect shadows?

Several human-shaped dragons looked at each other-sorry, not really.

It is good to detect fel energy. After all, fel energy and arcane magic are opposite energies. Blue dragons who are good at arcane magic can also detect fel energy.

But the opposite energy of the shadow is the holy light, has anyone seen the holy light dragon?

Seeing the stunned dragon, Drunk Wind is also slapped his head. Others may not be able to detect the shadow, but I will!

Thinking of this, Zuifeng sat down decisively.

"See Su Baopu."

Originally, this trick was effective against the ancient gods, and Drunk Wind is just a try here. Maybe there is a believer in the ancient gods doing something?

The result was completely unexpected.

Violent shadow reaction!

The large group of void tentacles suddenly emerged from the ground, entangled in the drunk wind, and at the same time, the whole world seemed to turn black and white.

The dragons around Zuifeng began to do their work one after another, the flames and frost wiped out those tentacles, and Zuifeng also fully displayed Su Huo Pu, and this place quickly returned to its original appearance.

Then Zuifeng and the dragons looked at each other-now, things are going to be big!

Zuifeng had no idea what was going on, nor did he know that it was the ancient god. More importantly, Zuifeng didn't know whether the ancient **** had contacted the tribe, the alliance, or was alone!

"Today's discovery is kept secret for the time being. Our goal now is to figure out which ancient **** this is-I currently have a suspicious target, Archbishop Benedictus of the Alliance."

That’s right, the Twilight Archbishop Drunk Wind has been paying attention for a long time. Without Onyxia’s cooperation, the Bishop has been working hard in Stormwind, but Drunk Wind will not be deceived by him. The God of the Ancients has appeared. After his trail, the first suspected target of Drunk Wind was the Bishop.

The dragons all expressed that they knew-if Drunk Wind faced the Alliance humans, no one would believe him, but the dragon would not care about a human bishop. Since the great prophet said he was dangerous, he might It's really dangerous.

In this way, a pandaman who has never played 7.0 was taken off by his own thinking...

However, Varian expressed his sadness for the distrust of Drunk Wind.

Zuifeng's position has always been biased towards the Alliance, but this time in the investigation, Zuifeng clearly began to doubt the Alliance.

"Drunk Wind! We are people who have fought side by side! Damn, do you think those dwarves can lie?!"

"Calm down, Varian!" To this, Drunk Wind was also helpless, "I don't believe in the Horde more, but because some of the future I have seen, traitors have appeared within the Alliance."

"Traitor?!" Varian became even more dissatisfied. "You said there are traitors in the lads of the alliance? Or is it a traitor who tried to start a war? Is this possible? Azeroth is still today because of those damned Demons, but aren’t those dirty beasts also a bunch of bastards?"

"That group of guys ran into our world!"

Drunk Feng was also sad for Varian's anger.

Although some of the human nobles made Drunk Wind extremely disgusting, it is undeniable that Drunk Wind who had just left Pandaria did fight alongside the Alliance in the beginning - even if it wasn't for Terenas, Drunk Wind had considered joining Alliance, so Azeroth has only one voice.

But after more than ten years of raging and rolling, Zuifeng actually realized the flaws of the league.

The nobility of the leader does not mean the greatness of the race.

The huge individual differences make the league can be teammates, but can not be fully trusted-everyone has their own plans in their hearts, and some people will choose to betray for their own interests.

This is also the reason why Drunk Wind formed the oath. Except for the night elves and pandamen, the population of the oaths is not very large. Such groups have a natural and powerful centripetal force.

And this time, Drunk Wind really couldn't speak out his doubts about Benedictus.

"Varian, calm down!" Drunk Wind sighed lightly. "The complexity in this far exceeds your imagination-if the Burning Legion is the biggest external threat we face, then this time our enemy is The biggest internal threat, they have been in this world for tens of thousands of years."

The words of the drunk wind gradually calmed Varian.

Comparing with the Burning Legion, Drunk Wind cleverly made Varian aware of the seriousness of the problem.

"Is it that serious?"

"Actually speaking, their destructive power is stronger than the Burning Legion."

"Can you tell me, who do you suspect in the alliance?"

"Sorry, no... this is just a suspicion, and his status is too important for me to say."

"Huh—" Varian took a hard breath, "If this is the case, I am afraid I have nothing to say, I just hope you can solve the problem as soon as find out that **** !"

"Don't worry, he will definitely show his feet in three to five days!"


After communicating with Varian, Drunk Wind found Thrall again.

"War Chief Thrall, I found some unusual traces on the battlefield. A third-party force was involved in this matter and is still working hard to intensify the conflict between you and the alliance."

"Drunk, I am willing to believe what you said in my heart-but relying on the facts, I would rather believe in the sacrifices of my warriors." Thrall's blue eyes were full of sadness, "I don't like war. But I will not promise my people to sacrifice in vain!"

"I can guarantee that those blood ring orcs were never killed by the Alliance."

"You, what guarantee?!" Thrall's eyes started to red, and the wild spirit roared like a real roar, "We have been backing down, but the Alliance forces rushed to our patrol route and killed us. sentinel!"

"I repeat it again, it's not the alliance's work! Don't you feel the sluggishness of the elemental spirit at the place where the incident occurred?!" Drunk Feng raised his head, "Or, anger made you forget the elemental spirit. The teachings?!"

"..." Thrall finally calmed down slowly, "You are right, the elemental spirit is indeed painful, but the elemental spirit in the entire wetland is painful."

"It's all painful?!" Zuifeng's eyes suddenly widened, "Are you serious?!"

"Yes." Thrall was a little strange, "what's wrong? In some places, elemental spirits are indeed quieter."

"It seems that your teacher still has a lot of things to do to you." Zuifeng frowned this time. "There is only one explanation for the pain and malaise of the elemental spirit. There is an extremely powerful existence hidden here."

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