Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 675: The tacit understanding of the Alliance tribe

After the Alliance's Northern Crusade arrived, the poor Scarlet Crusade finally got rid of the pain of eating fish every day (well, that's not the point), and the two sides stood together again and began to discuss revenge for Alsace.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!

But the question is, where is Alsace?

This time, there was no Frozen Throne attacking the Alliance. Under pressure, Arthas is still underground. The Alliance is now gathering heavy troops, but Arthas can't be found!

Although the Azjol-Nerubians have been working hard to find them, the Icecrown Glacier is so big, and the Lich King is not motionless. How can it be so easy to find!

Fortunately, the oath had already anticipated this.

When the Alliance and Horde assembled their troops, the pledge was also assembled.

Blood elves, tauren, darkspear trolls, gliding blade naga, draenei, and night elves, the mortals in these vows also began to cross north, and their target was Ulduar.

The search for Alsace is still related to Yogg-Saron.

If Arthas and Yogg-Saron are separated from each other and hide in the ground with peace of mind, the search task will become very complicated. With the help of Anub'arak, Arthas can play tunnel wars, regardless of the alliance. , The tribe or the oath, it is impossible to keep staring at Northrend.

But once he got involved with Yogg-Saron, Alsace needed to do a lot more, such as sharing the firepower for Yogg-Saron.

Of course, as a "great" ancient god, Yogg-Saron does not necessarily need Arthas.

How did Yogg-Saron think he needed Alsace to share the firepower?

It's very simple, just let him know the power of these mortals that he looks down on, that's enough!

As a result, the Alliance and the Horde had a valuable understanding.

Pain Yogg-Saron!

Based on the consensus of destroying the Lich King, the Alliance and the Horde reached a consensus.

Of course, directly attacking Ulduar is a death-seeking behavior, and you can only choose to find an unlucky ghost to have the knife. After thinking about it, only Loken is suitable.

As early as when Draenor was negotiating the peace, Drunk Wind had notified the Alliance and Horde of Mograine’s news. In this case, both sides knew that there was an ancient **** minion called Loken who was once a guardian. , But don't do personnel affairs now.

As long as Loken is killed, Yogg-Saron is likely to ask Arthas to jump out and protect himself.

At that time, there will be revenge and grievances.

After finalizing the plan, a group of elite tribes set out from Zudak, and a group of alliance elite set out from Scarlet Dawn Fortress and went straight to the cliff of storm.

At the same time, the hero of the Alliance, Kurdran, mounted his Griffon Skarley and embarked on a journey to find Loken's specific location. Although Loken is definitely on the Cliffs of Storms, the exact location needs to be studied.

Originally, this exploration mission belonged to Falstad, but as the lord of the Wildhammer, he was really not suitable for doing it himself, so in the end this mission was handed over to Kurdran, the Griffin Skar who had been with himself Together with Lei, he shot down a wildhammer warrior with nine red dragons (albeit defective).

Similarly, the tribe sent its own warriors to find Loken-but without the two-legged dragon, the tribe does not seem to have the ability to fly.

But that's okay.

Logosh is here, and he knows how to tame the dragon for use by the tribe.

Due to the Draenor dispute, the two old friends of Daelin and Logosh finally parted ways-when the alliance and the tribe were in fundamental conflict, personal friendship was so fragile, life and death can bridge the hatred, but can not bridge themselves Camp.

After returning to the tribe, Logosh finally told the secret of taming the dragon.

But the five-color dragon tribe can’t think about it—even the evil black dragon can be purified. If you dare to ride the five-color dragon, you will dare to turn your face.

But the elemental dragon and the ancestor dragon oath will not care.

Northrend has a large number of ancestor dragons and elemental dragons, which gave Logosh a chance to show off his skills. He took his newly-accepted disciple Zaira (yes, it was the Dragonmaw Warlord Zaira), riding Riding on the captured ancestor young dragon, began to find Loken.

On the back of the dragon, Zaira was extremely excited.

As a survivor of the Dragonmaw clan, Zaira's love for giant dragons is engraved in the soul.

However, in the battle of Zagrimbator, most of the Dragonmaw clan was destroyed. Those who like to ride dragons like Zaira are almost the last Dragonmaw orcs in the tribe.

Had Zaira's family been far away from Grim Batol, she would probably have died in that war, when the vengeful dragons hardly left any alive.

Looking at his excited disciple, Rogosh sighed without a trace.

As a friend of Drek'Thar and Durotan, Logosh is a great orc. He longs for honor, but he is not brave.

At the beginning he was imprisoned by the Dragonmaw clan and even participated in the Battle of Grim Batol, but for young orcs like Zaira, Rogosh is also willing to assume the responsibility of teaching.

But this child still seems a bit extreme.

Although Zaira was born in the mountains and wilds of the wetlands and did not experience the kind of brainwashing education of the Dragonmaw clan, according to Logosh's observation, her heart is still irritable.

This is understandable, most of the orcs are in this way, and Logosh can slowly guide him-anyway, Zaira admires Logosh very much.

But I know my own situation best.

The torture and torture suffered in Grim Batol brought irreversible damage to Logosh's body, and Logosh seemed to have heard the call of the wild spirit.

The current tribe needs dragons, and taming dragons needs dragonmaw, and Zaira.

But who will guide this little girl?

To be honest Before Thrall returned, when Logosh had just returned to the tribe and found Zaira, he had thought about bringing Zaira to the Frostwolf clan and introduced her to Sara Er, became the wife of the warchief.

In this case, the Frostwolf clan can completely merge the Dragonmaw clan, and the power of the dragon will be firmly in the hands of Thrall.

Unfortunately, Thrall brought Agna back with him when he returned from Delano.

Well, although Logosh was already an old man, he had to admit that even he was amazed when he first saw Agna.

Therefore, the plan to introduce Zaira to Thrall failed.

The most embarrassing thing was that Logosh discovered that Zaira and a kid of the Warsong clan were walking very close.

Thinking of the little guy named Garrosh Hellscream, Rogosh shook his head.

Zaira can never be with an extreme orc, it will be a disaster for Zaira, a disaster for the Dragonmaw, a disaster for the tribe!


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