Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 635: Drunk and cold-eyed

The alliance’s ivory tower is much larger than that of the high elves. Although technology is not enough, it is one of the reasons, but there is another more important reason.

The structure and function of the ivory tower of the alliance are more complicated.

At least the ivory tower of the high elves can't turn into a magic tower so quickly, naturally it is impossible to directly support the collective teleportation of the wizard.

As soon as the mage tower took shape, a large group of mage headed by Moira stepped directly out of the portal and appeared on the wall of the Hellfire Fortress.

Without saying a word, these masters directly picked up the staff, and then the fireball plowed the ground!

Tyler, who collapsed next to the Mage Tower, is now thinking about how to organize the language to answer "What kind of experience is it to see the fireball technique becoming too dense and turning into a flame storm".

Arcane flames are different from elemental flames, and this kind of energy shaman can't control it.

Facing the mage’s frenzied fireball, these shamans can only add blood to the soldiers, and add bloodthirsty by the way (not afraid of pain, more resistant to beating)...

There is no way. In this case, without the help of the earth, water, fire and wind, how do you let the shaman work?

Shaman can borrow elemental power, but now the Hellfire Citadel, or Hellfire Peninsula, even the elemental spirit is gone. Yesterday Thrall’s mud puppet was the last earth power.

I don’t know if the orcs once again regretted the destruction of Draenor at this time. If this is the old Draenor, with the help of active elemental spirits, the shamans can easily knock down the group of wizards. City wall!

After experiencing the destruction of Draenor, the beasts can realize that protecting the environment and protecting the elements are actually protecting themselves.

Amidst the billowing flames, the Blackrock Orc at the forefront suffered heavy losses.

Although Blackrock armor can defend against magic to a certain extent, it is of little use under such intensive bombing. Many of the Blackrock Orcs are simply cooked by the flames, and the entire wall of the Hellfire Fortress is filled with thickness. The burnt smell.

But soon, the Demon Slayer Warrior rushed over.

Ignoring the flames completely, these unarmored orcs with large tattoos roared angrily while surrounding the wizards.

The protection spells of the mages set up a colorful barrier and stopped the first batch of throwing axes, but the orcs' attacks were obviously not the case. These demon slayer soldiers decisively replaced them with melee weapons after a single blow was invalid.

After all, the body of the orcs is destined for their melee ability.

Seeing that the orcs were about to rush in front of them, although Master Moira's arcane arts could contain these orcs to a certain extent, for ordinary Violet Avenger mages, these orcs would be absolutely incomprehensible once they got close.

However, it doesn't matter.

The reason why the tribe’s hole card has been hidden for a long time has not been revealed. On the one hand, it was to make a surprise, and on the other hand, it was because they knew that using this method to deal with the wizard was not very reliable.

Although the orcs have good physique, they are not very resistant to beatings. They rashly choose no armor, and the result must be extremely high damage in battle.

The enemy is only good for the wizard, if there are other things, I am afraid it will be miserable.

The Alliance was also aware of this, and the second batch from the Mage Tower was the Dwarf Musketeers.

The dwarf musketeers headed by Nesingwary II had filled the bullets long ago and were ready to go. Just stepping out of the portal, these dwarf hunters raised their muskets directly.




The Demon Slayer soldier who charged in the front fell to the ground.

Although the Dwarf Musketeer’s attack will not directly kill the orcs, it is inevitable to lose combat effectiveness.

Soon, the Demon Slayer Warrior fell directly.

Thrall shook his head—that's the problem.

In fact, in Thrall's thoughts, it would be good if the Demon Slayer was a troll.

The troll's frenzied resilience can hold the attack even without armor, and with magic resistance, it can sweep everything.

Horde, only orcs are not enough...


The Alliance and the Horde didn't know that Drunk Wind was also silently observing in the decisive battle of Hellfire Fortress-on Onyxia's back, high in the sky.

This time I came to Draenor. On the one hand, Drunk Wind was to meet his mother-in-law, Sinestra, and to bring the Void Dragon back to Azeroth, on the other hand, to take a closer look at the relationship between the Alliance and the Horde. fighting.

Re-estimate the energy of the Alliance and Horde.

To be honest, in the beginning, the reason why Drunk Wind turned a blind eye to this conflict was that he wanted to open up a battlefield in Okuyama and give the Alliance and the Horde a place to vent.

Proper venting is conducive to overall unity, cooperation in competition, and competition in cooperation.

But who would have thought that Rastakhan, the king of trolls, was a brain-dead?

When Zuifeng came back from Northrend, when he heard that Duke Bolvar Fortagan had died in Hellfire Citadel, Zuifeng's entire panda was stunned.

Can anyone tell me what the **** is this?

Is Boval so inexplicable? Or was it killed by the Troll King?

Who will bring that helmet when you die? !

Of course After a short astonishment, Drunk Feng quickly recovered his sanity.

Things are not out of control.

Especially after Turalyon hit Bovar with a hammer, Drunk Wind wanted to give the old man a hug.

From the perspective of Drunk Wind, the tribe must not be stronger than the alliance, and the alliance cannot completely suppress the tribe. Once the two sides are out of balance, something big will inevitably happen!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Alliance has a tendency to suppress the tribes.

This is not a good phenomenon-although Drunk Wind sympathizes with the innocent dwarven archaeological team, he really hopes that Zul will come back soon.

It's better to be there today.

In fact, when Drunk Wind returned from Northrend, he had already found the ending symbol of the truce between the Alliance and the Horde, but in this situation, Drunk Wind felt that this rest symbol might simply not work.

It is difficult for alliances and tribes that have played real fire to deal with the undead natural disasters, even if the undead + the ancient gods, it may be difficult to attract the attention of these guys.

Just when he was drunk and thinking, he saw a group of people appearing at the edge of his vision.

Or a team of trolls.


The trolls in this situation, except for Zul, seem to have no strange possibilities!

"Oni, the height is lowered. Let's meet those trolls. They are the key to Northrend now. Fortunately, they have appeared. Otherwise, I'm afraid the new Stromgarde in Sorazar Basin will be over."

"To be ironic, let the troll save the country that rose from killing the troll..."

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