Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 518: Delano's these years

   Although the Saurfang brothers, Lao Chen and Zulkin failed to reach an agreement on aesthetic discussions, the dispute did not affect Agna’s rescue.

   Under the influence of Old Chen's spirits, Agna quickly regained consciousness.

   When Agna woke up, she looked quite cautious.

   "Green-skinned orcs, explain your intentions-are you running dogs of the devil? Or something else?"

   The Saurfang brothers understood Agnar's guard.

   "It is good to be cautious, but don't worry, now we have nothing to do with the devil. If we say there is, it is also with the enemy."

   Regarding Varok's explanation, Agna is noncommittal. Although the spirit of the elements does not seem to reject this green skin, this does not mean that Agna will easily believe it.

   Contrary to the guard against Varok, Agna showed a lot of enthusiasm for old cars.

   "Amazing stranger, did you drink me wine?"

   "How did you know that I gave it to you--not yours?" Old Chen raised his mouth slightly.

"It couldn't be more obvious." Agona shook her head calmly, "Among the four, you are the only one who carries the container, and there is a strong smell of herbs on your body-it's the first time I know, drinking. In addition to causing trouble, it can also be used for treatment."

"This is a good blood-invigorating wine, a special formula of the Stormstout family, and it's also a version of Draenor herbs. The plants in Draenor are really full of vitality. If it weren't for serious fel pollution, the wine would have better effects! "

   While talking, Agona had already got up, she lightly hammered her own chest.

   "I am Agna, from Frostwolf, I am glad to meet you."

   "Chen Stormstout, from the Wandering Island of Azeroth, Pandaren."

   "Azeroth... the name is very familiar..." Hearing Lao Chen's introduction, Agna frowned, "I seem to have heard of this place from somewhere."

   "That's where we left Draenor to conquer." Brocks said flatly, "Another world."

   "That's true!" Agna reacted instantly, "Could it be that really conquered that world?"

   "It's not a conquest." Varok frowned. "It was a complete mistake to drink the blood of the devil back then. It was a wrong war and happened in the wrong place."

   "...Perhaps." Agna stared at Varok and Brocks for a long time. "Now, I think I can trust you. Your age is not like those **** who took refuge in the devil."

   "The **** who took refuge in the devil?!" Hearing Agna's words, Varok looked a little angry, "Could there be orcs taking the initiative to serve the devil?!"

"Yes." Agna nodded, "Nagrand is the last pure land, but this land is also in danger. Demons, ogres, evil orcs, and white ghosts, they all threaten this grassland—— It seems that you just came back and don't know the current Nagrand."

"That's true." Old Chen nodded. "Although we saw Grandma Gaia, Varok has been talking non-stop. In fact, she did not have the opportunity to tell us about Nagrand. what happened."

   "If you don't mind." Agna looked a little excited, "Let me tell you about Nagrand after the Dark Portal is opened!"

   "Good idea." Old Chen seemed very excited when there were stories to listen to, "I am also very interested in it."

"Speaking while walking." Someone was willing to listen, Agna seemed very excited-being able to tell a story is a very important point for a shaman, but many times the orcs don't trust Agna much, although she never lies, but Age makes her words seem unconvincing, "My trial has been completed, and there is still a long way to go back to the end!"

   I have to say that the physical quality of the orcs is simply enchanting. Although Agna was still half-dead just now, she can now stand up and walk limpingly.

   The Saurfang brothers, who understood Agnar's excitement, smiled slightly and did not refuse.


   Under the starlight of Nagrand Prairie, the five people slowly approached the end of Omrigg, and Agna excitedly told the story of Nagrand and Delano over the years.

   "This small village was built by Grandma Gaiaan. It is said that the elements of Nagrand were still very active at that time. She used the power of the spirit of the earth to build Galadar."

   "After drinking the blood of the devil, most of the young adults left Draenor-of course, some people were worried about the warlocks and left their children here."

   "That's right." Old Chen nodded, "Varok's son is here, called...Dranos!"

   "He is a nice young man." Agna obviously didn't want to be entangled with this issue, "The point is not here."

"During the second conscription, Ner'zhul once sent Kargath Bladefist to Garadar to enlist, but was directly pushed back by Gaiaan’s grandmother. Kargath was fearless and fearless in Gaia’an. Grandma is still scared!"

   talked about the history of Gaiaan's scolding of Agna was very excited, and she was very different from the calm female orc in the battle just now.

   "Of course." Varok thinks deeply, "Grandma Gaia Ann is one of the most reliable people I have ever met."

   "Later, the army passed through the Dark Portal, and then there was no news. We can no longer contact you-we don't know how you are in another world."

"After that, it was the terrible world and the earth. According to the report by the hunters who left Nagrand, they said that the world had collapsed." Agna's tone became sad, "The spirit of the elements is also fading. I almost feel that this world is dead..."

"But Grandma Gaiaan didn’t think so. She still led everyone to hunt and gather with a smile every day. We persisted here. Days became harder and harder. Traces of demons began to appear. Gorgrond’s ogres were lost. Some of them also wandered over after arriving at their homeland. A few days ago, Yorin Blind Eye also said that he saw Goronn. Although he is a cyclops, his example is quite good. This is probably true..."

   "Although Grandma Gaiaan hasn't said it, I can guess that this time Omrigg is not only our coming-of-age ceremony, but also a ceremony to raise the spirit of our compatriots."

   "We are proud and noble orcs, we respect our ancestors, we keep our traditions, and we will not give up because of the hardship of the ceremony!"

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