Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 663: The whole thing

?Why did Faor find those letters?


   This is a pure coincidence.


Long before Quel'Thalas joined the oath, Drunken Wind had contact with Alonthos Faor. For Drunken Wind, he needed a helper in the dark to help him investigate the ancient gods. thing.


   only relying on the vows on the bright side, facing the ancient **** believers hiding in the dark, after all, he has some power.


   At that time, Faor and Zuifeng had some discussions, and they hit it off and reached a consensus on cooperation. The drunkenness was in the light, and the Faor was in the dark, to jointly deal with the believers of the ancient gods.


   When Kalia was preparing for the Northern Expedition, Fao formed an organization called "Esotericism" and began to secretly search for the traces of believers of the ancient gods.


   And those record scrolls were not obtained by Faor from the clues of the ancient **** believers-for Faor, the discovery of those scrolls was just an accident.


  As an old friend of Terenas, Faor sometimes wanders in the ruined Palace of Lordaeron in his free time-don't think that if you die, you have no hobbies. Faor likes walking.


  Walking is an interesting process that can relax Faor. Although Faor has lost a lot of functions after becoming the forgotten, he is still mentally exhausted after a long period of work.


   And the place where Faor walks is also very interesting-Lordaeron's palace.


   Lordaeron’s palace is an absolute forbidden area for most people, even in the Forsaken, there are few people here.


   After all, this is the sad place of Kalia, Queen of the Forsaken, where her brother killed her father.


   But for Faor, Lordaeron Palace is a good place for a walk, quiet enough and conducive to thinking.


   Then, by chance, Faor found the scrolls hidden at the bottom of the throne.


   The scroll was recorded in Ravenholdt, and Faor could not understand the meaning of the above, but there is no doubt that this thing is very important-after all, there is nothing simple hidden under the throne.


   So Faor carefully put away all the scrolls.


   After that, he sent someone to stare here, and someone came to report for the first time.


   When Drunk Wind came to find the scroll, he concealed his trace.


   So Faor got the report for the first time, saying that Zuifeng appeared and looked around, so he asked if Zuifeng was looking for a scroll.


   Regarding Faor’s question, Zuifeng directly admitted: "I'm just working on some scrolls."


   Faor nodded, then took out the scroll with Zuifeng.


   Looking at the secret language, Drunk Wind also said that his head hurts.


   The expression that the donkey's lips are not right to the horse's mouth, anyone who looks at it will be confused.


   But fortunately, someone understands Ravenholdt's secret language.


   Drunk Wind took the scroll again and hurried to Quel'Thalas.


   Now, Valera has become a key figure. Without her help, no one can figure out what is recorded on these scrolls.


   After an intense and busy translation process, Zuifeng finally figured out the records on these scrolls.


   A legend about the legend of Thoradin the Great.


   Legend has it that after leading mankind to defeat the trolls and establishing the human kingdom, Thoradin discovered the "shadow hidden in the dark". He passed the throne to his heirs, and then single-handedly solved the shadow.


The establishment of Ravenholdt also began at that time. Emperor Thoradin was afraid that he could not completely solve the shadow, so he specially sent his most loyal subordinate, Ravenholdt, to find a hidden place in the mountains to form A power in the dark.


   This is Ravenholdt Manor.


   The original purpose of Ravenholdt Manor was to prevent the shadows lurking in the dark.


   But as the years passed and the times changed, Ravenholdt began to run off the track.


   The threat did not appear for a long time, and Ravenholdt gradually became the home base of human assassins.


   When he saw this, Drunk Wind had already understood the meaning of Duke Jorace Ravenholdt. He was suspecting that it was the shadow that Thoradin was worried about and directly destroyed Ravenholdt!


   What’s interesting is that the next scroll explains Jorace Ravenholdt’s speculation. In Ravenholdt, Jorace had discovered the identity of those infiltrators at the end.


   Black Dragon and Black Dragon.


   Qorazzi believes that at the beginning, Thoradin was worried that people would panic, so he chose to find Deathwing alone, but he never returned.


   In this case, Qorazzi believes that the shadows hidden in the dark that Thoradin said are those black dragons that are ready to move.


   But, is that really the case...


   Zuifeng frowned after reading all the records.


   Obviously, Ravenholdt’s affair involves many "historical issues", and it is a historical issue related to the dragon.


   Moreover, due to human beings’ inadequate records of their own history, it is not easy for Drunken Wind to figure out the situation at that time.


   But fortunately, this matter involves the black dragon.


   For mankind, Thoradin’s time is a long, long time ago-by now, the last bloodline of Thoradin the Great has been cut off.


   But for the black dragon, that is just a period of their life experience.


   Humans don’t know, but black dragons know!


   If you want to know if the Black Dragon did anything during Thoradin's time, just ask, can't you?


   So Drunk Wind ran to the Temple of Wyrmrest in Northrend without stopping, and asked some old dragons about the past of Thoradin.


   got nothing.


   After a very careful inquiry, Zuifeng finally determined that the thing Thoradin was worried about was definitely not the black dragon.


Because according to what the dragon said, in the time of Thoradin, the dragon felt that humans were all degenerate Vrykul, a group of worthless guys, even the king among humans, for the dragon, that’s it. What happened...


   After receiving the news, the evidence of Drunk Wind broke.


   Could it be said that it was just a coincidence that Farad was in Ravenholdt?


   After thinking about it for a long time, after multiple verifications, Drunk Wind was finally determined, Qiao Lazi's guess was wrong.


   It was the black dragon that destroyed Ravenholdt, but Thoradin was not worried about the black dragon, but some other existence.


  Okay, the clue is completely broken.


Drunk Wind explored Ravenholdt’s destruction to find out where Deathwing was, not to avenge those assassins. It turned out to be good. After a long time Ravenholdt didn’t know where the black dragon went. For Drunk Wind, this matter is completely meaningless.


   The disappointed drunken wind relaxes in the Temple of Dragon Sleep, and then meets Danath's request for help.


   Then Drunk Wind supported Mograine and then mediated the war.



  :. :

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