Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 526: News from black dragon

   When Kael'thas asked Cinestra about everything about Draenor as an oath to join the race, the black dragon queen looked quite embarrassed.

   Yes, embarrassing.

   When the drunk wind purged the black dragon and Onyxia ordered the black dragon, Sinestra did not show up...

   It is reasonable, as a mother, it is very awkward to follow the instructions of her daughter.

   Moreover, Sinestra has never liked to show up in front of the dragons. After all, he still has many scars left by Deathwing.

   So Sinestra did not accept the curse of Drunken Wind's dispelling.

   As a result, Cinestra became an outlier among the black dragons in Draenor.

   More critically, the dragon eggs she personally took care of had mutated for those Shinestra did not turn in.

   We all know that the Black Dragon Legion lost a certain degree of sanity under the influence of N'Zoth, and was also subtly transformed by Deathwing - this was relieved after the purification of Drunk Wind.

   But Sinestra hides and nobody knows, Drunk Wind has not purified her and the dragon eggs she protects, which is very troublesome!

   After Draenor's void energy was poured, Sinestra's dragon egg was greatly affected.

   Although these dragon eggs were successfully hatched, when Sinestra had a problem, these wyrmlings were completely different from the black dragon babies-they had no flesh and blood bodies, and this body was made of void energy!

   Sinestra found out in horror that her heir had become a kind of dragon that she had never seen before-the void dragon!

How to do?

   In this situation, Cinestra really didn't want to look back for the help of the black dragon in Draenor. It was her momentary desperation that caused a large number of dragon eggs to mutate. As a dragon mother, she had no face to see people.

In desperation, when the black dragons established the branch of the Draenor Black Dragon Legion in Shadowmoon Valley, Sinestra took the wyrmlings all the way out to the northwest, and finally at the blade that was farthest from Shadowmoon Valley. The mountain settled down.

  Although Blade's Edge Mountain has Gron, but without Gruul, these big guys can't do anything about Sinestra. She and her descendants quickly established a territory belonging to the Void Dragon.

   But then?

   Sinestra didn't know where her future was. She wanted to return to the Black Dragon Legion, but she couldn't let go of these void dragons. She was not sure whether the black dragons could accept these mutant compatriots.

In desperation, Sinestra could only toss between Blade's Edge Mountain and the Dark Portal. She wondered when she could bring the Void Dragons back to Azeroth, and then everyone would make a big vote (such as Pack Deathwing or something), so no one dares to look down upon the Void Dragon.

   As a result, today, Cinestra, who had just set off to go to the Dark Portal, saw a few guys from Azeroth, and she just landed, hoping to get some useful news.

   I have to say that although Sinestra is not influenced by the ancient gods, she is still quite extreme.

   After listening to this dragon mother's account, Kael'thas suddenly didn't know what kind of expression he should show.

   Although it didn't take long for the high elves to join the vow, in his impression, the black dragons are very simple and easy to talk, but he never expected that there is such a strong dragon mother in Draenor.

   There is no doubt that Cinestra’s willfulness has caused a lot of losses to the Black Dragon Legion and the oath. She disappeared with the Black Dragon Egg, making the other Black Dragons think that Death Wing madly destroyed the Black Dragon Eggs.

And Zuifeng left Draenor in a hurry and did not investigate carefully, so he could only choose to believe the words of the black dragons. As for Sinestra, Zuifeng and Onyxia believed that she was trying to avoid Deathwing. I don't know where I went again.

   It can be said that the disappearance of Sinestra and the dragon eggs has caused countless black dragons to be forced to blind dates!

   It’s fine now, this dragon mother didn’t disappear at all, but slipped away with dragon eggs, and brought back a group of mutated dragons. This...

   It's a pity that this Cinestra's status is too high, the mother-in-law (dragon) of the lord of the oath, Kael'thas really can't say anything.

"Regarding the identity of the Void Dragon, I think you don't have to worry about it." When Kael'thas was speechless, he suddenly said, "Due to the disappearance of a large number of dragon eggs, now the dragon army has relaxed the mixed blood dragon. For example, Nuomi, the son of Lord Drunk Wind-I once heard that his dragon form is sometimes black and sometimes white, but several other dragon kings value him very much. The current dragon army is very different from before. Up."

   Since the relationship with Medivh is quite good, seeing that Jaina still has a considerable degree of understanding of the inside of the dragonflight, she spoke at the right time, dispelling Cinestra's doubts.

   "And now all the races of Azeroth are already standing together. Soon, the Dark Portal will open again. At that time, you can return with the Void Dragon!"

"Interesting mortal." Looking at Jaina who was neither humble nor overbearing, Cinestra gave an inexplicable smile, "Although I and you are on the side, but now, I feel more and more that the one called Drunk Wind It’s not easy—maybe Onyxia’s husband is more terrifying than mine!"

   Sinestra’s husband is Deathwing.

Jaina knows some Drunken Wind's record. She defeated Deathwing twice. It is understandable to say Drunk Wind is more terrible than Deathwing-but looking at the meaning of she seems to be different. There is profound meaning.

   But it seemed that the dragon mother didn't intend to say more, Jaina didn't ask too much, instead she invited Cinestra to help herself and deal with Gok together.

"Gruul's cubs?" Hearing Jaina said to deal with Gok, Sinisterra showed an expression of interest. "You have to think about it, Gruul's cubs are quite a lot, although their personal combat effectiveness How about it, but in case of a group, even I can only choose to retreat temporarily. Now that you have cleaned up Gok, you are not afraid to find the remaining ones?"

   "After the mission is completed, we will return to Azeroth soon. They can't find us."

   "What about the Moknassa orcs?" Cinestra raised her brows. "Are you not afraid of Goronn going to trouble them?"


   The four of them were taken aback.

  They really didn't know that Gruul had many heirs at first-let alone they didn't know, the Moknassa Orcs didn't know it, so they didn't think about it either.

   It seems that things are more complicated than expected? !

   Looking at the private man with a tangled expression, Sinestra showed a devilish smile.

   "So, just do a big one. Let's kill all the descendants of Gruul together, how about it?"


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