Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 750: The blood of the setting sun

On the second day, the weather in Setting Sun Pass was good and suitable for fighting.

As soon as the day lighted up, the mantid attacked.

Since the support of the mystery sect arrived, this time, the mantid did not dare to press on it-who knows if Faye will clear the scene with a wave of aoe!

The newly-born worms have no brains, but Yingjie is old fried dough sticks. Although the last time he was fooled by the drunk wind, it does not mean that they are not good at commanding.

In addition, Empress Xiaig now looks like she is attacking the Sunset Pass with all her strength, and the remaining royal party commander also joins the battle, the mantid will not make low-level mistakes!

Knowing that the mages are here and arranged in a dense formation, that is what the orcs and trolls can do!

At the same time, Kovok also appeared on the battlefield, ready to join the battle at any time.

No way, although it is known that the Pandaren may have a new guard against Kovok's attacks, this is the only way the mantid can break through the Remaining Sun Pass!

Why does the mantid have to break the Remaining Sun Pass?

Because not all mantids can fly...This is the best way to move the army over the back of the dragon.

Panlongji is not only a smooth city wall, but also a natural defense belt built on the mountain. If you don’t walk through the Setting Sun Pass and want to rely on climbing a soft ladder to get past this defense, then the Shado-Pan guards will tell you the beacon in minutes. The role of the station!

When the beacon is lit, as long as the Shado-Pan faction concentrates its superior forces, it will directly catch the turtle in the urn!

Regarding the setting sun pass, this is the strongest point of the entire Panlong spine (the Shado-Pan army is stationed) and the weakest point (which can be destroyed), so if the mantid wants to penetrate the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, he must break the setting sun pass!

With flapping wings, the manipulator Kaz'tik flew into the air.

Well, there are signs of repairs on the walls and gates of Canyang Pass. The Pandaren were not idle yesterday.

After a large number of mantids flew into the air, the Shado-Pan changed its attack method.

This time the spear thrower no longer throws sharp short spears, but fishing nets one by one.

The mantid foresaw the arrival of the mage, so it adopted a relatively sparse formation, and the Shado-Pan also anticipated that the mantid would have reservations in the formation, so the weapon type was changed early.

After all, the volley of short spears has limited lethality for this sparse formation.

And not many spears.

Although every night, the Shado-Pan will retrieve the short spears in Urn City, but the short spears outside of the dragon's spine cannot be taken back. After so many days of fierce fighting, the Shado-Pan also has a lot of logistics. pressurized.

The wind raider did not try to entangle Tao Shi again, but instead guarded the manipulator to prevent Nomi from coming to interfere.

At the same time, the poisonous man also entered the city of Urn. His task was to prevent the emergence of that kind of black smoke and to observe whether there were any traps.

Above the city wall, seeing the poisonous heart enter the city, Lili's heart suddenly raised her throat.

Due to the rush of time, Lili's array is relatively rough. Although it has undergone simple burying and concealing, it is not completely without traces.

If that mantid apothecary finds a problem, it's over!


Xakriel the Poisonous Heart is the first time he has entered the city of the setting sun.

In the past few days, the poisonous heart has been the command of the reserve team, ready to deal with special circumstances that may arise.

Now, when the support of the Shado-Pan faction arrived, his task had become a direct battle.

I don't know what methods Shado-Pan has prepared, so the Poison Mind is very cautious.

Kovork is the only hope of the mantid. If there is nothing wrong with this horror, then I am afraid that the setting sun will not be able to overcome it.

Once the mantid can’t break through the spine of the dragon, then even if the mantid is in the offensive direction, I am afraid that it has entered an absolute passive strategically. Just relying on the flying mantid’s small stock to burn, kill, and looting will certainly make the Pandaren painful. Being unable to evolve on its own, nor to welcome its master, this time of reincarnation is a huge failure for the mantid.

More importantly, the pandamen nowadays are not only defensive, if the Heart of Fear is attacked again, the mantid will be completely abandoned!

After the poisonous mind and some worms entered the city, the Shado-Pan threw out the fuel bombs that had been prepared.

In the urn city, the flames skyrocketed.

The poisonous man flapped his wings awkwardly and flew up.

Deja vu tactics.

The Shado-Pan party can't pay Kvork, but it's still possible to clean up the trash fish. Except for the fire-resistant worms, other mantids will wait on the fire as long as they enter the city.

Wengcheng was too big for the poison of the poisonous heart. He also considered whether to use the flame to spread his toxin, but after hesitating for a while, he still gave up this idea.

Waste toxins.

According to preliminary judgment, Wengcheng is safe.

Shortly after the poisonous heart left, Korvok entered the Urn City under the cover of a large number of colony insects.

In front of the flames, the colony insects retreated one after another, and Kovok began to hit the city gate.

The battle seems to be back to the old path before.

It's just that people with more poisonous minds are staring at the city. If there is black smoke, deal with it as soon as possible.

The manipulator stared at his Dreadworm buddy, and the gate of the Setting Sun Pass was creaking and wailing during the collision, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

The battle went so well!

The three heroes all felt something was wrong-the Shado-Pan's Secret Code Sect was the unit with the most means, why didn't it take any special means?

Is there a trap?

But the poisonous mind found nothing!

At the same time, Yaliyah was watching Kovok quietly on the tower of the Ruling Pass.

Although the tower seemed to be trembling with the impact, Yalia didn't care.

"Lili, let the can be prepared!"

"Nomi, go out and stand by!"

"Secret Code Sect, prepare tactical spells!"

When the three heroes were in a state of uncertainty, a huge burst of energy suddenly surged in the city of the setting sun pass!

The manipulator Kaz'tik subconsciously ordered Kovok to retreat but it was too late!

The earth wall swelled up, and the Secret Code Sect combined the power of everyone to create an earth wall, blocking the outer door of Wengcheng.

The earth wall is not heavy, and Kovok can crash directly after several hits.

But as long as the first deion does not break through the earth wall, it has no chance to hit the second.

Arcane storm began.

When the can turned into a mini dragon again, the arcane surged in the entire Weng City!

At this moment, all the Titan energy absorbed by the cans in the Mogushan Palace was vomited out intact, and then with the help of the energy-gathering magic circle, a violent storm formed in the setting sun Guanwu city!

Obviously it was only early morning, but the setting sun shut down, the morning sun was like blood!


Start adding more tomorrow.

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