Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 688: Ex boyfriend and ex girlfriend

? Undead Scourge just waited.


   Anyway, without sleep, no food or drink, a large number of undead under the command of Arthas, relying on the terrain of Imiheim, quickly built a fortress, this is the glacier fortress.


   This time Alsace seemed to have lost his laurels—he even put out his few meat grinders.


These large machines that exude plagues and throw corpses are one of the killers of the undead’s natural disasters. When the corpses that are frozen hard by the Northrend cold fall from the sky, the lethality is not much different from the stone. In conjunction with the undead’s plague, there is no People dare to underestimate this weapon.


   You need to know that Alsace had been hiding in the ground some time ago, and he had already spent his money on being able to take out so many meat grinders.


   But sometimes, things always deviate from what people expected.


  The first wave of troops that came to the Glacier Fortress was not the righteous Paladins that Alsace had expected, but a group of undead...


   At this moment, Arthas really didn't know what kind of posture he should assume, all preparations were wasted.


  Although Arthas knew that there were some undead who were not under his control in the Eastern Kingdom, he was still a little sluggish after seeing the army of the Forsaken.


   There are so many!


   Reminiscent of Blackmore's secret experiment mentioned by Kel'Thuzad, Arthas was extremely irritable.


   Damn Blackmore! You have created so many undead who are not under my control!


   Then, when Arthas saw the slender figure headed, he was stunned.


   Jaina wearing a hood and a robe—still blue, just like when they first met.


   This is a woman who once occupied an important position in Alsace's life.




   Although the death knight on the opposite side wrapped his whole body in thick armor, Jaina recognized Arthas at a glance.


   My former lover.


Although Dai Lin made repeated orders and made repeated claims that Jaina must not be involved in the Northern Expedition, and even sent two tall maids to follow Jaina all day long, and set up a forbidden magic circle in Jaina’s residence, but the navy Will ultimately underestimate the ability of a magic genius.


   Just one hand extended the range of the forbidden magic circle, Jaina successfully teleported and left Kul Tiras.


   When everyone in the alliance was trying to help Dalin get Jaina back, the witty Jaina found Kalia, and then came to Northrend with the help of the Queen of the Forsaken.


   To be honest, Jaina didn't know why she had to see Arthas—everybody knew that he was really depraved, and he couldn't be persuaded to come back.


   But Jaina told herself in her heart that she must see Arthas!


for sure!


   And now, when she really saw Arthas, Jaina suddenly didn't know what she should say.


come back?


   Don't be kidding, Arthas couldn't look back anymore.




   Not to mention whether she can play it, Jaina knew she would not be able to play.


   Say hello?


   That will only make myself more embarrassed.


   opened her mouth in vain, Jaina was poked by the wind and snow of Icecrown.


   Just when Jaina was speechless, Arthas opened his mouth-after becoming the Lich King, his voice was low and hoarse.


   "Isn't this the little princess of Kul Tiras? Your appearance on the Icecrown Glacier really makes this place shine."


   "Alsace." After all, Jaina said the name of her former lover, "You, how did you become like this? It shouldn't be like this..."


   "Should not?" Alsace suddenly laughed, "There is nothing that should and shouldn't, just like there is no justice and evil. I just took a different path by coincidence."


"This is not a different road!" Hearing what Arthas said, although he was prepared, Jaina was still a little angry. "You destroyed Lordaeron, you killed countless innocent people! Those you swore to protect People!"


"Oath?" Arthas shook his head. "There has never been any oath-do you still care about the oath, my princess? If that is the case, I remember that in Dalaran, someone once was after joy, Swear to be by my side forever."


   "Now, my princess, are you willing to fulfill your vows?"


   Alsace's words made Jaina suddenly widened her eyes, and then she became at a loss. She did not expect that Arthas would say such things!


   The shame of being exposed is still second-at this moment, Jaina even felt that if Arthas had completely lost his mind, he would be better off.


  If that happens, maybe there is a way to get Alsace out of control and become normal.


   But, looking at it now, Arthas is not a puppet, he still has his own consciousness!


   The last little hope has been dashed.


"Yes, that was my vow." The huge blow did not defeat Jaina. She held her staff and raised her head. "But the object of my vow is not the Lich King, but Lordaeron. Prince, Arthas Menethil!"


   "Hahaha!" As for Jaina's remarks, Arthas finally couldn't help but started laughing, "I am me, I have always been me! It's just that Frostmourne has made me understand something!"


   "I am no longer a servant of justice and light!"


   "I am the lord of the undead!"


   "I will no longer run for so-called fairness and justice."


   "I will no longer bear the consequences of others."


   "I am the Lich King, and I am also Arthas!"


  Between Arthas finally raised Frostmourne in his hand and pointed at Jaina.


   "Now, in this frozen land, we have no vows, no promises, only battle! Frostmourne will tell you that the one who wins is justice!"


   Motivated the invincible war horse under his hips, and Arthas began to charge himself.


   charged towards his former lover.


Jaina seemed to have been stunned, her reaction seemed to be half a beat slower-however, just as the Frostmourne in Arthas's hand was severely cut down, a two-handed sword suddenly appeared, blocking Frostmourne. Chop.


   A long sword that Alsace was very familiar with...


   "This is the revenge of the Holy Light?!"


   Alsace's tone finally fluctuated.


   "That's right." Behind Jaina, a female warrior in armor came out, "Its current name is Shadow's Revenge-my brother."

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