Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 670: An unexpected big chin

   After Zuifeng saw Nomi excitedly take out the Dragon Summon, he instinctively felt something was wrong.

   This thing is very dangerous!

  Dragon’s Summon is made by the tail of Deathwing. The guardian dragon is very sensitive to its own body. As long as there is the Dragon’s Summon, Deathwing can forcefully break through the space and rush here!

   When Nefarian was making a sword, he was very nervous when he was drunk. He repeatedly told him to keep it safe, but Nefarian gave it to Nomi!

   If it weren’t for Valera’s confession last time, maybe the drunk wind is still in the dark...

   After Nomi pulled out a dragon's summons, Drunk Wind's heart directly pointed to his throat and blurted out with a burst.

   "Nomi, put it away now!"

   Nomi was shocked when he realized that his father was in a wrong state.

   Zuifeng usually smiles, and Nomi is not big or young. When Nomi is unwilling to train and wants to be lazy, Onyxia will cross her brows, and Zuifeng often uses food to tempt her.

   But Nomi remembers very clearly, the drunk wind started the fire... it was terrible!

   That's the kind of past that Nomi didn't want to recall and was hung up and beaten, in the true sense!


   So, Nomi subconsciously put away the dragon's call.

   Unfortunately, it's too late!

   The next moment, the amulet given by Malygos on Drunk Wind's waist suddenly burst, and the space began to be chaotic.

   In this case, Zuifeng shouted directly.


   There is no point in running away in a hurry.

   The summoning of the dragon was directly extinguished, and then a huge figure appeared in the air out of thin air.

   Slender body, powerful limbs, fierce scale armor, and primitive chin.

   Deathwing, here comes it.

   "Hahaha, you really can't help it!"

   The drunk wind directly covers his face. The Saint Seiya will not be defeated twice by a single blow, and now it seems that Deathwing is too!

   Last time in Sinsaro, Deathwing was used as a gun by Nomi. This time it was interesting. Just as Dragon Summon was taken out, Deathwing was here!


   In mid-air, Deathwing flapped its wings, watching Drunk Wind and Nomi.

   The proud Deathwing rarely fails or it can be said that all his failures come from drunk wind.

  During the War of the Ancients, the Dragon Soul was lost; in Draenor, the Black Dragon Legion’s rebellion; in Grim Batol, the siege of the four dragon kings, these things are all drunk winds.

   So to say who Deathwing hates most, Drunk Wind is undoubtedly the first.

   Nomi is the opposite.

   This little guy with his own blood is very interesting. He has never seen him before, but he has helped himself a lot. Without Nomi’s call of dragon, now Deathwing has to suffer the pain of body collapse!

   So in the eyes of Deathwing, if Nomi abandons the **** pandaman appearance, the premise for this little guy to win over is that he needs to undergo transformation.

   After confirming that there was no ambush, Deathwing finally spoke.

   "Drunk Wind, this time, do you have any reinforcements, if not, I am afraid you will never see the sun again soon!"

   After experiencing the initial astonishment, Zuifeng suddenly smiled.

   "Deathwing, don't use a phantom to cover up here, if you don't have your own body, you can't treat us like that!"

"Hahaha!" Deathwing or the phantom of Deathwing laughed. "Pandaman, you seem to have misunderstood something. You are not the only one who will be judged, but also everyone in this world. Twilight comes At that time, everything will be judged!"

"Judgment?" The drunk wind sneered at Deathwing's statement, "Why judge? With your primal chin? Or with your twisted flesh and blood. Your master is still hiding in the bottom of the sea, sneaking and not daring to show up. What are you talking about here!"

   "Damn, sharp-toothed pandaman, don't think you know something, in fact, you know nothing about real power!"

   The thing that Deathwing hates most is that some people say that N'Zoth is its master. From Deathwing's point of view, it is indeed related to N'Zoth that he became what he is now, but N'Zoth has never been his master.

   Clearly I am stronger than N'Zoth!

It’s a pity that Deathwing didn’t seem to realize that everything he did was like a sad puppet, manipulated and used by N'Zoth time and time again. If it weren’t for Nomi’s divine assist, I’m afraid he would die now. Wings is still unconscious!

   Looking at the thunderous Deathwing, he was drunk and fearless.

   Just kidding, on this level, facing a phantom, how could Drunk Wind be persuaded!

"What do I not know? Onyxia has gone through the bimonthly ceremony, but still can't fully grasp the power of the guardian Obviously, you still have the power of the earth, the so-called trial It's just a little trick to deal with mortals by using the power of the earth!"

   "Small trick?" Deathwing is noncommittal about Drunk Wind's words, "It is a trick to say that the great power of Deathwing is a trick, and you are the first!"

   "But not the last one!" The drunk wind said firmly, "Azeroth's power belongs to everyone in Azeroth. Your act of stealing will eventually fail!"

"The power of Azeroth?" Deathwing's expression suddenly became exciting. "It seems that you know more than I thought. About Azeroth, you have also noticed it. ?"

   "I have noticed it a long time ago." Zuifeng curled his lips, "I tell you clearly, I am also a competitor for that power!"

"A competitor?" Deathwing finally realized, "It's strange to hear that you defeated Azshara with one move. It turns out that you are not as kind as everyone imagined. In that case, why do you protect these ignorances? Idiot?"

   "Join me, join me in the Twilight Trial! This world needs a real settlement!"

   "Idiot, I'm not the same as you!" Zuifeng refused the fanatical invitation of Deathwing without hesitation, "Judgment and liquidation, that is just from your ridiculous ambition!"

   didn't want to talk to Deathwing, Drunk Wind jumped into the air, and then the touch of reincarnation destroyed the phantom.

   At the same time, in the Deep Rock Continent, a dull roar made the earth elements here into a state of shock.

   "Damn Pandaren!" rw

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