Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 645: Conspiracy of Yogg-Saron

? After seeing the tentacles belonging to the ancient gods in Loken's Temple of Wisdom, Thorim figured everything out instantly.


  Why all the evidences of Sif’s death point to Hodir, but Hodir disappeared undeadly; why Tyr disappeared after saying that there was a dark force; why did the guardians fall apart over the years...


   Originally, Thorim thought that Loken's suppression of other Guardians was just out of his own arrogance. After Odin raised his own Hall of Valor, everyone knew the contradiction between the Guardians.


   But Torim never expected that Loken didn't breed his ambition, but directly took refuge in Yogg-Saron!


  Though Torim believed that his fist could awaken Loken, but facing Yogg-Saron's tentacles, Torim was very imaginary...


Although the Titans destroyed the dark empire and sealed the ancient gods, don’t undermine the power of these old dominators because of this. At least when you are singled out with the guardians, even if they are sealed, the guardians are not there. Next!


   Unsurprisingly, Thorim was tied up.


   The Storm Guardian was bound by Yogg-Saron's tentacles every minute.


   The next step is brainwashing-Yogg-Saron is the demon of the Thousand Throats, and he has played best with the talent of the ancient **** Sui Sui Nian.


So, under Yogg-Saron’s broken thoughts, Torim’s soberness did not last long, and he disappeared again. After becoming decadent and depressed, he returned under Yogg-Saron’s instructions. Ulduar.


   But in the last moments before losing his mind, Thorim smiled-he wasn't completely without a back hand.


   And Loken went to Thorim's temple.


   Although the Titan creation mainly uses the creation matrix, each guardian’s personal creation is more affected by each guardian’s private matrix.


   Loken hopes to use Thorim's private matrix to bring the Heidenir into his own control.


   But in Thorim's private matrix, Loken found something wrong.


   In Thorim's palace, Loken stood in front of Thorim's private matrix with a dazed expression-Thorim cut off his control of the Hydnir!


   After carefully analyzing Torim's private matrix, Loken realized that in order to serve as insurance, Torim had stripped Heidenir's control from his own private matrix and made something.


What is   ?


  After thinking about it, Loken determined his goal on Mograine's two-handed sword.


   Heidenir's Breath-Not surprisingly, this sword was stripped from his personal matrix by Thorim, and Heidenir's control part.


   After thinking of this, Loken smiled.


   That sword, it doesn’t seem to be difficult to get!




Mograine took the Heidenir to annihilate Vakirian easily. Except for a few of the hapless Valkyries, they ran away quickly, and most of the rest were killed by the Heidenir. Under anger.


   But when Mograine returned triumphantly and returned to Brunhilda Village, he was surprised to find that Lori La seemed to have established some kind of rule and looked like she was very unwelcome.


   "What's going on?" Looking at the Heidenir soldier holding a weapon at him, Mograine was dumbfounded, "What are you going to do?"


   "Outsiders, our transaction has been completed-you have awakened our gods, I sheltered your wife and children, and then destroyed Vakirian."


   Regarding Lolila's remarks, Mograine obviously did not admit it.


   "No, I am the King of Heidenir-the king of the monarchy, you are rebellious!"


   "It's not a rebellion-from beginning to end, you are just a stranger who has entered Brunhilda Village by mistake. Leave, go where you should be!"


   "This is where I should go!" Mograine was unmoved, "Crowning as king is not only an honor, but also a responsibility. Heidenil needs a sensible leader!"


   "A sane leader?" Lori raised her eyebrows, "Why, am I not sane enough? Or do you just hate the title of King Hydnir?"


   "You?" Mograine narrowed his eyes. "I don't know you-in Brunhilda, the records about you are just a few words. Sorry, I can't choose to believe you."


   "Does Heidenier want to believe you?" Lolila changed her color suddenly, "Trust you, and fight the undead natural disasters for your humans? Don't think I don't know what you are, Mograine!"


   "What kind of stuff am I?" Mograine laughed furiously. "Then tell me, what kind of stuff am Alessandros Mograine?!"


"You are a Paladin, and you are a Paladin who believes in the Holy Light! But we Heidenir are not!" Lolila did not back down, "You can choose to sacrifice for your own faith, but you can't sacrifice Heidenir for it! "


   Lolila's words made Mograine's mouth instantly dumbfounded.


Lorila is right, Mograine really hopes that Heidenil will participate in the battle against the undead and natural and this battle itself has nothing to do with Heidenir-at most it is a lich The king once seduced some traitors of Hydnir, but now those traitors have also been killed.


   Looking at Mograine's expression of nothing to say, Lolila's mouth showed a smile.


"Leave here, mortal---return to your comrades. Fighting with the Lich King is where you should play a role. Hand over Heidenir’s breath. We Heidenir will not participate in mortal battles. in."


   "A mortal battle?!" Hearing Lorila said that, Mograine suddenly realized, "Yes, I am a mortal--but you are not!"


"Of course, I'm great..." Lori pulled halfway through her words, and suddenly realized that she was wrong-it seemed that because the plan was done too smoothly, she was excited and leaked, "Damn, are you **** me?! "


"Hahaha!" Mograine laughed loudly, "I blame you? No, that's your flaw-knowing that I am a Paladin, and bringing these fake, shadowy guys Pretending to be a Haidnier? Although I have had a bad life in Storm Peaks these years, I don't know anyone alone!"


   Lolilla still wanted to distinguish, Mograine had suddenly opened the wings of the holy light and waved the breath of Heidenil in his hand.


   A dazzling light flew from the blade, and went straight to Lolila, who was caught off guard and was hit directly.



  :. :

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