Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 611: Hand in hand under the wall

The Horde dispatched wolf cavalry to occupy the advantage of mobility, while the Alliance was the first to dispatch transport troops and the second legion in time, occupying a strategic advantage-when Gromash brought the Warsong Predator By the time he got under the Hellfire Citadel, the Alliance had completed the initial repair of the Hellfire Citadel.

As a result, the predators happily carrying the battle flag collectively dumbfounded after reaching their destination.

The situation is far worse than expected.

After listening to King Saurfang's description, Grommash thought that what he needed to deal with was just a group of Alliance transport troops. He thought that the speed of reinforcements sent by the Alliance could not exceed him!

For the speed of the march, Gromash is extremely confident.

For this, Grommash's self-confidence is correct-but he forgot that the Alliance is a bit different from the Horde.

The tribes basically rely on roaring for communication, but the alliance does not.

After the small conflict in the Hellfire Fortress ended, when Nazgrim was eroding the evil energy of the Hellfire Peninsula and returned with difficulty with the news, the Alliance had long learned that something was wrong through the runestone.

After Moira's runestone shattered, she found Commander Turalyon for the first time.

As a result, in addition to the transportation forces, the Alliance also deliberately sent a team of soldiers who are good at defensive operations - and even brought two alchemy ivory towers.

The result of this is that the Alliance set off two days earlier, and then arrived at Hellfire Citadel one day earlier, letting the orcs on their way to eat ashes.

One wrong step, wrong step.

Although the predators were actually quite good at attacking cities, Grommash didn't intend to die when they marched at full force and lacked supplies.

Maybe he is a bit reckless, but reckless is not mentally retarded.

Gromash now has new ideas.

There is no doubt that the purpose of the alliance is to take away the useful things in the Hellfire Citadel, so they must return to the Vengeance Citadel.

At that time, as long as they escape the cover of Hellfire Citadel, Grommash believes that this group of guys will be dead-a large part of the famous name of the Warsong clan comes from Nagrand, they are against the ogres The plunder of the Goria Empire.

There is no reason why the Alliance’s anti-predation ability is stronger than that of the ogres!

I have to say that Gromash's thinking is correct.

Above the city wall, holding a binoculars and watching the orcs and wolf cavalry come and go around, Duke Bolvar Fortagan's head is big.

Due to the early realization of the great role of engineering and architecture, unlike the original timeline, the second legion of Stormwind reconstruction is still in charge of Duke Fortagen, but its main responsibilities are fortifications and emergency on the battlefield. building.

Especially after seeing the power of the alchemy ivory tower, the entire Second Army moved further and further on the road of TOERRUSH.

As long as the Second Legion of Stormwind is dispatched and Jianfeng pointed out, the Alliance will always have a fairly stable stronghold. The combat style of the Second Army is destined to be reliable, but it is a mess in mobility and adaptability.

For three consecutive days, Duke Furtagan and his Second Legion could only endure the foul language from the Warsong Orcs and continued to build the fortifications.

Although the Hellfire Fortress can be basically confirmed to be occupied by the Alliance, the immediate family members of the entire Second Legion soldiers have been greeted all over.

Obviously, Grommash and his warsong orcs have completely abandoned the option of storming, and they have now made it clear that they are threatening you.

"The scum of the alliance, is there a way to pull out your sneaky transport troops?"

"Come, come, I let you rookies listen to what is the roar from hell!"

While arrogantly provoking under the walls of Hellfire Fortress, Gromash has sent the fastest guy on the other side to inform King Saurfang that, in his opinion, Nagrand’s biggest battle is about to be in Hellfire. Start under the fortress!

Of course, if the Alliance counsels, their transport team will stay in the Hellfire Citadel, and Gromash will be happy to see it.

Anyway, the construction of the fortress of the tribe has not stopped at all. If the alliance decides not to play the idea here, the tribe will undoubtedly win the first stage!

A wolf cavalry unit successfully put the Second Army into a dilemma.

After hesitating a bit, Duke Furtagan still felt that he could not take the risk of transportation, and it was better to call for support.

As a result, it was another three-day stalemate.

Three days later, reinforcements from the Alliance and the Horde reached the Hellfire Citadel.

Then he started fighting without saying a word...

No way, the Alliance came to support a mechanized unit of dwarves and dwarves. Turalyon hopes to take advantage of the stability and anti-harassment capabilities of this unit to take away the good things in Hellfire Fortress.

Who would have thought that King Rastakhan from the tribe personally brought the Zandalar troll out to Looking at the giant raptor (well, it looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex) on his back The pure gold throne, seeing the extremely arrogant troll king on the throne, the dwarves and dwarves were instantly caught in endless anger.

The dwarf expedition that died this time was the absolute elite among the dwarves and gnomes, so they died inexplicably in the hands of the trolls? !

Therefore, no matter whether it is a dwarf or a dwarf, no one loses the will to fight because of King Rastakhan's strength and momentum. All they have is endless anger!

Sitting on his pure gold throne, King Rastakhan saw the crowds of little guys in the distance, showing a look of disdain.

King Rastakhan didn't know what his prophet Zul had done, and he was too lazy to analyze the purpose of that guy's experiment. The current King Rastakhan just wanted to fight.

As long as I can lead the trolls invincible, what Zul does will not affect his status. I am still Rastakhan, the king of trolls!

The reason why I showed disdain when I saw the dwarves and dwarves was that one side came from the arrogance of King Rastakhan, and the other side did not know how powerful a group of dwarves could be.

In order to enter the Hellfire Citadel and rendezvous with the friendly forces, the dwarves and gnomes formed a dense formation, and then began to charge towards the Hellfire Citadel.

Naturally, the Horde would not ignore the alliance's march.

The troll beat the drum, the raptor knight and the troll headhunter began to slowly spread out, and the orc predator, under the command of Grommash, began to try to outflank the alliance.

Under the mottled walls of Hellfire Citadel, the Alliance and the Horde finally came together.

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