Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 503: Toll's meaning of life

Zuifeng expressed his understanding for the confusion of the Tollians. ?Ranwen Novels?????????`???

After all, as Titan creations, the Tollians with a single function still have an incomplete understanding of the meaning of their existence. It can even be said that the Tollians have three incomplete views. Titan creations have more or less problems with this aspect. This is a common problem of unnatural species. ...

So in this case, Zuifeng had to act as a life mentor once.

Of course, this time Drunken Wind did not use Lorewalker's blank scroll.

On the one hand, although the scroll is magical, it does not guarantee that the other party will accept your opinion 100%. Its biggest function is to eliminate the resistance of the listener when using it. But the algorithm King Orris is willing to use Drunk Wind as a life mentor. , If you let Zuifeng use words to explain the meaning of life, he can't do it!

On the other hand, it’s because Nomi took away the blank scroll when he ran away from home. Now that magic scroll is not on Drunk Wind’s body. That’s right, the real bear kid will be the scroll of Lorewalker Let's go.

In this case, Drunk Wind can only choose to find another way to find the meaning of life for King Faorris and the Tollians from other aspects. For example, make a dish!

So, in the astonishment of King Faorris, Zuifeng quickly took out a set of cooking utensils and even piled up a lot of dry wood!

"You, what are you doing?"

"Let you know that if you lose your mission, you still have meaning to live!"

After a brief explanation, Zuifeng began to mix up the flour under the eyes of everyone.

Tollians need to eat. After being infected by the Curse of Flesh, they became hungry and needed to eat.

But the Tollians are not the kind of race that likes food. For the Tollians, food is just a means of replenishing energy and sustaining life!

Even so, Zuifeng is still confident in his cooking skills. He believes he can prove to King Faorius that the existence of life has its own meaning.

Griffon eggs and Ningshen flower powder were mixed into the wheat flour, and the drunk wind thunderbolt the chopping board, turning the flour into elasticity.

After a mouthful of flames, the flames in the stove started to burn, and the drunk wind directly filled the steamer with magic spring water.

Then, Zuifengrou painfully took out a golden lotus, carefully tore each petal into pieces, and put it into the flour. After a little hesitation, he took out another one and placed the petals Into the magic spring water.

After completing these in one go, the drunk wind began to wait quietly for the water to boil.

During this period, King Faorius tried to interrupt the drunk wind several times, but in front of the drunk wind that looked calm and calm, he finally held back and did not speak.

He really couldn't figure out what kind of idea Drunk Wind was making.

Soon, the magic spring water boiled, the drunk wind put it on the basket, and the flour was easily grouped into steamed buns, put in the basket, and then the hat on the head was removed and covered on it. (This is Azshara's Olympic crown, don't look at it as a broken hat!)

After finishing all this, the drunk wind began to guide the mist of water.

After a long time, the buns were steamed.

Drunk Wind took the hat, flung the water indifferently, put it on his head again, took out a steamed bun, and handed it to King Faorius.

"Eat while it's hot!"

King Faorius took the bun without knowing why, and took a bite suspiciously.

Strange feeling.

Zuifeng selected a large number of vital ingredients, combined with the golden lotus growing and moistened by the spring water of the Fairview Valley, and steamed a special steamed bun.

Back to humans, the taste of this pot of steamed buns is not good and the taste is average, sweet and greasy, and the life energy is too explosive.

But for the Tollians, this kind of bun opened the door to a new world.

This surging vitality conveyed an emotion called joy to King Faorius, awakening the will of the Tolvir himself.

The leader of Ramkahen finally recovered from the emotion of losing his master. At this moment, he finally realized that for himself, the master is not all. Perhaps when the Tollians were created, they were indeed the tools of the Titans, but now that they have born their own consciousness, how can they continue to be puppets?

Now that the Titan has fallen, will the Tollvir also destroy himself?

And think about it, hasn't the Guardian direct sales disappeared for tens of thousands of years?

During this period of time, the Tollians gradually developed and evolved their own emotions, with joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Although they have lost their immortal bodies, but instead, they are free to feel all the good things this world has given them.

Today Tollians are also flesh and blood, and they also have seven emotions and six desires!

Thinking of his family and friends, King Faorius finally realized that an era has passed.

Tollians did not lose their mission, but fulfilled their mission.

Now, it is time to give his people a new task.


Seeing the king gobble down one bun after another, Drunk Wind finally confirmed that he had succeeded.

Another race got rid of Titan's manipulation and stood by its side.

Azeroth is not a testing ground for the Titans, nor is it an incubation place for the ancient gods. Perhaps the masses of Azeroth have more or less received the influence of these two existences, but they are indeed independent with their own consciousness. individual.

Azeroth has never been in absolute order, but it will not fall into complete chaos. Here the holy light is shining, and there are shadows permeating, the living live and work in peace, the dead rest in peace.

Whether it is the Pantheon, the Burning Legion, or even the Void Lord, no existence can replace the will of all life in Azeroth with its own will.

There is no Long Aotian who saves the world with his own power, but there are countless warriors who are willing to guard for their own affairs. In front of them, as long as they dare to block the way, the Titan will be crushed!

This is Azeroth.

Much of the content in this chapter is the author’s understanding of the world view of Azeroth. This world originated from the Titans in order, and may be deeply influenced by the ancient gods, but on Azeroth, all kinds of creatures have their own will. , Can come to today.

Why can the Burning Legion destroy the world?

The power of the devil is only one aspect of it, and on the other hand, isn't it because the creation concept of the absolute order of Titan itself is wrong! (To be continued...)

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