Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 628: Anzu's summoning ceremony

As Galdala danced, the tomb became darker and darker. ?? Huo Ran? Text??????`

Napolasta seemed very uncomfortable with this situation, he finally stopped nagging and floated out silently.

Shadows are gathering.

The large shadows are like sand sculptures turned upside down, converging into a pitch-black crow.

Exactly what Anzu looked like in the record!

Seeing the success of the spirit-inducing ceremony, Zul was a little nervous while excited.

Although according to Galdala's description, the **** Loa summoned by the spirit-inducing ritual is unconscious, Zul still feels more cautious.

On the way, Zul and the trolls have had enough of Anzu's pain. This cunning crow will always set up various traps, one more sinister than one.

Although the current Anzu has not been resurrected, the soul is already alive!

If Anzu does anything bad during the resurrection ceremony, it may cause unexpected consequences.

So what Zul needs to do now is to test what Anzu is in.

Using voodoo magic, Zul began to carefully extract Anzu's soul energy.

Contrary to Zul's expectations, Ansu was more honest than he expected.

The Shadow Crow flapped its wings uneasily, but after all, it did not make any effective counterattack.

It seems really only subconscious.

"Don't worry." The sweaty Galdala came behind Zul, with a relaxed tone, "This crow is very troublesome for attracting spirits, but after all, it succeeded. Although this kind of Loa represents the power of the law , But their soul strength is simply not worth mentioning."

But somehow, Zul still felt dangerous.

Poor Zul, after losing the golden mask, the great prophet has degenerated from knowing what will happen in the future to only knowing if something will happen in the future.

After careful observation for a long time, Zul still confirmed that this crow really seems to have only the subconscious mind left. Apart from making two noisy calls from time to time and sorting out the feathers that do not exist, it seems to have everything. Won't do it.

Is it because you have lost the golden mask and your premonition has a problem?

After hesitating for a moment, Zul decided to start Anzu's resurrection ceremony normally.

Compared with the spirit-inducing ceremony, the resurrection ceremony is actually very simple to put the soul into the body.

Under the leadership of Zul, the troll priest used voodoo magic to prepare a simple body for Anzu, and stuffed the crow that was still combing its feathers into it.

Now only the most critical step remains.

Awaken Anzu's consciousness.

The current Anzu only has a subconscious mind. His real consciousness fell into a deep sleep with his last death. If he does not wake up his consciousness when he absorbs energy, the energy he absorbs is "dead", and this energy can only be used once. use.

Only the God Loa who has awakened consciousness is the real God Loa, and only the real God Loa can give the troll real power.

Of course, before waking Ansu, some preparations must be made.


After a deep sleep, I don't know how long, Anzu finally regained his consciousness.

There is no Emerald Dream in Draenor, so Anzu's journey to death is not interesting, there is no tranquility, only endless chaos.

In the chaos, Anzu felt an inexplicable gravity and pulled him out.

Is this the way back to Delano?

"Gah, am I finally born again... No, who are you?"

Anzu felt weak and painful.

After a brief period of confusion, Anzu finally recovered his memory. This situation seems to be different from what he had expected!

In addition to the familiar shadows and arcane arts, Anzu felt that there seemed to be a new and strange power around him.

The power of chaos is the opposite of arcane power.

Ansu opened his eyes and saw a group of creatures he hadn't seen before.

"Titan's creation already has such a slender version?"

The first words of the crow made Zul feel uncomfortable inexplicably.

"I heard that you are very wise, stupid crow?" Standing in front of Anzu, Zul raised his face slightly. "But as far as I know, he ridiculed his pathetic environment. You have no such behavior and wisdom. Anything~"


An Su looked at the situation around him, and then let out a quacking laugh.

"Stupid fellow, do you think this ridiculous trap and magic circle can cause any trouble to the great Anzu? It's naive!"

While speaking, Anzu waved his wings.

In the small tomb, the wind raged.

In all fairness, the quality of the shadow body that Zul and the troll priest condensed to Anzu is very poor, but only with this trash body, Anzu is also terrible.

But since it was dealing with Anzu, how could Zul not have some prior preparation?

Ansu quickly stopped flapping his wings because he found that his actions seemed to have no effect.

These brave guys seemed to be prepared long ago, and Gale and Wind Blade had no effect.

It doesn't matter, Anzu is a God of Loa who has long since escaped the low-level interest of using his body!

Arcane Surging Zul narrowed his eyes slightly, and together with the troll priest, he used a voodoo shield to resist the arcane explosion.

Before Zul was relieved, the next Olympic explosion came again.

The turbulent arcane energy filled the entire tomb, and when he really faced Anzu, Zul couldn't help feeling that this Loa **** was actually terrifying.

But what?

The current Draenor is not the place it used to be. How many times can the current Anzu come to the arcane explosion?

At the same time, Anzu also found a problem.

As usual, Anzu tried to absorb Draenor's arcane energy to restore his state, but was infested by fel energy.

The chaotic energy made Anzu's spells out of control.

This time the Arcane Explosion did not repel Zul, but Anzu stumbled for a while.

The sudden change gave Ansu a subtle astonishment. Ansu, who was used to mastering everything, was rarely at a loss when faced with a completely different environment from before.

But that was only a moment.

The next moment, Ansu suddenly grinned and laughed.

"Quack, funny, funny, I didn't expect that I would still have a chance to meet creatures other than Titan's creation!"

Worthy of wisdom Ansu...

After a brief observation, Anzu has probably figured out the details of Zul and the other trolls.

I don't know how these guys came, but they are definitely not the creation of Titans, and they are not their own creation!

"It looks like you are coveting my power? Stupid choice, stupid out of reach!"

Ansu growled and opened his mouth.

The shadow energy collapsed crazily, and it was so energetic that it made it difficult for the trolls to stand, and flew towards Ansu.

As if the raven swallowed the sky...

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