Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 590: The cunning Anzu

Anzu, the one representing the arcane among the gods of Arak. ?? Burning novel???`

After devouring Sethe, Anzu also gained the power of the shadow, but the price was that Anzu would no longer fly and his body would fester.

The gods of Arak in Draenor, like the gods of Mount Hyjal in Azeroth, are the manifestations of the laws on the same planet, so the characters of these demigods are always affected by the power they control.

Arcane and Shadow, the two Draenor powers that Anzu masters are obviously not hospitable, on the contrary, Anzu is quite cunning.

The wisdom of arcane and the insidiousness of the shadows were cleverly combined to form Anzu-style cunning.

In the history of Draenor, at the peak of arakkoa civilization, once powerful arakkoa tried to resurrect their gods. Thanks to the efforts of countless arakkoa priests, they successfully resurrected Rukhmar but were only resurrected. Rukhmar looks like a mentally retarded...

But no matter how proud the arakkoa priests are, they will not make Anzu's ideas.


Because Ansu is not easy to deal with!

In this respect, the Prophet Zul chose **** difficulty to start...

Although the last time he came to Draenor, Zul'jin took out a lot of news from the Tibetan man's mouth through the spirits of Old Chen, but only one night was not enough to understand everything about the arakkoa clear.

So unfortunately, the journey of the trolls in pursuit of power is not smooth.

Under the leadership of the Prophet Zul, the trolls carefully collected Anzu’s legacy, while the troll doctors and priests were thinking about how to use these items full of Anzu's breath to bring that big one. The crow is resurrected.

"Damn it!" After leading the team out of the enchantment so far, Zul finally opened the scroll in his hand carefully, and finally couldn't help but began to swear, "Is this guy named Ansu sick? Collect jokes in the shadow barrier?"

That's right, the scroll in Zul's hand is already the seventh scroll of jokes he has found. Looking at the number, you can make a set with three more scrolls...

Anzu's evil taste far exceeds the imagination of the trolls. Originally, these shadow enchantments were Anzu's last legacy to the arakkoa, and logically speaking, it should contain things that can help the arakkoa through the difficulties.

But the cunning Anzu is obviously not so good at talking, and a large part of the shadow barrier is full of garbage.

A joke book, a little yellow text, and even a picture of a spring man!

Thinking of this, Zul shook his head quickly, forcibly forgetting the scene of the spicy eyes.

"It's weird." Seeing Zul's unhappy expression, Zul'jin immediately understood that this scroll was also rubbish. "According to the Tibetan scrolls, they were ambushed by the orcs, and they didn't have a chance to activate the scrolls here. After being broken up, only a few guerrilla arakkoa used the Anzu heritage here, but how could Anzu leave such a pitting legacy?"

"Yeah..." Under the golden mask, Zul frowned. "It makes no sense. What's the point of adding garbage to life-saving supplies?"

"Could it be that there is something mysterious in this trash?" Zulkin's eyes lit up, "Maybe we didn't find the right direction!"

While talking, Zulkin took a scroll of jokes from the priest beside him.

But after reading it carefully, Zulkin found that this was really just a joke and it was still a cold joke!

It is a pity that in fact, what is recorded in these scrolls is really just a cold joke...

Anzu did leave a lot of inheritance, but the cunning Anzu did not have any reservations like Rukhmar. According to his habits, at the last moments of his life, he used these shadow barriers to walk through again. Own life.

If the trolls calm down, they will find that most of the unscrupulous readings appear in very comfortable corners, while the real supplies are in relatively conspicuous positions.

That's right, where Anzu has read anything, he hid the book where, these shadow barriers are actually Anzu's footsteps.

It's a pity that trolls in a hurry can't find this.

Anzu’s wisdom has actually surpassed his own realm. In his opinion, it is a natural law that prosperity must decline, so from the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to provide more Anzu for the arakkoa. Only the legacy of the arakkoa can survive, and the arakkoa has really reached the time to disappear.

Anzu was so open-minded before he died.

Anzu’s guess was correct. When the orcs suddenly attacked, the arakkoa did not even have a chance to obtain Anzu’s inheritance and lost their homeland.

If there were no orcs and demons to do things, maybe Anzu would naturally resurrect in ten thousand years, and then create another race.

It is a pity that the current Draenor is broken, and Anzu has no possibility of natural resurrection.

This raven, I really don’t know if it is cunning or Compared with the trolls who choose Hell difficulty to start, and the slow progressing trolls, dwarves and gnomes seem to choose novice difficulty.

Although the relics of the gods of Arak are mainly concentrated in the peaks of Arak (now near the Terokkar Forest in Outland), Rukhmar once went to Gorrond and left his traces along the way.

So the expedition led by Brian started from Blade's Edge Mountain and quickly sorted out a route to the Apexis Crystal.

Rukhmar didn’t know what he had done in Gorgrond. On Blade’s Edge Mountain, Omrig had the most Apexis crystals, and then down from Blade’s Edge Mountain, the Apexis crystal vein was in a straight line, directly facing south.

This Apexis crystal vein not only pointed out the location of the next Apexis crystal gathering point, but the cultural relics along the way also helped Bryan clarify the history of the arakkoa.

The archaeology that the Alliance said is not entirely fake dwarf archaeology. Gnomes are looking for crystals. Now energy supply is an urgent problem for dwarf engineering!

I have to say that compared with Anzu, Rukhmar is too generous.

When Brian led the dwarven archeology team in the excavation site and sweated like rain, Roja found four ways to use Apexis crystals. Now Roja’s main topic is not how to use Apexis crystals Turned to study the power of Apexis crystal.

Well, if this continues, maybe the dwarves and gnomes will follow the Apexis crystal mine all the way to find the place where Rukhmar died.

If this is the case, then I'm afraid the troll's plan may be completely useless.

But unfortunately, in Zangar Marsh, the Dwarven Archeological Team ran into trouble.

The source of the trouble is not C'Thun who dug himself a new hole, but the Spore people living in Zangar Marsh!

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