Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 679: Great Explorer Brian

What is Brian's main occupation?

warrior? hunter? Stalker?

These are not accurate-everyone knows that Bryan is a famous archaeologist, but there are not many people who know his job.

Well, in fact, Brian's job is an explorer.

An explorer who is good at using the environment to do things, an explorer who integrates thieves, warriors and hunters.

Brian is quite good at sneaking!

In the surprised eyes of Sylvanas, Khadgar, Kurdran and Muradin, Brian became a Thundercast Dwarf...

A limited **** descends to the world + paint made by something I don't know + Brian Bronzebeard-Brian's cowboy hat = a certain thunder-cast dwarf.

Godly cross-dressing!

Seeing Brian, who had finished the change of clothes three times, five and two, the other four people didn't know what expression they should show.

"Hey, Khadgar!" Sylvanas grabbed the mage secretly, "I heard that after returning from Draenor, Brian wanted to explore Uldaman? Is it this way to pretend to be a stone? Palate's way?!"

Khadgar grinned at Sylvanas's complaint, and he really didn't know how to answer.

Since three of the five people present were dwarves, it became much easier to sneak in. With the help of technical director and makeup director Brian, Muradin and Kurdran also became Thundercast dwarves.

As for Sylvanas and Khadgar...

Khadgar is Lord Fa, Lord Fa can be invisible, just follow behind you invisible!

Sylvanas will not be invisible, but as a ranger, it is not difficult to use arcane magic to become "camouflage".

As long as the three dwarves in front do their job to clear the way and attract the attention of the guards, Khadgar and Sylvanas' infiltration is not difficult!

After discussing the plan, the five people began their infiltration.

Brian swaggered and walked confidently in the first one.

Although the Thunderforged dwarves guarding the Hall of Lightning were a little surprised, why would there be a returning Thunderforged dwarves at this time, but they still chose to let them go, and Brian was not intercepted.

In contrast, Muradin and Kurdran were a lot nervous. They were not as confident as Brian, so the two of them did not dare to look around, and their knowledge bowed their heads and walked away.

Three pass!

Turning left at the entrance, Brian avoided the sight of the guard at the door, and then began to mess up.

A mechanical squirrel was released-Loya Hille made a special squirrel to help you attract the attention of the enemy!

Brian pretended to shout twice.

Because he didn’t know the language of the Thundercast dwarves—or whether they spoke Giant or Dwarf, Brian did not dare to say the complete sentence, but from a few simple shouts, Brian cast a Thundercast The surprise and anger of the dwarf were vividly interpreted.

Muradin and Kurdran looked at each other, shook their heads, and began to pretend to do things.

Of course, the performance of the two of them is simply a gap between the idol group and the capable group compared to Brian.

The guards were alarmed, and they temporarily left the gate to find the source of the riot, while Khadgar and Sylvanas took the opportunity to sneak into the gate.

While performing, Brian was also paying attention to the surrounding decorations. After discovering that Khadgar and Sylvanas had successfully sneaked in, Brian went directly to Lamuladin and Kurdran and walked towards one of the promenades. Past.

Avoiding the sight of the guards behind, Khadgar and Sylvanas also followed.

The tall corridor was empty, and after turning a corner in front, five people entered a hall.

A magical hall.

The interior of the entire mountain seemed to be hollowed out, and there was only one suspended road under the feet of the five people, leading to the mid-air, like an air corridor.

Looking at this huge hall with an obvious Titan style, Brian took a deep breath.

What an amazing building!

An unknown force is supporting this "air corridor". Standing on this corridor and looking up, the sky full of stars made of unknown materials in the middle of the sky is dazzling, and there is a dense fog below, and it is difficult to see what is there. what.

There was no one in the whole hall, everything was quiet.

"Mage, ranger, go to the sentry and help me buy time!" Bryan relieved the gods from descending to the earth and put on glasses. "See if anyone is disturbing me. I need to figure out the situation here. This involves our next step. Go ahead!"

Khadgar and Sylvanas appeared in shape, nodded, and disappeared again-now they need to pay attention to whether there is any Thundercast Dwarf coming outside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Brian began to study the situation in this hall carefully.

The planets in mid-air are shining, but they are not known to look like Azeroth or Zedrano—this is normal. The Titans have been to many worlds. This may refer to which one of them. Brian uses I observed the dwarf telescope for a long time, but found no useful information.

Therefore, the adventurer moved the perspective below.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it!

Below this air corridor are the bodies of countless steel giant Vrykul!

The appearance of these guys is similar to that of the Vrykul, but their size is comparable to that of giants. Judging from the gloss of their skin, they are made of steel, but they don’t seem to have a soul yet. Knowledge is neatly arranged in this hall without any movement. Below.

Giants are often cumbersome, while the power of the Vrykul is insufficient, and these giant Vrykul seem to be a combination of strength and agility!

And a large number of giant dimensional libraries are arranged there like commodities, how strange it looks.

"Military factory!"

This was Brian's first reaction Once visited Gnomeregan's steam workshop, Brian was no stranger to this situation, obviously this is a place of creation.

The guardian's creation is not a weapon, but a living life.

With the help of the Creation Furnace and the Creation Matrix, the Guardian can create life for his own use, and without any accident, this is where Loken created the Thunderforged Dwarves and the Iron Giants!

Moreover, through careful observation, Brian made a new discovery.

Below the air corridor, there is a transparent pipe, in which substantial energy flows, and this energy is in the process of activating. Seeing that there is a giant dimensional library that has been injected with a large amount of energy, it can already be slightly Moved!

The energy was so huge that Brian only felt terrified after seeing it.

"Mage, Ranger, come back soon, I think I found my way!"


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