Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 643: Coronation of Mograine

After receiving the long sword forged by Thorim, Mograine raised his own question.

"Your Excellency, what are you going to do next?"

Although he was about to be crowned king, Mograine was not very excited-on the contrary, he even felt a little heavy.

On the one hand, because he needs to be responsible for the people of Heidenil, on the other hand, because in Torim’s words, he can hear the taste of "Tuogu".

"Me?" Torim smiled when Mograine asked, "I'm going to do what a guardian should do."

"What the guardian should do?" Mograine raised an eyebrow. "What is that?"

"Of course it is to guard the world!"

While speaking, Thorim said that his eyes turned to the storm cliffs outside.

In the House of the Mountains, the storm has rarely stopped, and Northrend is so beautiful at this moment.

When Torim didn't want to say anything, Mograine could only frown, thoughtfully.


When Mograine and Torim came out of the palace together and came to Brunhilda Village, the Heidenir people here were already boiling.


God of the Heidenir!

There is no doubt that, as the creator of the Heidenir, Thorim is a **** to these fanatical female warriors!

And now, God has really come!

Originally, only after winning the Hyde Trial, the Heidenir could be eligible to see Thorim - and the previous Thorim still had his back to the person, never turning around.

So the people of Heidenil don't know what Thorim looks like.

But when Thorim really came to Brunhilda Village, all the people of Heidenil recognized him immediately.

This is the connection from the blood, from the soul-this is the connection between the creator and the creation!

On the cold storm cliffs, Mograine ushered in his coronation ceremony.

The coronation this time is a god-given monarchy in the true sense.

From now on, in Brunhilda, no one has a higher status than Mograine, who has been affirmed by Thorim!

From now on, Mograine is the true King of Heidenir!

When Thorim personally put on that little crown for Mograine, the wind screamed among the mountains of Northrend!

This is a memorable day, and the people of Heidenil usher in a new era!

Among the cheering Haidnir, Mograine raised his sword high.

"Heidenil no longer fights the Frost Giants. Now our enemy is the traitor of Vakilian!"

Mograine's words stunned all Heidenir.

Originally in their cognition, the coming of God meant that the legendary God’s angry shot would happen again, and God would take Heidenir to a glorious victory.

But now, the King of Heidenir suddenly announced that the war had stopped? !

After a brief astonishment, the Heidenir turned their gaze to Thorim.

Seeing the doubts of the Heidenir people, Torim smiled.

"The battle with the Frost Giant is indeed over. Heidenil has proved his glory with his bravery-now our target is no longer the Frost Giant, our target is the traitor of Vakirian, and behind them, the evil The Lich King!"

After getting Thorim's affirmation, Heidenil became excited again.

No matter who the enemy is, as long as there is a fight!

Moreover, the people of Heidenil have long seen that group of traitors upset, a group of scum who dare not fight directly!


Thorim didn't stay in the village of Brunhilda for long. When night fell, he left here alone, heading north, without telling anyone.

The Heidenil was easily distracted by his trick, and the guardian walked towards a path of his own choosing.

At this time, Mograine was discussing with Lolilla.

"I fulfilled the agreement and awakened the fighting spirit of Lord Torrem-even crowned king. Now tell me where is Vakilila?"

"Don't worry, my majesty." Lorila had a clear smile on her face. "Vakilila is fine now, I just helped her hide-after all, this is Brunhill. Dar, boys are very dangerous, just in case I bring her and her children under the cliff of storm."

"If nothing else, you can see them tomorrow."

Listening to Lorila said that, Mograine finally let go of the last worry.

Sure enough, on the next day, Mograine saw Valkyrie holding the baby, which made him feel quite good.

After all, fairness and justice does not mean the loss of emotions.

But too late to say too much, the newly crowned King Mograine of Heidenir must embark on the journey.

Destroy Valkyrian!

As early as when he left Thorim's palace, the guardian personally went to the territory of the son of Hodir and apologized to the frost giant-as a dignified guardian he didn't want his creation to see his own This "embarrassed".

The effect was very good, and the son of Hodir finally forgave Thorim-otherwise Mograine would not dare to swagger through the Frost Giant's territory with the Heidenir.

Although the two sides still smelled of gunpowder, they could no longer fight.


The weather in Storm Cliffs has been too good recently, and Sandrian hated such sunny days after being transformed into Val'kyr.

Disgusting sunshine.

Vakilian’s betrayal is actually very interesting. These mind-boggling female fighters of Heidenir hated the endless battles with the frost giants and consciously left the village of Brunhilda long ago.

It's just that the sense of fighting is meaningless on the one hand, and the instinctive desire to fight is on the other hand. After moving away from Brunhilda Village, they have become bored.

Therefore, after meeting the Lich King, they will hit it off with Ner'zhul-change their form and prove their worth. This is why Vakirian will join the Lich King.

However, due to Drunk Wind's intervention, Ner'zhul (or now Arthas) could only hide underground, so most of Valkyrie chose to stay in Valkyrian.

It's one thing not to like the sun, it's another thing to stay underground and hide.

Of course, Sandrian didn't sigh this tortuous history. What she cared more about was the shocks that came from afar.

Since Val'kyr stayed in Valkyrian, the Undead Scourge would regularly send a batch of corpses to Val'kyr to resurrect.

There are snow monsters, giant bears, mammoths, and occasionally ice trolls-but today is not the day to transport corpses...

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