Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 666: Looking for 2 naughty bags

I don't know why, when around Zuifeng, Valera always feels restrained and uncomfortable.

(Of course, with regard to Valera's mind, he may not fail to test the mind of his daughter-in-law.)

So when Zuifeng offered to help Nomi, Valera refused.

But when Zuifeng "inadvertently" revealed that Nomi was missing with a "cute Pandaren girl", Valera became active...

The contrast between the front and back is so big that it is like two people!

So, when the Alliance and Horde mobilized troops and rushed to Northrend in an orderly manner, Drunk Wind took Valera and began his journey to find Nomi.

Needle in a haystack...

Azeroth is so big, where are Drunken Wind and Valera looking for?

Fortunately, Zuifeng has two advantages.

First of all, the two goals of Lili and Nomi are obvious enough-there are not many pandamen. If you ask passers-by whether you have seen a human, the blade armor will definitely treat you as mentally retarded, but if you ask whether you have seen a pandaman, This can definitely reveal something.

And the second point is that the two little guys who ran away from home obviously can't ride the black dragon-even if the young dragon is summoned, that's the rhythm of revealing everything in minutes.

So Drunk Wind and Valera riding the black dragon have a huge speed advantage.

Considering that Nomi and Lili may have gone to Kalimdor (Nomi has always wanted to go to Kalimdor), Zuifeng plans to go to the port to find out the news.

In the Eastern Kingdom, there are not many ports for ships to go to Kalimdor, and there are a few military ports that are not open to the outside world. Nomi and Lili can only take a boat when the cross-sea subway has not been repaired.

(What, do you ask about the cross-sea subway? That was made by the C'Thun believers, the cross-sea tunnels that the worms took a lot of work to dug!)

What, you said riding in an airship?

All of Nomi’s money has been confiscated by Drunk Wind. With Lili’s pocket money, still want to take an airship?

Are you a local philanthropist? !

After making up their minds, Zuifeng and Valeira's first destination is Nanhai Town.

Riding the black dragon, the two quickly rushed from Quel'Thalas to Nanhai Town.

There is no news—Valera used the method of gathering intelligence he learned in Ravenholdt, but in Nanhai Town, the two of them had nothing to gain.

No one said they had seen Nomi and Lili.

The two were not disappointed, and went straight to Menethil Harbor.

Still no news.

This is interesting-now, if there is any place to go to Kalimdor, there is only Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.

Booty Bay is too far away. If there is no news of Lili and Nomi in Booty Bay, it will waste a lot of time.

But so what!

After a little hesitation, Zuifeng decided to go to Booty Bay.

If it doesn't work, just offer a reward in Booty Bay, and you can always find these two little guys!

From Nanhai Town to Booty Bay, Zuifeng and Valera spent a long time even riding a black dragon-in the process, Zuifeng has been carefully observing this high elf girl.

Very good girl, with fair complexion and long legs, knowledgeable and capable-you are blind, why did you fall in love with Nomi?

Well, it's not that drunken wind sees his little panda cubs that are not pleasing to his eyes, but he really can't understand why the high elves are attracted to pandamen.

Obviously being fat is a point that the high elves are extremely disgusted with, and Nomi's mellowness has begun to take shape!

With a side-knock, Zuifeng finally figured out what Valella said.

Because Noomi turned handsome!

"..." At this moment, Zuifeng suddenly had nothing to say.

I'm so stupid, really, why did you have to wander around the Eastern Kingdom like a panda?

Okay, Zuifeng suddenly realized that he doesn't actually have any deformed spells-at most a wind, fire and lightning, elemental clone...

"Blue is better than blue!"

Fortunately, Zuifeng and Valera found Nomi's trail in Booty Bay.

In the tavern, Valera got the information from a group of drunks. There are indeed two pandamen, one man and one woman. Some time ago, they set off from Booty Bay to Misty Port.

According to time speculation, two people have arrived now.

After receiving this news, Zuifeng directly took Valera to take the airship.

A sum of money was confiscated from Nomi.

Spending his own children's money, Zuifeng took Valera to board the airship to Karim.

Compared with sailing, the speed of flying in an airship is not a little bit faster-provided that you need to be able to endure the chattering of airship flight attendants.

"Sir, this is the jewel of the top-Delaney goods, the commemorative edition when I was on Jaguero Island, it is quite valuable!"

"Madam, let’s try Salo pearl powder. The natural pearls obtained from the Long Beach Murlocs are completely different from the cultured goods in Kul Tiras. Don’t you know, the guys from the pearl mining team experienced Only after nine deaths, I got this!"



In the end, the impatient drunk wind spent an extra gold to completely put an end to this **** promotion-yes, airship and promotion are bundled sales services, unless you spend extra money, otherwise those Goblins will annoy you!


For Valera, this trip is meaningful.

When he ran away from home with Nomi, Varela also saw a lot, but because of the itinerary, in order to avoid possible investigation, Varela and Nomi could only sleep in the wild mountains all day.

So Valera has seen a lot of humanistic scenery.

On the other hand, Nomi’s cooking skills are not as good as Drunk Wind—or, Nomi’s cooking skills are far away from Drunk Wind. During the time that Valera followed Drunk Wind, she enjoyed herself. .

For most people, the food of a master chef is something you can meet but not ask for.

After a meal, Valera probably guessed how Drunk Wind chased Onyxia...

Moreover, in addition to food, Valera also learned a lot of Pandaren's way of thinking along the way-unlike Nomi's book-like knowledge, Zuifeng's understanding of local customs is more comprehensive.

In Nanhai Town, in Menethil Harbor, in Golden Town, in Sentinel Hill...

Had it not been for his drunken appearance, Valera might really treat him as a local!

In this respect, Zuifeng is very similar to Brian Bronzebeard. Zuifeng is happy to enjoy life. Everywhere he goes, as long as he is not in a hurry, he always likes to know everything here. So in Valera's view, Zuifeng is simply A living encyclopedia.

If Valera was worried when she just left Quel'Thalas, then when it came to Mist Harbor, she was already confident.

Lili's little girl?

Hehe, why are you fighting with me? !

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