Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 736: Theon on the verge of collapse

This accidental opportunity gave the cans a rebirth.

Originally, the transformation of the can is the inspiration that Zuifeng got from Eragon. At that time, the frail and sickly can can not be made strong by any conventional means. So Zuifeng asked Songtao to transform it and become the current one. Look like.

This time, after absorbing the Titan energy in the treasury of the Mogu Mountain Palace Underground Palace, the cans returned to their peak - even more powerful than before.

Suddenly Nomi suddenly became full of confidence.

The record of Cans Nomi is clearer than that. At the beginning, it provided the hammer of Khaz'goroth with huge energy and directly exiled Deathwing, which fully proved Nomi's toughness.

After all the treasures in the treasury disappeared, Nomi planned to leave here, but considering that the can now has become a thigh, Nomi decided to go deeper.

Anyway, there is a can to support, what are you afraid of?

But Valera and Lili didn't matter. Since Nomi said to move on, then move on!

And the most excited-or the most urgent person, is actually Razzle.

Seeing that the canister had absorbed all the treasures, Razzle had already understood that this treasure house was only hidden. Those golden gilt weapons were nothing but energy illusions-and he was actually deceived by the energy illusions.

Energy illusion is a special kind of illusion that uses pure energy to create entities that can attack and defend, but cannot be decomposed or damaged. Once the attack withstands exceeds its own limit, it will return to pure energy, or simply Nirvana Extinct.

In other words, even if Razzle's experiment was not interrupted, he would not get the gold.

But that's okay!

Since the local tyrant of this treasure house has reached the realm where he can use the energy illusion, his real treasure must be extremely precious!

After all, the production of energy illusions is very troublesome, and the cost is much higher than the simulated objects themselves.

So when Nomi offered to move on, Razzle was the first to jump up and agree.

In this way, after the five people circled twice in the breath of the underground palace, under the guidance of the can, they rode the creaky simple elevator back to the palace corridor.

In the corridor, all the mogu had disappeared.

The one that is not left disappears!

Suddenly going to the building space makes Nomi feel a little uncomfortable, and always feel that something is wrong...

It didn't take long for a few people to enter the treasury of the underground palace, where are those mogu?

It's actually very simple.

When the five of Nomi entered the underground palace, these mogu began to shake the pot with each other, and then began to shake their hands.

After all, it is a real negligence to put in an intruder. If you don't get rid of your own responsibility, then Theon will be held accountable, and everyone will finish it!

The so-called dead Dao friends do not die poor Dao, let's figure out who is behind this time!

Of course, the mogu has become accustomed to infighting—even when Thor reigned, the mogu could not forbid infighting, let alone now?

Although Theon is quite powerful, it is incomparable to the original Thor!

Because everyone has undergone Thor's reverse flesh-and-blood transformation, the defensive power of this group of mogu far exceeds the offensive power, and everyone fights against each other as much as possible, basically not breaking the defense.

Since there were too many fights, everyone became proficient, so the mogu who were still in the clan assembly just went to the backyard to fight.


All this, weapon master Theon knows.

But he couldn't do anything about it. Everyone thought Theon was the strongest among these mogu, and only Theon knew how many catties he had.

When the Mogu Emperor was still there, Theon was just a centurion. How good do you expect a centurion to be? Sorry, it's impossible!

Why is it called the weapon master?

It's not that Theon is skilled and able to use all kinds of weapons, but because Theon can manipulate all the weapons in this palace.

You know, the weapons in this palace... are all energy illusions!

Now in the Mogu'shan Palace, only Theon knows this-as a person who understands part of the Mogu'shan Palace, he controls part of the way of manipulating energy illusions.

But it is only part of it.

The weapon that Theon can manipulate is only the part of his own palace. For so many years, he has not tried to learn to operate other weapons, but after leaving the palace, he is an ordinary mogu.

Theon knew that there were a lot of energy illusions in the treasury of the underground palace-if Theon could use this part of the weapon, or even find the real manipulation trick, then he could still make a breakthrough.

But the lizardmen entrenched in the underground palace made him have to give up this matter.

Because outside the palace, Theon couldn't beat these lizardmen.

At the same time, Theon didn't trust his subordinates. He didn't dare to bring other Mogu to the underground palace. If the secret was discovered, his current advantage would disappear.

So, struggling with the current power, Theon gave up the exploration of the underground palace, and then chose to paralyze himself in the palace-"In this palace, he is invincible!"

Of course, this didn't mean Theon gave up all his thoughts about the underground palace, at least he was still paying attention to it.

When the five of Nomi got the key, Theon had already got the tip-a certain humble mogu from the Hasak clan. After all, for so many years, Theon was not a confidant.

After getting the news, Theon became hesitant.

Do you want to go down now and take advantage of it?

If the group of lizardmen are killed, the invaders will be dying, maybe they will find the mystery of mastering the weapons of the underground palace!

Likewise, the reverse is true!

Just wait, those lizard people are not easy to deal with! Although those five people look quite strong, it is not easy to clean up so many lizardmen! Find a good opportunity, wait until there is no movement in the underground palace, go in again by yourself, and catch the invaders and lizardmen in one go!

Theon, who was happily making his calculations, began to wait for the good news.

But who would have thought that this happened in the underground palace! The Nomi five came back significantly earlier than Theon expected--and they looked unscathed!

At this moment, Theon's heart collapsed.

Director, is this script different from what you said?

Will both lose? How does it seem that these people effortlessly!

Theon understands that if these five people can kill all the lizardmen without damage, I am afraid that even if he is in the palace, there is no way to take these five people!

But unfortunately, there is no time to make final preparations for Theon. The weapon master can rely on the energy illusion in the palace.

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