Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 703: Brocks' decision

Freya's habit has pitted herself.

In Freya's view, the plants are reliable, they are all her own assistants, and her little actions of drunken wind and flowers paving the way have not been concealed from her-Freya chose to use the tricks, hoping to control these fire lotus Drunk Wind strikes back.

But obviously, Freya underestimated the level of pandamen's agriculture.

The current blooming flower road is no longer the first wild flower that the monk Kang sown casually. The pandas of the Golden Lotus Sect screened for generations and finally cultivated this fire lotus.

The nature of the fire lotus is very simple-it will grow rapidly when it meets life energy, and explode violently when it touches or wilts.

Drunk Wind has never seen fire lotus withered, because this plant will disappear directly after a period of time without the life energy.

This time, Zuifeng saw...

With Freya's support, the fire lotus swelled rapidly. Although the life guardian tried to control this plant, she obviously failed.

And when she realized her failure, it was too late to escape.

The splendid fire lotus exploded instantly!

As early as when the fire lotus began to swell sharply, everyone avoided it. Only Freya firmly believed that he could control it.

It turns out that she can’t control...

After absorbing Frey Asia's power, Fire Lotus's explosive power was amazing.

The brilliant flame reflected the whole hall.

After the explosion, Freya fell straight to the ground.

"Tsk tusk tusk." Drunk Wind put up a pergola and shook his head slightly, "Poor Guardian, you are too confident, do you really think this is an ordinary plant?!"


Drunk Wind has solved the two guardians.

But on the other side, Brocks found that he was almost unable to hold on.

Although Mimiron's backwater caused great trouble to Yogg-Saron, Mimiron, who controls the ultimate humanoid machine, has no concept of friendly forces.

In other words, Brocks is also within the range of Mimiron's AOE.

Under this circumstance, there were even more scars on Brox's body-and Zul began to lose support.

Zul's three vortexes began to appear out of balance.

As Yogg-Saron waved his tentacles faster and faster, and the concentration of shadows in the entire hall became higher and higher, it was now difficult for Zul to vent the unbalanced shadows in his body.

Zul now has a three-tier physique of Holy Light, Shadow, and Arcane. Although this physique can help him use the three spells, the price is that Zul needs to maintain the balance of the three tiers.

Once the shadow energy cannot be vented, if Zul continues to use the power of the holy light forcibly, the shadow vortex in his body will directly expand and then destroy himself.

And after losing Zul's assistance and treatment, Brocks was also a bit exhausted.

Although the orcs are in very good physical condition, Brocks is a veteran after all.

Years of fighting gave Brocks enough experience and tough will, but it also eroded his body.

In the high-intensity battle against Yogg-Saron, Brox felt that his soul seemed to be free from some kind of shackles, and the price was that his body began to collapse.

Although Brox's hands are still holding the wooded battle axe, if you look closely, you will find that the hands of the orc veteran are completely stiff at this time-the reason why he can still hold the battle axe is because of the wood The handle of the transformed axe was held with deep palm traces.

Even so, Brocks still did not stop his charge.


Every orc has a time when he gets old.

On the grasslands of Nagrand, when hunting is not going well and someone needs to carry out those particularly dangerous tasks, the veterans will take the initiative to stand up-for the future of the clan, the death of the old is always better than the death of the young.

Although cruel, it was indeed a choice the orcs had to make.

When they were young, Brocks and Varok once sneaked out to watch the adults hunt. They once saw that in order to hunt the clefthoof cattle, two old orcs stopped directly in front of the charging clefthoof, lassoing and trapping behind. To gain time.

At that time, Brocks and Varok didn't understand why they did this.

But now, when Brox's hair is gray, when someone needs to contain Yogg-Saron, the old orc already knows what he should do.

After playing against Yogg-Saron for so long, Brocks has found the key.

"Zul, there is no need to continue the treatment." The old orc finally spoke slowly, "Stay some strength and clean up the minions of the ancient gods."

In Zul's surprised eyes, Brox held his battle axe horizontally.

"The spirit of the ancestors is calling me. If you can, I hope you will tell Varok and Dranosh of my choice-tell them what the real warrior is."

"For the Horde, for Azeroth!"

The next moment, Brocks, amidst everyone's surprise, jumped and jumped into a deep hole left by Yogg-Saron's tentacles.

The Drunken Wind who had just solved Freya's eyes widened.

He once thought that it was very possible that Brocks would fight to the last moment in order to buy time, but he did not expect that at such a moment, Brocks' choice was still to attack.

Charge, charge, charge!

Suddenly, Zuifeng had a clear understanding of the fighting spirit of the orcs.

At the same time, Thorim and Hodir suddenly stopped moving.

Suddenly struggling expressions appeared on the faces of the two guardians-yes, struggling!

Moreover, the tentacles of Yogg-Saron no longer waved!

The opportunity is here!

Drunk Wind had no time to express that Blox's resoluteness, he directly sat cross-legged, seeing Su hug Pu!

In the light white halo, real aura rose up, and Thorim and Hodir struggled even more.

After a long time, the expressions of the two guardians finally ceased to be ferocious.

"Is it you, mortal, did you save us?" Torim even gave a big smile to Drunk Wind-although still a little stiff, "Sure enough, my hunch is correct. Mortals are already standing today. In front of me."

However, there is no chance to say more.

Yogg-Saron's tentacles waved! "X1000

"Damn mortal, how dare you!" X1000

"Unforgivable!" X1000

Although I had a premonition, Drunk Wind still trembled at this time.

There is no doubt that Brox sacrificed.

But his sacrifice was worth it-Thorim and Hodir regained consciousness!

More importantly, the next moment, the door of the hall opened again, and Alexstrasza, Malygos, and Khadgar arrived!

When Yogg-Saron was injured, these three also found opportunities to get out of control!

Brocks used his own charge to buy time and opportunity for the recovery of the five guardians.

And now, it's finally time for the final battle.

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