Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 562: Arcane that is completely banned

When Grommash and Vik Nilas went back and forth, another "emperor" caused everyone to have endless headaches.

Although Veklor stood motionless all the time, his magical armor was almost completely immune to damage from various weapons.

The crystal clear armor looked very fragile, but whether it was Brian’s bullet, Sylvanas’ arrow, or Brock’s axe, hitting it had no effect.

This kind of magical armor reminds Drunk Wind of something-in Pandaria, the mantid hero will wrap himself in thick amber when she is asleep, and Drunk Wind once tried to break hero before assaulting the heart of fear. It was discovered that these magical ambers can be almost completely immune to physical damage.

"Is the ancient god's black technology? Or is it the talent of insects?"

But no matter what, Veklor is now like a fixed turret, with a steady stream of spells, suppressing the spellcaster on the side of Drunken Wind.

Medivh, Khadgar, and Kael'thas are all famous Faye, but they are not enough in front of Veklor.

It's not that the three of them are not strong enough, it's because this environment is really not suitable for combat.

The closer you get to C'Thun, the stronger the inertia of the elements. According to Magatha, except for life, other elements are now very afraid.

This is very troublesome.

As we all know, the spells with the strongest direct damage are the spells of the plastic energy system. Fireballs and flame explosions all rely on the mage to mobilize their own arcane spells and "simulate" the form of the elements to cast spells. In the process of casting, the natural world The elements will inevitably be attracted, further enhancing the power of the spell.

However, in this environment, no elements in nature are attracted, and the consumption of energy-shaping spells increases and their power decreases.

If only the plastic energy element is a problem, it's nothing. Kael'thas' arcane missiles can teach the Twin Emperors to be insects, but unfortunately after entering the room, arcane arts are almost completely banned.

That's right, Arcane is almost completely banned!

Kael'thas was pale, and the three arcane spheres hovering above his head looked like they might fall at any time. Khadgar and Medivh seemed to be unable to hold their staff, and Magatha could not call. element……

Drunk Feng reluctantly discovered that in his team, the casters had lost their combat effectiveness!

Now the problem is very serious.

Without spellcasters, relying only on a large number of fighters and hunters (and a monk), it seems that they can't deal with the twin emperors in front of them!

"Your end has come."

"This is the eternal land of Arcane."

"It is also the place where you blasphemers are buried."

"C'Thun gives us strength!"

In order to prevent all accidents, Drunk Wind brought more than 20 heroes when he entered the temple, but who would have thought that in this small room, half of the people could not perform at all. Combat power?

The rest are fierce, but they are really incapable of dealing with the twin emperors!

"Are you doing big tricks here?"

Zuifeng hesitated. He also prepared some methods to deal with C'Thun, but that was the ultimate method after all. If it is used here, what should he do when facing C'Thun?

At a critical moment, the people who stood up exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Kadgar, give me the staff."

Medivh passed his former staff from Khadgar's hand.

Atiesh Guardian's Legendary Staff!

The phantom in Medivh's hand was broken, and the former guardian of Tirisfal carefully looked at the staff in his hand.

"Kadgar, good job-although you are not a guardian, you have completed the same task."

Seeing Medivh's incomprehensible sigh, everyone had an inexplicable hunch.

"Teacher, you?"

"Don't be nervous, Khadgar." Medivh finally took off the hood of his crow cloak, "I'm not yet ready to sacrifice!"


"When I was young, I grew up with Ryan and Anduin. When the Gurubashi trolls were besieging Stormwind City, I used up almost all of my mana and fell into a coma."

"After that, I was invaded by Sargeras for a while. I hoped to awaken the consciousness of the people in Stormwind. Then Sargeras took advantage of my mentality and tempted me to summon the orcs and bring them to Azeroth. Endless disasters."

"Even two of my friends left me forever because of this."

"Mother used her magical power to resurrect me, but I am no longer the guardian of Tirisfal. All I care about is you-now it seems that Khadgar, you and Turalyon and Varian's Growth far surpasses me and Anduin and Ryan."

"Now, I think I can rest assured."

"Sorry, drunk wind-although I am a member of the vow, but in the league, I still have too much to give up."

"I should have left silently after the natural disaster war, but I still couldn't help returning to Karazhan."

"In the evening, I will occasionally become a raven, flying over Stormwind City, quietly watching this majestic and beautiful city."

"Vitality, unity and beauty. This is exactly what I have been pursuing."

"Anduin, Ryan and I always wanted to carry everything on our shoulders, but even the guardians have limited power."

"The most powerful force is always when everyone is together."

"Forgive an old man's babbling, this is my curtain call-Act Nine Chapter Nine, Medivh's farewell."

After saying goodbye, Medivh raised the legendary staff of Atiesh Guardian with a smile on his face.

The next moment, in a small space, time was distorted.

Veklor didn't know if he slowed down, or the guy on the other side who called himself Medivh was faster!

It is undeniable that Medivh is often a magician mage who is "obsessed with prophecy and never sculpts power", but prophecy can only be a magic stick?

Like Vinylon and Drunk Wind, Medivh has a special understanding of time and fate, and as a mage, knowledge is power!

Khadgar who picked up Atiesh again proved to everyone why he is the only human being feared by Deathwing in Azeroth!

Yanbang, Qi Ding, Yanbang, Qi Ding, Yanbang, Qi Ding, Yanbang...

Drunk Wind’s eyesight and thinking can’t keep up with Medivh’s movements!

Wait, something is wrong!

How is this hot explosion green? !

The next moment, Zuifeng suddenly realized.

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