Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 550: The so-called warrior's way

"Tremble, mortal--your end is here!"

In the surprised eyes of Nazgrim and Jurone, Skram split into two!

"Mirroring?" Yurone's one-eyed narrowed slightly, "No, it's not exactly a mirror!"

"Mortals, don't use your meager wisdom to guess the true greatness!" Two identical "Skrams" said at the same time, "Since you are so eager to die, I will fulfill you!"

Two-on-one is already very difficult, this time two-on-two is even more difficult!

Contrary to Jurone's expectation, after Skram became two, his attack power was not weakened, but even stronger!

Moreover, similar to the clone of the mage, the mirror image of Skram has the ability to cast spells!

Under the chanting of Skram, the earth began to tremble, and Jurone and Nazgrim both began to lose their feet.

This is not over yet, in front of the huge temple, Arcane suddenly blew a storm that seemed like a substance.

Jurone had seen a human mage cast an arcane explosion, but he believed that the red-haired arcane explosion that claimed to be a genius was less powerful than the guy in front of him!

The violent arcane energy began to wreak havoc, Nazgorin and Jurone almost lost control of their bodies, it seemed that they could only be crumpled!

"Nazgrim, we have to use our best!"

As Yuronne said, he jumped high in the air, using his best to slash the long knife in his hand towards the Skram in front of him.

Regardless of whether you are a phantom, let's talk about it!

Arcane was mobilized, and Skram tried to restrain Jurone with arcane arts, but when he was about to succeed, a sharp battle axe flew over like a whirlwind, interrupting Sklar. Casting the spell, then this Skram was smashed to pieces by Jurone.


On the other side, Nazgrim, who had thrown out his battle axe, untied another spare battle axe from behind, and then began to charge.

With the help of Jurone, the other Skram was quickly resolved-but that was also an illusion!

"Happy, mortal? Do you think you have won?" Skram's voice appeared again, but this time neither Nazgrim nor Jurone found the trace of Skram for the first time. "After pleasure Despair is the greatest symphony of destiny!"

Then the next moment, Jurone suddenly turned around and slashed at Nazgrim with the long knife in his hand.

"Head, you!"

Caught off guard, Nazgrim's left arm was cut open with a huge wound, and the red blood shed directly.

Jurone is controlled!

Although Nazgrim always wanted to compete with his head, it was definitely not the occasion.

Skram hid in the dark, and Jurone began to attack him frantically!

Under the control of Skram, Jurone's body grew two full laps!

Not only that, but Nazgorin found that Yuronne's speed and strength have been greatly improved.

The most direct manifestation is that Nazgrim was at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the sluggishness and incoordination of Jurone's movements under the control of Skram, I am afraid Nazgrim could no longer stand it!

When Nazgrim was in danger, an accident happened.

I don’t know when, Skram prepared an arcane trap in Nazgrim. When Nazgrim was forced to retreat by Yurone, Nazgrim stepped into it without any defense. Arcane trap.

The power of arcane restrained Nazgrim in place.

"Despair! Tremble! You are about to die under the hands of the one you cherish the most, and your soul will become a loud note of destiny!"

Skram's whisper sounded in Nazgrim's ear.

But at this moment, he has no time to deal with this chattering guy.

Jurone with red eyes is already holding his long knife high, and he is about to hit Nazgrim!

Nazgrim really panicked.

In the vast wetlands, the Warsong clan lost all supplies. Nazgorin, who was only nine years old at the time, did not despair—because Urone hunted back a crocodile, although he lost the little finger of his left hand; there was none in the mountains of Khaz Modan. Warm clothes, the eleven-year-old Nazgorin did not despair—because Jurone also took off his clothes and took Nazgorin to leapfrog in the wind and snow until he found a cave where a giant bear hibernated When the Warsong clan ventured across the Thador Bridge and dispersed with the vanguard, the fifteen-year-old Nazgorin did not despair—because Jurone took everyone in the team and avoided the dwarf’s post. Wading across the strait to catch up with Gromash's main force!

From coming to Draenor to the establishment of the new tribe, Nazgrim has suffered countless hardships in the twelve years, but with the care of Jurone, he has never despaired.

In the heart of Nazgrim, who is an orphan, Jurone is like his father.

But now, despair finally appeared in Nazgrim's heart.

Are you going to die under Jurone's hand?

For the first time, Nazgorin's brain went blank.

Just when Nazgrim was about to close his eyes, Jurone's long knife stopped in front of Nazgrim.

"Smelly boy, don't even think about closing your eyes, that sneaky reptile can't control me!" Urone's mouth grinned hard, "I'm Urone! The master of fiery blade blood, especially Jonie!"

"Remember my words, brat, real soldiers never despair, never fear, never give up!"

After getting rid of Skram's control, Jurone seemed to become weak-his figure suddenly swelled just now, and almost all the armor of his body collapsed. Now Jurone not only shattered his armor, but also bleeds all over his body. .

But what about weakness?

Handing the long knife to his right hand Yurone's left hand with only four fingers drew another spare long knife from behind him.

"The running dog of the ancient gods-I am an orc! An eternal free orc!"

"I will die and be destroyed, but I will never be like you reptile, begging for mercy from the master!"

Under Yurone's constant provocation, Skram finally revealed his figure.

"Ant! How dare you slander the great ancient god? I wanted to weave you as a part of my destiny, but now I have changed my mind. I will crush you completely and destroy you!"

A ball of arcane magic ball formed in front of Skram, and then quickly flew towards Yurone.

When Jurone saw Skram, he had closed his one eye.

The long knife in the left hand was held in reverse, and the long knife in the right hand was held in the right direction. The next moment, Jurone began to spin quickly.

"Blade Storm!"

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