Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 599: Unexpected support (four/five)

When faced with Therma Prager's betrayal, Roja was confused by Saratas.

When faced with Goron's attack, Roja had nothing to do.

When faced with the troll's surprise attack, Luo Ya could only watch Brian desperately from behind, in addition to commanding, and ran away in a hurry.

Although there have been some highlight moments, for the haughty dwarf light, Roja has increasingly felt the limitations of dwarf engineering.

Originally, Loya hoped to get the Apexis crystal to solve the energy problem and further improve the dwarf engineering level to solve her own shortcomings, but now it seems that this path does not work.

In desperation, Luo Ya decided to gamble once.

The dwarf engineering is no longer valid.

Luo Ya's large machinery was left in the camp, and now it is estimated that it has been buried under the ruins, and only some small things with little power are left beside her.

These gadgets can't stop the trolls.

So Luoya can only take a risk, she hopes to light a "beacon" and pass the news.

As for how to light the beacon—in Hellfire Fortress, many demon hunters are wandering, hunting demons, as long as there are demons here, Roja believes that demon hunters will also appear soon!

The river in front of me is terribly green, which means that the surrounding space is full of evil energy. As long as Luoya can destroy the stability of the space, the demons will definitely come. There is really a gadget on Luoya that can destroy the stability of the space-a certain surname. The guys of Mana Storm sold all of their space items after experiencing an unpleasant space leap, and it was Loya who bought these things.

It's a pity that Roja is not a legendary mage, otherwise, with Millhouse's spatial coordinates, she could even return directly to Azeroth.

The biggest problem with this choice is that the demon hunter may not help Roya, and may even attack Roya together.

But Roja didn't care, she just wanted to send the news back to Azeroth, and she promised not to see the tribe dominating the family!

Taking a deep breath, Roja took out the Spatial Crack Generator that Millhouse bought for herself.

Using the Apexis crystal as the energy source, Roja successfully activated the machine-although Millhouse was not very reliable, the machine was at least useful.

Cracks in the invisible space rippled.

Then, unexpectedly, what appeared was not a demon, but a tall and thin guy covered in bandages. Luo Ya had never seen such a creature.

"Ah, interesting spatial fluctuations-I found the breath of treasures, why, do you want to discuss business with me?"

Luo Ya stared at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of her with a stunned look. The reason was simple. She didn't understand what the bandage man said...

"You, who are you?"

"Oh ha ha, Azeroth's lingua franca? It seems that these two worlds are really connected."

Luo Ya was surprised to find that this guy still speaks lingua franca?

"Who are you? I have never seen your race."

"I am a virtual spirit, introduce myself-Prince Nerus, the greatest businessman in the infinite universe! Communication with countless worlds..."

Before he finished speaking, Nerus saw with a black line that Loya took out a bunch of instruments from her backpack and began to test her energy.

"Well, the fel reaction is very low."

"The arcane reaction is so high, is he a mage?"

"Hey, why is the shadow reaction so high?"

"Sure enough, there is no response from the Holy Light, and it seems that he is not a kind person."

After making a general judgment of Nerus, Loya finally raised her head and greeted her iconically.

"Hey, hello—I mean, my goodness, you are so tall!"

With her excellent professionalism, Nerus suppressed her dissatisfaction that she was offended. She ended the unnecessary introduction of herself and took a close look at the two guys in front of her.

A dwarf who was seriously injured and was about to die and a shorter guy who was about to die from exhaustion. It is obvious that these two guys are not in good condition. This is a good time to rip off!

"Do you need Ethereal first aid services? The price is fair, and you are not deceived-as long as you give me the thing that caused the space crack, I can save the guy lying there."

Luoya almost subconsciously wanted to agree to Nerus, but the familiar phrase "children's undeception" made her hold back.

Because the last guy who talked to himself this way was a goblin...

Although Luoya didn't understand Void Spirit, she knew goblins, this guy didn't know why, and always gave Luoya the feeling of a goblin tycoon.

Seeing that Loya didn't agree immediately, Nerus shook his head slightly.

Are the creatures of Azeroth so cunning? What she put forward now is definitely what she needs most, why didn't she immediately agree?

"Okay, okay, I admit that some of the conditions just now took advantage of the danger, and talk about what you need now-or how can you give me that magical thing?"

"I think what she needs is you to get out of here." Before Luoya could figure out how to answer Nerus's question, after the space fluctuated for a while, an acquaintance appeared---holding the legend of Etiyesh Guardian The rod (pseudo) Medivh appeared in front of the two people, "It seems that our great node prince is again trying to deceive the ignorant."


"Oh my God, Your Excellency Medivh, why are you here? This is great, we are finally saved!"

Roja became excited in an instant, with Medivh, everything is easy!

Medivh reluctantly shook his head for Loya's excitement.

Medivh's appearance here was nothing more than an unpleasant accident.

Because within the oath, a huge contradiction has appeared for the first time in fifteen years.

The root of the problem lies in Medivh-both Malfurion and Alex said that they could not accept a warlock who uses fel energy to join the oath, stepping back and saying that even if they can accept ~ He is also unwilling to adopt his suggestion of "recruiting warlocks against demons".

"Your Excellency Medivh, we are willing to respect and trust you, but we can't believe in fel." Malfurion's words left Medivh speechless. "We all know the horror of fel. Warlocks and demon hunters are different. The conditions for a warlock are too simple—becoming a demon hunter needs to go through layers of tests, and only those who are determined can pass, but to become a warlock, as long as you are willing to fall, you can master the power of fel even if your mind is not tough enough, so I have to worry."

Malfurion's words hit the nail on the head.

The proposal was shelved, and the helpless Medivh came to Delano alone, wanting to vent - and for Medivh, the best way to vent was to beat the devil.

After noticing the crack in the space, Medivh rushed there quickly, but instead of seeing the demon, he found Loya and Nerus.


Fourth more.

Fifth, it is more likely to be after twelve o'clock again, hey, so angry!

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