Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 602: The Real Ace Hunter (2/5)

Under Medivh's reminder, although Roja had long expected the two ends of the Ethereal to make money, when she saw a group of trolls riding on Ethereal camels, she was still upset. ranw?en??????????`

This Nima is too much!

You sold the My Escape Scroll here, and you sold the mount over there!

But no matter how dissatisfied she was at this time, all Luoya could do was to adjust the speed of the mechanical chocobo to the maximum, and he was racing.

Even so, the distance between the two sides is still shortening. The speed of the Ethereal Camel is still faster. Although the mechanical chocobo is convenient, it has always been different in speed. (If you want to run fast, ride a mechanical road fighter!)

Just when Luo Ya looked back at the chaser behind, Brian suddenly said a word of caution.

When Roya didn't know why, a panicked magic boar appeared on the path of the mechanical chocobo.

This is a fairly large magical wild boar, seemingly being chased by some terrible existence, rushing out of the stone forest on the side of the road in a hurry, just about to hit the mechanical chocobo.

At the moment of the moment, a crisp gunshot came, and the magic wild boar staggered directly to the ground, but the mechanical chocobo still hit the wild boar.

The gears were flying around, the oil was gushing, and the sparks were flying everywhere, seeing this mechanical chocobo completely scrapped.

Now Luoya and Brian were dumbfounded.

Without the mechanical chocobo, how could two legs run over four legs?

But maybe it's extremely peaceful, when Brian was in a hurry, he heard a familiar voice.

"Yeah, isn't this Prince Brian? I heard that you went to archaeology. Why did you come to Hellfire Peninsula?"

Brian raised his head and saw a familiar guy.

Hemet Nesingwary!

After the dwarf’s ace hunter failed in the last single against the dragon, he handed over his position to his son Nesingwary II. He left Ironforge by himself and continued to temper himself. He did not expect to appear now. Delano.

Although he was very happy to meet his deceased, Brian didn't have time to relive the old. He pulled over Nesingwary directly and told a long story about his experience.

After learning that the dwarven archaeological team was almost annihilated, Nesingwary narrowed his eyes, then took Brian and Loya into a cave with crutches.

"Nessingwary, what are you doing here with us? There is no way out here. If the trolls surround us, we won't have a chance to leave!"

"Why are you in a hurry to leave?" Nesingwary picked up his shotgun and asked, "Do you still expect to run back to the Dark Portal under what circumstances? Don't hurt those **** trolls? , We have no chance to leave!"


Brian sighed long, he had to admit that things were indeed the same as Nesingwary said.

Originally, if the mechanical chocobo could still run, he and Loya could still fight, and the restless sleep might be the first to rush to the dark gate.

But in this case, the road of running is no longer feasible.

But how do you teach the troll a lesson?

"Don't worry, this place is the most familiar to me." Seeing Brian's worry, Nesingwary was confident, "I've been hunting magic boars here for more than 20 days, and seeing I can get a thousand. Root wild boar fangs!"

At this time, Brian just noticed that there were a lot of wild boar fangs in the corner of the cave.

Now that they had decided to ambush the troll, the three of them discussed the specific tactics in this hidden cave.

Roja sets up traps, Brian lures the enemy to go deep, and Nesingwary kills with one blow!

When the last time the assailant lurked in the dark, things were different.


On the other hand, Zul hasn’t really been able to see Loya and Brian with his own eyes, but according to Nerus’ intelligence, these two guys did not give up the mechanical chocobo, so Zul and the troll simply walked along the mechanical land. The footsteps left by the walking birds advance.

Then, the trolls found the dead mana boar and the scrapped mechanical chocobo.

Approximately estimated the speed of the two in his mind, Zul immediately concluded that the two of them absolutely did not continue to advance along the road. Although the troll did not have a telescope, if Roja and Brian walked away, they would definitely be seen.

Since the two didn't move on, they must be hidden.

Looking closely at the endless hills and bare land nearby, Zul frowned.

It seems that a raid is inevitable.

After the golden mask was handed over to Nerus, Zul was actually uncomfortable for thousands of years. This troll has become accustomed to wearing that mask at critical moments. The golden mask has become a part of him~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ After losing the golden mask, Zul always felt that something was missing.

It's really annoying and spooky!

The answer is that no matter how unhappy Zul is, the search is still going on.

This time Zul brought two hundred trolls, half of which were troll priests. In this case, Zul divided everyone into four teams, Zul'jin, Mandokiel, Venoxis and himself. Take fifty people and search around, be sure to find Loya and Brian.

Fifty people deal with two, no matter how you look at it, they have a great advantage!

Thinking of this, the trolls finally dispersed, as Nesingwary expected.

"A team of fifty people, just right." Taking the binoculars from Roja's hand, Nesingwary carefully observed the troll's movements with one eye, "This is still within the range we can deal with."

"Don't be too confident..." Luo Ya couldn't help but pour cold water, "Brian is still very weak now."

"I'm fine!" Brian shook his head and staggeredly raised his warhammer. "One-on-one I easily smashed the heads of those trolls."

"Don't do it!" Luo Ya jumped up angrily, slapped Brian on the head, "Be your bait, and leave the ambush and battle to me and Nesingwary!"

"Hush, be quiet, a group of trolls are coming towards us!" Nesingwary interrupted the conversation between the two people, "Go according to plan!"

Bryan carried his warhammer, helped his hat brim, and left the cave along the simple stairs, and Roya also held the trap's detonating device in her hand.

Nesingwary raised the modified shotgun in his hand, with no joy or sadness in his eyes.

From now on, in the eyes of the ace hunter, the troll has become a prey.

Brian Bronzebeard + Ace Hunter, killed the big brother twice in a row, invincible! (To be continued...)

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