Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 660: Drunk wind's unexpected help

? Kalia's accidental assassination cast a shadow over this Northern Expedition.


In this case, the Alliance’s preparations for the Northern Expedition were obviously slowed down-no matter how anxious Varian was, he could not forcefully start the Northern Expedition before Kalia wakes up. After all, it has been said that the Forsaken will Is the pioneer of the Northern Expedition.


   Whether it is the investigation of Ravenholdt or the pursuit of the assassin, this is not a simple matter.


   After experiencing this assassination, Varian instinctively felt that there seemed to be an undercurrent in the depths of Stormwind that he could not control.


   Where is the problem?


   After the prosecutors’ reports of “no problem” one after another, Varian racked his brains to find out the cause of his anxiety, but he still had no gain after thinking about it.


   Just as the undercurrent of Stormwind was raging, the support that Talleysa was looking forward to arrived.


   Archbishop Faor (Undead Edition) and Drunk Wind...


  Fao’s arrival is a matter of course, but what is the fun of Drunk Wind? !


   Regarding Taresa’s doubts, Zuifeng said that I originally wanted to make soy sauce, but Fao forced me to come over!


   Okay, in fact, Drunk Wind came to Stormwind City by half pushing and half...


   On the one hand, it was because Lao Chen was still blocking herself in Heishi Mountain-Nomi once again (why did I say again?) abducted Lili, not knowing where she went, Lao Chen expressed his dissatisfaction.


   On the other hand, Drunk Wind has some speculations about the cause of Kalia's injury.


  Think about it, this time Kalia is injured, who has the biggest gain?


   Well, the biggest is the tribe...


   But I know with my feet, this is definitely not done by the tribe!


   If the Horde is really frantic to this point, Drunk Wind might take the lead in attacking Durotar!


   Well, who is the second beneficiary?


   The Lich King and Yogg-Saron-after all, slowing down the process of the Northern Expedition, it was the best thing for them.


   But this is impossible. The Lich King and Yogg-Saron are easy to do things in Northrend, but they have absolutely no energy to do things in Stormwind!


   So thinking about it, there is only one force that has the ability and reason to do it-Deathwing and N'Zoth!


   Coincidentally, in Stormwind City, Deathwing still has a subordinate who can accomplish this.


   Twilight Archbishop, Benedictus!


   So Drunk Wind, who had taken refuge in Dunhold Castle, got the news and directly agreed to Archbishop Fao’s request for help.


   Strictly speaking, Draenor's affairs drunk the Alliance once, so he plans to make up for it in his own way.


   help you find a moth!




   On the second day, when Zuifeng and Fao met Varian, the atmosphere of the entire meeting became strange—even a little sad.


   Looking at these two familiar but strangers, Varian was a little at a loss.


   When I saw Archbishop Faor last time, Varian was still a prince!


   When the orcs invaded, Archbishop Faor used the power of the Holy Light to train the first batch of Paladins.


   Fao at that time was kind and kind, and his body was filled with the aura of holy light.


   However, Archbishop Faor died soon after the orc war had not been won—for this reason, Varian was still uncomfortable for a long time, and even Uther was said to have been in grief for several days.


   But I didn't expect that Varian saw Faor again here today.


  Different from the kind archbishop back then, although Faor’s hat is still embroidered with the symbol of redemption, the shadowy aura on his body makes Varian almost unable to believe that this is the archbishop!


   As for the drunk wind-Varian often thinks, if the original Stormwind City can be more tolerant, after drunk wind saves Lothar, don't be full of suspicion, the current oath date will not be part of the alliance?


   Okay, actually Varian knew it himself, and the answer was no.


After becoming a king, Varian inevitably came into contact with more and more things that were not so magnificent. In this case, he dared not confirm if the tauren or blood elves joined the alliance, would humans take advantage of the trend Go to Kalim to do things.


   The vows can be righteous and peaceful, because these races are not very numerous.


   But humans and orcs...


   The thirst for resources of these two extremely fast-growing races is terrible.


   Azeroth’s struggle is essentially a struggle for survival resources?


   shook his head, Varian pulled his mind back to reality, and then welcomed Faor and Drunk Wind.


   After a simple greeting, Faor went straight to the point.


   "Kalia is now my student. I have understood the general situation of this assassination. Yesterday I stabilized Kalia's state. It was very tricky and poisonous, but I can handle it."


   "That's great, Archbishop." Varian breathed a sigh of relief when Faor said. "How is your Majesty Kalia's condition now?"


   "There is nothing wrong." Faor nodded, "I have contained the effects of toxins, but it will take a while for the toxins to disperse."


  Varian nodded, then turned his gaze to Drunk Wind, full of doubts.


   "I'm here for the murderer this time." In response to Varian's doubts, Drunken grinned, "I have found the suspect."




   Seeing Drunk Wind’s swearing appearance, Varian had some bad ideas—could it be that Oath had a spy in Stormwind?


   shouldn't be!


   Even if there is a spy, I can't find out the problem in this assassination. Your spy found the problem, and then you will come and tell me?


  Who can do this kind of behavior? !


   seemed to have discovered Varian's doubts, and Drunk Feng gave a bright smile.


  "This matter is related to the ancient gods, to be precise, it is related to the believers of the ancient is a little confused.


  A believer of the ancient gods-isn't that a bug? When did there be bugs in Stormwind?


   And according to eyewitnesses, the assassins are all humans-there is a big gap between worms and humans!


   So, Varian directly raised his doubts.


   This time it’s drunk wind to cry and laugh...


   "The ancient gods are different. Not every ancient **** is like C'Thun, with a group of self-made little brothers."


   Hearing Drunk Wind's words, Varian raised his brows, and then nodded faintly.


   "Who did that?"


   "Before I talk about that, we need a secret room first." To Varian's question, Zuifeng did not directly answer, "This time, it is the inner ghost who did it."

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