Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 541: If you have a father, you have a son

After saving Lili, the people who rushed to Stranglethorn Vale changed from one to two.

Many times Zuifeng feels that Nomi is very similar to himself-not because of race, not because of appearance, but because, deep down, Nomi is like Zuifeng, lawless.

Drunk is because he knows the plot, and Nomi is because the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

What's interesting is that the reason why Nomi and Lili are good friends is that on the one hand, the two red pandamen are too lonely, on the other hand, the two guys are lawless.

That's right, these two bear kids belong to the kind of people who never think things are too big...

When he first learned that he was going to design Deathwing, Valera was very entangled.

But this time, when Lili heard of Nomi's idea, she was even more excited than Nomi.

"Are you telling the truth? It's amazing—unbelievable, we can do such a big thing!"

Originally, Nomi was still worried about Lili's dissatisfaction with her behavior, but seeing Lili's current appearance, Nomi felt that she should be worried that Lili kicked herself away and went to Stranglethorn Vale alone...

Nomi was unable to fly due to acting with Lili, and the speed of the two naturally dropped-but fortunately, since Lili had been to Stranglethorn Vale before, or had been to Booty Bay, neither did the two of them. What danger of getting lost.

In this way, the two red pandamen headed south.


To be honest, Nomi's plan is feasible-although the sunken temple was cleaned up by the drunk wind, but among the jungle trolls, the belief in the blood **** Haka still exists.

Only because the trolls joined the tribe, under the suppression of King Rastakhan and the prophet Zujin, due to the betrayal of the enchanter Jindo, this belief had to turn from bright to dark.

For this, Nomi had already expected it.

According to the plan, Nomi will use the advantage of being able to fly in Stranglethorn Vale to conduct a probe, and then after confirming the center of the Hakkar sacred, place the Dragon's Summoning there, waiting for an opportunity to destroy.

In Nomi's opinion, as long as he did this, he could fully replicate the earth-shattering event of Sinsaro's destruction, and not only hit the blood **** Haka, but also mobilized Deathwing.

After Lili joined, Nomi decisively revealed the plan and the plan.

Although Nomi read a lot of books and learned a lot of anecdotes about Azeroth while in Blackrock Mountain, it is not easy to continue to find an existence that can cause trouble to Deathwing.

Originally, Nomi could only think about this by herself, but now with Lili’s help, Nomi decided to ask Lili for her opinion. After all, Lili has been attending lectures with lorewalkers for many years. Maybe she knows some other things. Azeroth powerful creature.

"Where do you say we put the next Dragon Summon?" Nomi looked at Lili after telling her next plan, "Do you know what can cause trouble to my grandpa? Guy?"

"To be honest, I can't do anything about this!" Lili frowned, "I know very little about Azeroth."

"But didn't you study with Lorewalkers for a long time?"

"On the Wandering Island, they only tell me this can’t go and that can’t go--the lorewalker grandfather even thinks that I should turn around when I see a goose. In this case, how could they kill those who can Wings of trouble tell me?"

Hearing what Lili said, Nomi was also a little helpless.

"We have to quickly figure out how to deal with the second Dragon Summon." Nomi sighed softly, "If my grandpa is allowed to do it, our hard work will be in vain."

Lili nodded in agreement with Nomi's words.

This is the area problem of my own grown-up being too strong-there are Drunk Wind and Old Chen. Unless Lili and Nomi accomplish something big by themselves, when others are in charge, it must be Drunk Wind/Old Chen’s help. of.

But unfortunately, they may not be able to do much for a while.

In order to prevent the two people from meeting the black dragon chasing soldiers, they drove very fast, and when they arrived in Stranglethorn Vale, they still didn't think about the next step.

In their cognition, nothing but Drunken Wind seemed to cause trouble to Deathwing, but the problem was that as long as the two people were notified, their adventures would undoubtedly end.

Then in Stranglethorn Vale, when the two came to the Gurubashi Arena, they met the black dragon ambush.

Well, it might not be appropriate to say that it was an ambush—because Farad was taking the black dragon to a meeting in the Gurubashi Arena, and halfway through the meeting, two red pandamen rushed in.

Just in the Gurubashi Arena, Yuanjia Road is narrow.

Nomi also planned to use the gold coins in Boots Bay to ask the well-informed goblins for news to see where there are some abnormal things, and then based on these abnormal things, maybe they can find some Traces of the followers of Haka-Even if you do not find the trace of Haka, you can slightly narrow down the scope you need to explore.

But as she was thinking about it, when she looked up, Nomi saw a group of black dragons suddenly flying in the sky, and when she lowered her head, a large number of dragon people had surrounded the two of them.

When Nomi saw that the black dragon in the lead had the roots of its wings and seemed to have been injured, he felt a little bit in his heart.

That is Farad!

After a period of Farad’s people know Nomi very well. He sees through Nuomi’s eagerness to do something big. He believes that a panda like Nomi does not Would not choose to return to Black Rock Mountain obediently.

Had Nomi started flying at sea and later changed to land, he might have been caught by Farad and his men.

Then, just as Farad and his men were discussing where to find the bear boy next, the two little guys fell into the trap.

At this critical moment, when Nomi and Lili regretted their recklessness, a portal appeared out of nowhere. This portal frightened Farad and stopped him temporarily.

Subsequently, twelve figures filed out from the portal.

But Nomi and Lili saw the familiar figure of Old Chen at a glance.

At this moment, that chubby body is so kind and reliable!

"Uncle Chen, save me." x2

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