Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 715: Shaohao's last pride

The story of Shaohao getting rid of the evil spirit in his heart is familiar to many pandamen-this is a true story with all kinds of positive energy. The last emperor of pandamen chose to sacrifice at the last moment.

But few people know that Shaohao didn't defeat all the evil demons.

Even when he was in the fog, Shaohao was affected by the last evil demon he could not conquer.

Sha of pride.

After all, Shaohao failed to conquer his pride.

This is also a high-level secret among Lorewalkers, and few people know it.

Therefore, when the Soul of Shaohao told all this, the audience was in an uproar.

People who didn't know this before were extremely surprised.

Shaohao actually has negative emotions that he could not overcome?

When the incident was thrown out nonchalantly, Shaohao's Soul waved his hand in the face of the Baihu Temple hall that became noisy in an instant.

The pandas finally stopped talking, and everyone looked at Shaohao again-although the news was really surprising, everyone didn't understand how this had anything to do with the issue discussed today.

"At the last moment, I actually faced a choice."

"Is it for my people to participate in that battle? Or to protect my people from disasters?"

"Later I thought that not every Pandaren can overcome all kinds of negative emotions. We were born in Pandaria. If we rush into the war without overcoming our emotions, I am afraid the result will be very painful."

"So, I summoned the mist with all my power and sheltered Pandaria, and I only have a strand of remnant soul left."

"But as I thought about it, I gradually realized that things seemed different from what I had imagined-are my people really not ready?"

When talking about this, the Soul of Shaohao looked around the entire hall, with a solemn expression on his face.

"On the back of the dragon, the guards of the Shado-Pan faction are always watching the actions of the mantid. Whenever the mantid reincarnates, the young people who have just passed the Yanhua trial must rush into the battlefield and die."

"Are they ready?"

"However, these doubts do not make me confused. The long time has given me enough room to think. I finally realized that in my heart, pride is at work."

"In the subconscious, I think I am the emperor! Only I can conquer the shaman, and only I can save Pandaria!"

"The breeding of pride makes me unwilling to trust my people. I would rather bear everything on my shoulders."

"Maybe, my choice was not wrong." Shaohao Soul's tone finally calmed down, "but my starting point was wrong. I proudly thought that I could protect Pandaria forever, but today, I finally found out My strength dissipated."

Something is wrong!

Everyone present found the problem.

Shaohao's soul has become more transparent!

"If I overcome the last pride, I might be able to protect Pandaria forever-but it turns out that with this kind of thought, I can never overcome pride."

"Current affairs have no absolutes, people are powerful and poor." Shaohao folded his hands together and bowed to all the pandamen in the hall, "I have found myself through the last pride."

"From today, there is no Shaohao in the world."

"From today, the breeze in the mountains is my voice."

The breeze blew, and the Soul of Shaohao in the hall passed away with the wind without a trace.

In the hall, everyone was astonished for a long time, and then one after another saluted.

This time, Shaohao really left-after the last emperor had figured out everything, he had no last attachment.


Shaohao is gone.

This made Zuifeng's heart extremely sad.

But this was something that had already been destined for a long time, and both Zuifeng and the four gods had persuaded, but Shaohao insisted on letting go.

"Drunk Wind, Pandaria will leave it to you."

This was Shaohao's last sentence to Zuifeng.

Shaohao gave Drunk Wind a lot of teachings, and Drunk Wind directly remembered the remnant soul wandering in the wind and snow on Kun-Lai Mountain.

Now Shaohao had no last attachment, and finally returned to between heaven and earth.

Zuifeng didn't know if he had become part of Azeroth's will, but from Zuifeng's view, Shaohao had all other feelings in his life.

The escape 10,000 years ago certainly spared Pandaria from the disaster, but it also cleared the obstacles to the later behavior of the brain-dead roar. It is foreseeable that if Pandaria was not covered by the fog, the brain-dead roar would not be handled anyway. To the Pollution Splendid Valley.

Just kidding, can the brain damage roar pollute the Moonglade?

The fog is both protection and obstacle.

In the ten thousand years, although there is the reincarnation of the mantid, most of the pandamen have not made much progress.

Although the country is big, warlike will perish; although the world is safe, forgetting war will perish.

Shaohao knows, but he is proud to be alone, Pandaria will never die.

But is this really the case?

The years are the most merciless, Liu Lang, who was the most exploratory at the time. Apart from the old Chen and Lili, aren't his descendants also used to everything on the Wandering Island?

Of course, peace is not bad.

But Azeroth cannot be safe now.

Under the watchful eyes of the Burning Legion and the ancient gods, peace means weakness when war comes!

Weakness means destruction!

Of course, if you pull the Shado-Pan directly into the battle, this is definitely not the style of Drunk Wind.

So after making up his mind, Zuifeng finally stood up.

"Everyone, I have a proposal..."


Today is destined to be a day Pandaria will always remember.

On this day, Shaohao, the last emperor of the Pandaren, finally lifted his last attachment and disappeared between heaven and earth.

It was also on this day. Under the initiative of Drunk Wind, Pandaren of Pandaria joined the pledge.

Although there is still regional blackness between Kun-Lai Mountain and Jade Forest, and although the contradiction between Shado-Pan and Lorewalkers has not been completely eliminated, the Pandaren finally made the same voice under the advice of Drunk Wind.

"Our destiny is in our own hands!"

Shaohao's disappearance "convinced" the Taran Zhu finally agreed to Zuifeng's proposal.

"However, never think of Shado-Pan guards participating in their disputes!"-This is Zhu Taran's instructions before he escapes into the shadows.

Thinking of Zhu Taran's words, Zuifeng smiled slightly.

Pandaria is my home!

Don't worry, I'm not the same as Jaina!


This chapter is a bit heavy (or even dull), but this is the source of Pandaria's change. Although Drunken Wind has cleared many obstacles before, the Pandaren are too optimistic, and this still needs to be corrected.

In addition, I finally finished moving today, so let’s go!

It will be added tomorrow. Are you happy?

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