Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 734: Long Aotian Development Plan

Why does Nomi know these weird things?

Naturally because of drunkenness!

As a traverser, Zuifeng is very lonely sometimes!

Imagine, if you know a lot of things that you can't directly talk to others anyway, this is related to the future of the world, would you feel that you are being held back?

Of course it will!

Therefore, in the case of Azeroth's time network, Drunk Wind must ensure that all the news he knows is used in meaningful places and the most critical places.

Otherwise, once the historical trend has changed, it will be difficult to control it.

This heavy responsibility is an extremely heavy pressure for Zuifeng.

So, since you can't talk to others, how can you release the pressure?

In addition to making Noomi by eating and drinking, Zuifeng occasionally plays with self-confidence.

And I don't know what it means at all, but the shouts that sound very tall are that Nomi has gradually mastered under the drunken ears.

In addition to Howyugan, there are also Addogan...

Of course, Nomi has no idea what these words mean, but he shouts with great momentum, that's enough.

Originally, Nomi was also a good child with restraint, but after drinking alcohol, this originally restrained little panda man became a lot excited.

As a result, Jehan, the lizardman king, had bad luck.

Why did he meet such a evil star?

In front of Nomi that had been brewed by monkeys, Jiehan was hanged and beaten!

Drunken fist and drunken drunkenness will not increase Nomi's absolute speed. Lizardmen still have some advantages in this regard.

But in the state of drinking, Nomi's reaction became faster.

The swiftly reflecting Nomi almost started evasive when Jehan moved!

This is very powerful-with the advance amount, even if Nomi's absolute speed is slightly lower, he has the upper hand in the battle!

With the cooperation of the wine mist, Jiehan felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

Can't use force, but can't hit with speed.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Jehan snarled vaguely and began to call for his support.

Under the cry of Jiehan, many lizardmen walked along various channels to the treasure house, trying to support their leader.

But there are also Lili and Valera!

Both of them took out their weapons and cleaned up the surrounding lizardmen, creating a reassuring environment for Nomi.


If there is any shortcoming of Nomi in the battle, it is the lack of critical lethality.

Although Jehan's jaw has been completely broken by Nomi (trust me, no matter who gets a dozen punches in a row, his jaw will be broken), but overall, the lizardmen have not lost their combat effectiveness.

On the one hand, it is true that the body of this flesh and blood creation is strong enough, on the other hand, it is indeed because Nomi lacks the ability to make a final decision.

After all, Nomi will not touch the reincarnation...

Although under the guidance of Zuifeng, Nomi is the existence of Long Aotian template, but due to age and experience limitations, his shortcomings are still very obvious.

Nomi is totally unable to master the life-and-death skill of Touch of Reincarnation.

This is also impossible.

The reason why Zuifeng quickly grasped the touch of reincarnation was because he had witnessed the death of his parents.

The touch of reincarnation, death toward life-this means that although the touch of reincarnation must "die" when touched, the user's mind is to make more people "live".

Only by understanding the horror of death can we understand why we must kill to stop killing.

Nomi has no such experience at all.

Nomi hasn’t even seen death very much. Even if he directed the Fall of Sinsaro, he and Varela are still watching from a distance. Although the flames and the shaking of the earth look cool, but for Nuo For Mi, it’s no different from a movie...

Having not experienced real pain, Noomi could not realize the meaning of living, or that Nomi could not embody the heaviness in the word survival.

Therefore, sometimes this little guy will be naive, and as a result, Nomi can't use the touch of reincarnation anyway.

In addition, Nomi always likes to use his bare hands (you have seen that giant dragon is fine and carrying a staff), so even if he has the absolute upper hand in the battle, Jehan never completely loses his fighting power.

I'm used to using deep breathing as my killer, but at this time, Noomi can't use this technique.

It is true that Nomi wanted to take a deep breath, and in this drunk and misty underground palace, a deep breath could definitely roast these lizardmen into lizardmen.

But the price?

Valera and Lili are also hard to escape!

Flames and high temperatures don’t recognize people, and Nomi is not afraid of fire. Are they not afraid of Lili and Valera either?

(Lazar: Hey, and me! I'm also afraid of fire!!!)

At this time, it was too late for Valera to help her make up the knife. The high elf girl was completely entangled by a group of lizard people, and she was simply lacking in skills.

The battle is extremely difficult!

If you continue to drag on like this, I am afraid that the Nomi Five will really be submerged by the vast sea of ​​Lizardmen...

Just as Nomi was tangled, suddenly there was a creaking mechanical sound under everyone's feet.

It seems that what engineering institutions have been triggered?

In the corner, Varela turned to avoid a lizardman who leaped over, while showing an expression of "I didn't mean it".

Well, this is actually a coincidence, when Varela was evading the attack of the lizardmen, he inexplicably triggered a mechanism.

A stone slab in the corner—the kind that didn't seem to have any characteristics—was stepped on by Valera, and suddenly became transparent.

Then, with this slate as the center, all the slates began to change, all became transparent, and through the slate (or glass plate?) look down there is energy in vaguely Flowing in the transparent pipeline, there is even an extremely large organ!

As the gear twisted, the switch was finally turned on, and the mechanism that had been left for countless years was activated again.

Looking at this mechanism, Razzell had a subtle sense of disobedience-as if the control switch for launching a rocket was a fork wrench, it was obviously an extremely delicate mechanism, but the opening mechanism was so clumsy!

In the next moment, all the weapons placed in the underground treasury of Mogushan Palace disappeared.

The condition for this mechanism to be opened is that all the treasure chests are opened, so since the treasure house was built, this function has never been applied.

And now, in the footsteps of Valera's coincidence, Mogu's Naraksha Engineering has finally come to light!

"The focal lens is connected."

"Aether Firework has been activated."

"The intruder is detected, and the energy shock starts to destroy the intruder."

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