Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 738: 1 empty play with bamboo basket

Theon's weeping lasted for a long time-the ground was wet with tears from this mogu.

The long life is not a simple "enjoy" for Mogu, it is also a kind of torture after the loss of Thor and the collapse of the rule.

That's right, torture.

Only after experiencing the glory, will it be more painful because of the trough.

After losing everything, some mogu chose to go upstream and wait for the opportunity to resurrect the Thor (and then ruthlessly suppressed by the Drunken Wind and Shado-Pan), and more chose to fight for power in a limited area, and then paralyze themselves.

If not, how could Drunk Wind lead the Shado-Pan faction and expel the Mogu power easily?

While Theon was crying, Nomi was thinking about how to deal with Theon.

Kill on the spot?

I have this idea, but to be honest, Nomi is a little bit clueless.

In any case, Nomi is a child after all.

Although Nomi once used Deathwing to kill the entire Sinsaro in one fell swoop, in the process, Nomi did not kill anyone himself.

But it is obviously unrealistic to give up in this way.

It's troublesome-since it's so troublesome, just throw the trouble to others!

Guys from the Golden Lotus Sect must really like this "trouble"! Although the Mogushan Palace has not been dealt with before, if it is possible, the Golden Lotus Sect will not refuse it, right?

Having made up his mind, Nomi finally spoke.

"Theon-you are the name-do you know Alani?"

"Alani?" Theon was confused. "What's that?"

"A Cloud Serpent wandering in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms seems to be related to an experiment by Thor in the past. I want to save it." Zuifeng shrugged, "Do you have anything related to it?"

At this moment, An inexplicable sense of absurdity appeared in Theon's heart.

Dare you five have spent so much effort, ran to my site and broke everything about me, just to find a clue to save the cloud dragon?

are you crazy? !

If it weren't for Nomi, Theon would definitely spray Nomi on his face.

And Nomi saw Theon's constipation expression, and instantly understood everything.

I ran for nothing, there was nothing here.

Well, it can't be said that there is no gain, after all, the cans have completed the ultimate evolution.

This can be regarded as deliberately planting flowers but not blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows...

But somehow, Nomi suddenly felt boring, and he didn't want to say more about depravity-what can he say to this group of mogu who don't know anything? At that time, I should hurry to go to the ancient Guolai Hall. It seems that the clue to save Alani is there!

In this way, the five of Nomi left Mogushan Palace without any pressure.

As for how Theon will deal with the clan that throws the pot, or whether he can maintain his rule, it has nothing to do with Nomi.


Stepping out of the palace gate, Nomi sighed silently, looking at the creaking and closing heavy gate.

I don’t know if my final decision was correct...

"Hey hey, Pandaren, what do you say our gain is?" After seeing the sun again, Razzel seemed to become excited, "What rewards will the Golden Lotus Cult give us? We helped them solve the entire palace. enemy!"

"Reward?" Nomi shook his head looking at a pair of Razer who was planning to run to claim credit, "Who knows-I think we should go to the Guolai Ancient Hall, where the treasure is the big head."

"What do you mean?" Hearing the word Treasure, Razzel seemed to be excited about the whole goblin. "Guo Lai Ancient Hall-Why are there so many treasures?"

"That's Mogu's tomb-and Mogu has always had a funeral tradition."

In a word, it directly ignited Razzil's enthusiasm, causing this goblin to throw the credit for the matter directly out of the sky.

To be honest, Nomi has never seen a goblin so easily fooled.

"Wait, why don't you go to the Guolai Ancient Hall first?" After half a day, Razzle finally reacted, "The possibility of something there is greater than here!"

"Because it's closer." Nomi rolled his eyes helplessly. "Don't forget, we have a contract!"

Razzle nodded, seemingly understanding, turning around and jumping up in excitement.

"Oh, robbery, is that tomb robbery? It's easy to talk about!"

Looking at the inexplicably excited Razzle, Zuifeng could only shook his head helplessly, and then took out a piece of Mushan beast ribs and gave it to Varela and Lili.

Razzle, who had been dancing on the side for a long time, tried to pull a piece too, but Nomi said that he wanted to eat it, but he just needed to work.

In this way, the great alchemist Razzel and his alchemy assistant Ergazi reluctantly began the work of collecting firewood.

Not to mention, these peach woods from Jinxiu Valley are used for barbecue and they taste good.


The distance from Mogushan Palace to Guolai Ancient Hall is a bit far-but for the five of Nomi, this distance is not a problem at all.

With the extremely evolved cans, hurrying is no longer a problem.

If the previous cans were jets, the current cans are planes with rocket boosters!

When the five people set off from Mogushan Palace, the sky was full of stars-and when they arrived outside the Guolai Ancient Hall, it was not midnight.

The five people originally planned to rest, but the environment here doesn't seem to be suitable for rest.

Spiders are everywhere.

In the withered forest, the thick cobwebs looked extremely crippled in the night.

Coupled with the rustling spider crawling sound, it is simply creepy.

Although these spiders are not hairy and poisonous spiders, their sharp long legs and a hideous shell, coupled with a pile of compound eyes that always stare at you, look equally deadly.

And according to Nomi’s observations, these spiders seem to be very good at weaving webs-these dense spider webs are much stronger than they seem!

But everyone is not afraid except Valera.

For Nomi, spiders can be eaten with their heads removed. They are no different from crabs!

For Lili, this was the first time she saw such a spider, and her curiosity was greater than her fear.

As for Razzil, he has already begun to estimate whether these spiders have any alchemical value.

There is also Ergazi with a blank face. For the ogre, the spider has always been a member of the recipe.

Ever since, in the midst of Valera's screams, Nomi took a deep breath.


One hour later, the nearby spiders were gone, and the spider webs were all burned by the raging flames, leaving only five adventurers sitting together, gnawing at the spider legs.

"Look, Valera, I didn't lie to you, the spider can be eaten without your head, and it tastes like chicken, crunchy!"

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