Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 609: 2 the end of the loss

At the cost of minor injuries, Nazgrim took down another enemy. ranwen??????`?

The battle situation has begun to lean towards the orcs. It is foreseeable that if this continues, Taylor may need to be forced to go one-on-one with Nazgrim. Although Nazgrim may have been injured at that time, it looks like this Orcs are not weakened by injuries.

In this case, Taylor made a quiet gesture with his left hand behind him.


Seven and Jeno lost their one-handed swords, and simply supported their shields with both hands, trying to trap Nazgrim.

At the same time, Taylor took a step forward, clenched the big sword in both hands, and squatted down at Nazgrim.

The assumption is good. Two fully defensive fighters restrict Nazgorin, and Taylor is in charge of the offense, but unfortunately, Nazgorin's strength is too great.

Seven and Jeno, who were responsible for restricting Nazgrim's actions, were simply flew out, and then Taylor's heavy slash was easily avoided.

Seven and Jeno rolled all the way, until they came across a box with supplies stacked, and in order to prevent Nazgrim from taking advantage of the chase, Taylor disregarded the imbalance of the big sword just now, and directly backhanded it with another sword.

Nazgrim wanted to attack when the two fighters lost their short swords and lost their balance, but after all, they couldn't ignore the sweep of the heavy sword and could only turn around to block.

Then, when Taylor was shaken and his hands were numb, Seven and Jeno stood up again and raised their shields to surround Nazgrim.

"Hey, I only know the **** under siege!"

Even though Nazgrim seems to be very dominant just now, it’s actually not easy to get rid of the guy holding the shield. These fighters have undergone a lot of training. When lifting the shield, the center of gravity is very low and the steps are stable. , Nazgorin is a great physical consumption for solving problems purely by brute force!

You know, Nazgrim has been on his way for a long time!

Seeing Seven and Jeno who were approaching again, Nazgrim felt that he needed to change his approach.

Brutality is not acceptable.

This time, Nazgrim began to try to dodge.

Seeing the orc finally no longer rely on his own power, Taylor finally smiled with satisfaction.

Unlike the demon hunters who use demons as their imaginary enemies, the imaginary enemy of the 7th Legion has always been orcs.

In terms of physical quality, the orcs are much better than humans, but at the end of the orc war, the victory of the alliance has proved that physical fitness is not the only factor that determines the outcome of the war.

Although the siege of the cross requires at least four infantrymen, in the narrow armory, two people, Saiwen and Jeno, are enough to cause trouble to Nazgrim.

Nazgrim realized that he seemed to fall into a trap, stepping back, stepping back, and seeing that he was about to reach the corner!

After reacting, Nazgrim wanted to get rid of the siege, but unfortunately at this time he was about to be forced into the corner. In a small space, his power was difficult to use!

Um, the roof height is limited, it is difficult to jump up, I can only try to get rid of it with a charge!

Nazgrim started the charge.

Seven and Jeno looked at each other, and then decisively raised their shields to block the charge.

The small space was not enough to allow Nazgrim's speed to be able to get rid of the entanglement, and his charge was intercepted.

But that's okay!

Nazgrim found the opportunity and waved the two-handed axe in his hand.


"When" x2

The battle axe hit the shield. Since it was not in the front, the shield did not get rid of this time. Nazgrim still failed to get rid of the entanglement.

In trouble!

In desperation, Nazgrim simply started a crazy spin on the spot.

Following Jurone, Nazgrim has mastered many unique skills of the Burning Blade Orcs. Although these skills are a bit advanced and Nazgrim only knows a little bit, it is enough to deal with the current situation.

Seven and Jeno obviously hadn’t seen a move like Sword Storm. Among them, they couldn’t hold their shields anymore. After the shields were released, the two of them were also cut by the sharp blades and rushed blood. Fell to the ground.

In this case, Taylor did not dare to step forward for a while. He could only guard the door of the armory, on the one hand to prevent Nazgrim from escaping, and on the other hand, he was always ready to use the method of encircling Wei and saving Zhao to save Saiwen and Zhao. Jeno.

Nazgrim finally stopped spinning.

For this kind of warrior who is not proficient in swordsmanship, Blade Storm is a trick to kill one thousand and eight hundred and hurt himself. After just ten seconds of madness, Nazgrim feels his arms are swollen and sore. , I can’t use all my power.

After staggering for two steps, Nazgrim finally recovered his balance.

Now, the battle has finally become one-on-one.

Tyler is undoubtedly not Nazgorin's opponent, but Nazgorin's state is really bad. After the fight, the result is still unknown!


The heavy sword and battle axe collided obviously felt that Nazgrim's power was much worse than just now.


Finally no longer bound, Taylor began to vent his anger.

After a long battle of wits and courage, both of them have a certain understanding of each other. Now there is no retreat for both of them. Fighting is the only solution.

Nazgrim lost a battle axe, and Taylor replaced it with his best sword and shield.

The weather has heated up, and the disgusting smell of the fel and the scorching heat generated by the high temperature have caused the two people to lose their physical strength at a rapid rate.

The tired Nazgrim and Taylor are half-and-five.

Finally, a hand broke the balance of the battle.

George, who had lost a hand, unknowingly completed the bandaging of the wound and stopped the blood. Nazgrim did not pay attention during the battle and walked to George who fell on the ground, and then his calf was tightly hugged. Living.

Although Nazgrim easily ended George with an axe, he himself temporarily lost his balance.

Taylor's one-handed sword pierced into Nazgrim's abdomen, violently stirred.

The intense pain caused Nazgrim to squint his eyes. The next moment, he reluctantly kicked Taylor who was trying to chase him away, then rolled, clutching his stomach and ran away from the armory.

Tyler did not pursue anymore. Although he knew in his heart that once the Horde understood this action, the Alliance would be in great trouble, but now Taylor is just the end of the battle, and Seven and Jeno are also injured. Even if they catch up, Tyler asks himself. Can't keep that orc.

Thinking of this, Taylor found an emergency rune from his arms and crushed it forcefully.

At the same time, in the vengeance fortress, Master Modra, who closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It seems there is a problem!" (To be continued...)

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