Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 684: The death of the fallen guardian

Khadgar didn't know what that Algalon was.

And Tyr’s will is just will—not including Tyr’s memory and wisdom.

So Loken's threat was destined to be a joke, because he didn't understand that his threat was actually not understood by these mortals.

Tyre's will made Loken a little alarmed. In this case, he hurriedly showed a hole card that the other party didn't understand. Before he could explain it, he ushered in his own destruction. In this respect, Khadgar was really decisive.

Lifting Atiesh, Khadgar activated Arcane Singularity.

Arcane power began to rip at Loken frantically, and the King of Wisdom was completely unable to resist this power.

Loken's body began to collapse and disintegrate, and eventually disappeared completely under the erosion of Early Arcane.

The Lightning Hall suddenly became quiet, and after losing Loken's control, the Thunderforged Dwarf and the Iron Giant completely lost consciousness.

Unlike other guardian creations (such as the son of Hodir), Loken made Thundercast Dwarves and Iron Giants to be his own thugs.

So these guys don't have much intelligence, let alone a strong sense of autonomy. When Loken died, his creation directly became a walking dead.

Without hindrance, Sylvanas supported Khadgar, and the five people left the Lightning Hall easily, calling for the Griffin.

Dragging Khadgar onto Griffin's back, the five people left directly.

(Here is a detail, the key point-five people only used four griffins, and Sylvanas held Khadgar sitting on the same griffin.)


Back at Scarlet Dawn Fortress, Khadgar was unconscious and made many people sweat--and after Brian briefly told what happened, everyone's eyes widened.

It actually involves the legendary Tyr? !

Although everyone in the Alliance was mentally prepared for the seriousness of Ulduar's incident, when the legend became a reality, everyone could not help taking a breath.

Now, I can only wait for Khadgar to wake up.

After this battle, Khadgar experienced another sublimation. Everyone knows that Khadgar can be called a new generation of guardians of Tirisfal at any time—it was recognized by Tyre. No one is qualified to stop Khadgar.

Because Medivh was possessed by Sargeras, the Council of Tirisfal suffered a severe blow, coupled with the destruction of Dalaran and the ravages of undead natural disasters, now the entire council is in name only. If Khadgar wants to inherit The name of the guardian, as long as you find Medivh, it is enough to pass his recognition.

And Medivh had already hinted it very clearly before-Karazhan gave Khadgar everything, and the Guardian was really Khadgar as he wanted to do it.

Facing this supreme honor, Khadgar fell into contemplation unexpectedly after waking up.

Do you really want to be a guardian?

This is a difficult choice.

"What do you think, Master?"

While Khadgar was in a daze, Sylvanas came to his room.

Looking at the haggard mage in front of him, Sylvanas couldn't say how distressed-when did she get so close to him?

At the beginning, the two sides walked in just because of the mutual attraction of the lonely, of course, Sylvanas was also to get rid of some nasty flies by the way.

But as she stayed longer and longer in Karazhan, Sylvanas felt that she seemed to like the time around Khadgar.

How to put it... Peace of mind, quiet.

Sylvanas is very proud and sensitive.

Due to Alleria's reasons, Windrunner left Quel'Thalas after the Orc War. When the high elves left the alliance, Windrunner became a victim of politics and was abandoned by the high elves.

After Kael'thas joined the oath, the Sunstrider Prince also visited Stormwind City, hoping that the Windrunner family would return, but Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa all chose to refuse, only Windrunner The little brother Lilas returned to Silvermoon City with some high elves from the collateral family.

Vereesa and Alleria are for their love, but Sylvanas simply wants to stay here-as a link between the alliance and the oath, it is good for everyone.

The three windrunner sisters are actually very interesting. The eldest sister Alleria is a non-racist who cares about Azeroth. She is willing to give everything for this world.

Sylvanas is a high elves who cares about her tribe, and among the three sisters, the one who can bear the most responsibility. In the original historical line, she fought hard for the high elves and fell under Frostmourne. After becoming the Queen of the Forsaken, she was almost blackened for the reproduction of the Forsaken. Sylvanas will not pursue justice, but will always stand on her own ground and make the choice that is most beneficial to the power she represents-whether it is justice or evil.

The younger sister Vereesa is a high elf who cares about the family. When there were conflicts between race and family, she chose family. After Ronin died in Theramore, she stood on the opposite side of her former clan. .

When faced with Kael'thas' invitation, Sylvanas took the position of a family of high elves and windrunners and made the choice to stay in Stormwind.

Although the oath is strong enough, no one can guarantee that the high elves can always sit back and relax. After all, the main power of the oath is in Kalimdor. Only by maintaining a relatively harmonious relationship with the alliance can it be more conducive to the development of the high elves.

This task cannot be handed over to Vereesa. She is really impulsive and ignorant; it is also a bit inappropriate to hand it over to Alleria. After all, she is Turalyon’s wife, so only Sylvanas can do this "Quil" Salas’ ambassador to Stormwind But likewise, proud Sylvanas is unwilling to keep in touch with those politicians in Stormwind. Her willingness to take responsibility does not mean that she is willing to interact with them. Potbellied nobles dealt with, so as an ambassador, Sylvanas chose to stay in Karazhan more time.

There are books to read, there are venues for training, and there are not so many troubles.

As a result, Sylvanas found that she seemed to be in greater trouble.

After getting used to standing next to Khadgar, getting used to staying in Karazhan, and feeling very distressed after seeing Khadgar on the ground, Sylvanas found that she seemed... fell in love with a human?

How to do?

If he is really with Khadgar, then I am afraid Quel'Thalas needs a new ambassador to Stormwind, and then he will be no different from the older sister-Sylvanas has made her own select.

It is a pity that Khadgar did not notice Sylvanas's slightly flushed face, he frowned, his face tangled.

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