Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 538: Nomi's little prank

Why did Nomi appear on this deserted island not far from the Westfall?

It is not a distortion of human nature, nor a loss of morality-this is just because a "little prank" by Nomi caused more serious consequences.

As we mentioned earlier, Nomi followed Farad and conducted arduous training in Ravenholdt Manor. In order to give Nomi enough motivation, Farad adopted a less authentic approach-restrict Nomi's diet. Supply, training effect is good, there is delicious food, training effect is poor, you can only get hungry.

It stands to reason that this alternative incentive method should be very suitable for Nomi. If you have food as motivation, Nomi should make rapid progress.

But is Nomi the Pandaren who succumbed to the rules so easily?

As Zuifeng said, sometimes Nomi is more like a traverser than himself, this bear kid is truly without taboos!

From the beginning of the implementation of this reward and punishment system, Nomi began to "cheating".

Oh? How do you cheat?

In the darkness, Nomi, who was supposed to rest, slipped out on tiptoe, and then started tossing around in the jungle, looking for all living creatures.

"Well, this looks like a young jungle spider. The unadult young jungle spider is not poisonous. You can eat it with your head removed. The protein is six times that of beef... Of course, to be safe, let's roast it, huh—"

Nomi remembered what Zuifeng occasionally mentioned, a powerful existence called "Bei Ye", and began to consciously imitate.

Unfortunately, this young jungle spider was scorched under the flames.

The fire successfully attracted Farad's attention, and then he saw Nomi, who had high hopes of him, roasting bugs.

"Asshole! What about your dignity as a dragon? What you should do now is take a good rest and use your strength to earn a meal tomorrow instead of roasting bugs here!"

"It's a young dragon!" Nomi was angrily, "I can't even eat enough to eat, so what kind of dignity..."

For Nomi's behavior, Farad had nothing to say, and in the end he lost a lot of energy, and he finally got the bear kid back to the tent.

"Don't let me catch you again to do such stupid things!"

Then in the middle of the night, Farad was awakened by the fire again...

For Nomi's unchanging attitude, Farad decisively chose to punish him from the supply of materials.

What should I do if my child is not good at learning skills and always wants to eat?

Just two more hungry meals!

Of course, in order to avoid the occurrence of grilled bugs again, Farad took Nomi to a training ground-the swamp training ground.

Farad naively thought that this would solve Nomi's access to food that was not planned, but it turned out that she was still too naive.

Once again, after failing to complete the training for three days and not eating enough, Nomi once again challenged Farad's limit.

When Farad, who was on a routine patrol in the middle of the night, discovered that Nomi was chewing on the oak cicada enthusiastically, the instructor from Ravenholdt was completely mad.


Farad didn't hold back for a while, leaking his dragon power.

This time, Nomi didn't excuse any more, he just obediently put down the roasted crispy oak cicada, and then followed Farad back to the camp.

Although there have been speculations, but now, Nomi has finally confirmed that Farad is a black dragon.

In an instant, Nomi thought of a lot.

Could it be said that all this is just an arrangement from the parents? They knew I was eager to take risks, so they gave me a chance to make me think that I was taking risks, but secretly arranged everything?

Nomi started to think about it, and in a state of really not knowing the situation, Nomi decided to play a prank and test Farad.

After all, the blank scroll of Lorewalker belongs to him.

In the next few days, Nomi was very serious when training, and his words became very few.

Farad was a little panicked. He couldn't figure out why the bear boy suddenly changed sex, but under many trials, Nomi still looked like a good boy, so he could only think that Nomi had grown up.

Then, just as Farad relaxed his vigilance, Nomi secretly set up a trap.

The trap is not lethal. Nomi just used some engineering products to set up an energy extraction force field, by the way, set up a confinement circle, and prepared a powerful activation scroll, intending to activate the blank scroll of Lorewalker. After controlling Farad, he carefully questioned the cause and effect of the whole thing.

On the same day, Nuomi successfully completed the training and found the twelve iron **** that Farad had hidden in the entire training ground. Just as Farad clapped and came over to praise Nomi, he stepped into Nomi. Mi realizes the ready trap.

Caught off guard, Farad did not change into the form of a dragon for the first time. In the energy extraction force field, Farad could not break the imprisonment circle at all.

And just when Farad was about to become a black dragon and use brute force to lift the imprisonment, Nomi smiled and pulled out the blank scroll of Lorewalker.





"Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-four years old."



A good artifact used to persuade others has become a "torture instrument" for interrogation in Nomi's hands. Because of the weakening of the energy extraction force field, Farad at this time cannot refuse Nomi's question at all.

After asking a few trivial questions, Nomi finally asked what he cared about most.

"Who sent you to teach me?"

"No one, I decide for myself."

Farad's answer without hesitation made Nomi breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that this is really not the arrangement of Zuifeng and Onyxia.


"I want to clarify the relationship between you and Lord Deathwing."


Nomi is so desperate!

Damn it! Originally, in Nomi's cognition, most of the black dragons were Onyxia's subordinates, but he forgot that there were many black dragons under his grandfather's!

This Farad is a subordinate of Deathwing!

How to do?

Nomi doesn't know why Deathwing's men are lurking in Ravenholdt-he also doesn't want to know, the only thing he knows is that he really has a big deal this time!

As long as Farad reacts from the persuasive state of Lorewalker's blank scroll, he will be finished!

The only good news now is that he and Farad have been isolated from the world for a long time. If he runs away now, at least Valera is still safe.

Now that there was no worries, Noomi simply took out all of his engineering inventory, reinforced the trap, and fled with the blank scroll of Lorewalker.

The outside world is too dangerous, I'll go back to Black Rock Mountain! Find this site and search for \"Apiston Novel 208xs\", or please remember this site URL:

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