Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 624: Unexpected death

Whether it's bickering or fighting skills, Rastakhan and Turalyon will win or lose (well, Turalyon has the advantage).

To be honest, Thrall's pulling the troll into the Horde is really a good move-didn't you say that the orcs came to Azeroth and took your land? Well, didn't you humans still occupy the land of the trolls?

Your past has proven that a big fist is the last word, don't think of criticizing me from the commanding heights of morality!

Want to talk about justice? It is easy to say, first return the land that you invaded the trolls!

You know, almost all of Stromgarde’s combat exploits were obtained by killing trolls. From this we can see how serious humans and high elves have caused forest trolls.

The reason for this killing is that the high elves and humans need land, and the trolls own a large area of ​​land, nothing more.

It was precisely because he knew the reason for the rise of mankind that Turalyon was rarely speechless when faced with Rastakhan's accusation.

The expansion of human ancestors is basically no different from what the tribes do now...

The fight returned to silence.

Rastaha has decided to change his script.

Originally, the troll king wanted to pack up all the troops in the alliance, and after a wave of Wushuang, ushered in a gorgeous curtain call for his life, but after seeing Turalyon, he changed his mind.

This Paladin is very interesting, and it is a very good choice to be with him.

Rastakhan is ready to go, as long as he dies, the golden spear and throne will be handed over to Zul who has returned from Terokkar Forest.

As long as Zul takes up the golden spear, wears the golden mask and sits on the golden throne in accordance with the tradition, Rastakhan will be resurrected on Zul's body!

So now, Rastakhan’s task is to fight Turalyon!


In front of the desperate Rastakhan, Turalyon was on the verge of collapse.

This battle is too difficult.

Rastakhan far surpasses Turalyon in strength and combat experience. If it were not for the paladin and the blessing of the Holy Light, Turalyon would have been injured.

Even so, Turalyon felt his own danger.

I can't support it anymore.

After the battle, Turalyon was not only exhausted, but there were also signs of collapse in his heart.

I thought that in Draenor, Grommash was the one who provoked the dispute. No one thought that the troll would actually take the lead this time.

The power of the Paladin comes from the Holy Light, and the Holy Light is not only an energy, but also a belief.

Turalyon can't deceive his heart-although he knows he must be responsible for the alliance, but in the history of trolls, the alliance is indeed... stained.

For humans, Thoradin is a hero, but for trolls, Thoradin is a despicable butcher and executioner.

My hero, his enemy.

No, not so!

After blocking Rastakhan's attack again, Turalyon suddenly realized that it was not just that.

I am a human being!

So for himself, Thoradin is a hero!

Maybe this war is not a battle of absolute justice, but I am the commander of the Royal Knights of Stormwind and heir to the hero Lothar!

I can't doubt my beliefs!

In just a moment, Turalyon got rid of his hesitation, and his eyes became firm and sharp again.

"Troll, I will no longer stand on the moral high ground in this war. It is meaningless. This is the confrontation between the Alliance and the Horde!"

With Turalyon's decisive words, his offense began to become sharper.

Rastakhan was also a little surprised to see Turalyon cleared his negative emotions so quickly.

However, for the troll king, that is not important anymore!

"Figured it out? But it's too late!"

Rastakhan’s attack suddenly speeded up, Turalyon did not check for a while, and his left arm was scratched.

In front of the golden spear, the protection of the holy light was fragile. The sharp spear blade directly shattered the armor on Turalyon's left arm, and the red blood flowed down.

Turalyon gritted his teeth, he didn't look at his wounds, and didn't even stop his movements.

The sword of the great royal knight stabbed directly into the right arm of the troll king when Rastakhan scratched him.

It is true that Rastakhan's body has reached a terrible strength, but in front of a sharp two-handed sword, this is not enough to see.

Rastakhan bleeds.

The golden blood made Tula frown.

It seems something is wrong?

But no matter what, the battle must continue!

In the next moment, Turalyon knew what was wrong.

Rastakhan smeared his blood on the spear, and then attacked again.

This time, the block failed.

The sword of the great royal knight broke into two pieces for the second time!

Fortunately, Turalyon reacted fast enough and directly changed hands, blocking the assault with a short sword block.

Then Turalyon's cold sweat ran down his face and back.

Pain, intense pain, pain that burns the soul!

Turalyon's left arm has a new Now he finally understands what is wrong-Rastakha's blood seems to be burning his soul!

Why did Rastakha have an unstable personality and a weak soul after many "reincarnations"?

On the one hand, Thor's original resurrection was inherently problematic. After all, the Naraksha engine was not a forge of creation. Although it was also the engine used by the Titans to create life, its functions were not perfect.

On the other hand, Rastakhan found that his blood could burn the souls of the enemy, and he had bleed many times in order to win.

Rastakhan's bloodletting caused minimal damage to the body, but it did harm to the soul.

It is a pity that there is so little information about the Zandalar troll-or about King Rastakhan, Turalyon was unprepared, so he was injured!

It's now!

Seeing that the long sword in Turalyon's hand had been broken, Rastakhan directly bullied him and tried to exchange it with Turalyon.

Rastakhan no longer defended, letting the broken sword in Turalyon's hand leave long wounds on his body, he just waved the golden spear in his hand and burned the figure with his own blood. Layan's soul.

Seeing Turalyon seemed to be unable to bear the pain from his soul, Rastakhan found the opportunity he wanted.

"Human generals? Go to **** with me-Zul will take the trolls and kill you!"

Then, just when Rastakhan wanted to wrap Turalyon and die together, a hammer of holy light appeared on his head-the hammer of sanctions!

At the moment when Rastakhan was dizzy, Turalyon finally broke free, and then he took the opportunity to release the spare warhammer behind him, and he returned with a hammer.


A piece of gold.

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