Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 756: Different Pandaria

For Nomi's thinking, Yaliya seemed to know everything well.

"Kindness, forgiveness, this sounds great-but in reality? My own kindness does not soften the enemy, and forgiveness does not necessarily bring repentance. The mantid will not give up reincarnation because of our kindness. If Kang is not righteous, Mogu cannot give up his slavery to us! We maintain a balance. Since it is balance, how can we promote good without punishing evil?"

"Hatred will become a terrible shackle, and the way to break this shackle is not forgiveness, but balance, because forgiveness means that the wrongdoer does not have to pay, and balance is the only way to deal with hatred."

"One thing and one line must result in cause and effect. Everyone must pay for what they do. The responsibility of the Shado-Pan is to maintain this balance."

Nomi looked at Yalia with some surprise. He found that after coming to Pandaria, the pandamen here felt completely different from those on Wandering Island.

Also surprised is Lili, because on the Wandering Island, lorewalkers never say that!

On the Wandering Island, the lorewalker always emphasized the need to forgive and cut the shackles of hatred, but on Pandaria, the Shado-Pan actually said that it must be a tooth for a tooth to ensure balance?

"Why, are you surprised?" Yaliya looked at Lili, "Are you a descendant of Liu Lang? It seems that we now know something different?"

"Yes." Lili nodded. "When on the Wandering Island, everyone was emphasizing forgiveness-even Master Shangxi said to eliminate hatred, but your statement is completely different from them."

"This is what Drunk Wind said." Yaliyah raised her head and looked at the sky. "I think he must have not told you this before? What he did to the mantid, and the mantid did to him The ones."

"No." Nomi shook his head. "Daddy never wants to talk about things in Pandaria. I asked him, but he didn't."

"Do you know how your grandpa and grandma died?" Yaliya sighed slightly, "They died in the hands of the mantid—when Zuifeng was just born."

Nomi's eyes widened.

"Drunk Wind has no parents. It was his uncle who brought him up, so he has always had a deep hatred for the mantid."

Nomi was a little stunned. Although the drunk wind used to be like a cloud of mist for Nomi, he never thought that it was like this in the past.

"Actually, Zuifeng and Tao Shi used to take some actions against the mantid. The methods were...somewhat insidious, but the effect was very good. Yingjie died of eleven and eight."

With that said, Yaliya told Nomi about Drunk Wind’s journey back and forth.

Nomi was stunned. It turned out that Dad had such a sinister side!

"After the destruction of Karaxi, there are actually big differences within the Shado-Pan on whether to continue to attack the Heart of Fear. Among the four gods, Baihu Xuenu and Xuan Niuzao support Drunk Wind. Zhu He Chijing and Qinglong Yulong insisted that this was wrong and that this dispute should be resolved with forgiveness."

"At the same time, Zuifeng and Teacher, the last emperor Shaohao also expressed opposition to Zuifeng's idea-do you know the birth of Misty?"

"I know." Nomi nodded, "When the sky fell and the earth broke, Shaohao turned into a mist and surrounded the entire Pandaria."

"By the way, in the beginning, Shaohao wanted to separate the interior of the Panlong Spine-the fear wasteland and the praying mantis plateau. He didn't intend to protect it, but when he cast the spell for the first time, Shaohao failed. He finally succeeded in casting the spell after he was finally willing to shelter the Fear Wasteland and the Mantis Plateau, so Shaohao Jingpang always believed that the entire Pandaria was one."

Nomi raised an eyebrow, thought about it, and then nodded to express understanding.

"But Zuifeng raised an objection to this. He said that the reason why Shaohao could not abandon the wasteland of fear was not because of the so-called oneness, but because Shaohao expelled his fear in the wasteland of fear, and Shaohao's fear remained There, so there can’t be separation.”

"In response to this issue, many people debated at the Baihu Temple on how to face the issue of hatred."

Nomi and Lili were thoughtful, but Valera looked dumbfounded.

Is there any mistake? Did you think and discuss this kind of philosophical issues at the Pandaren conference? Poisonous guys!

Seeing Valella's surprise, Yalia explained it patiently.

"Pandaria is different from the outside world. This evil demon will erode people with distracting thoughts, so for us, how to ensure peace of mind is the most important thing."

With that said, Yaliya turned to Nomi.

"As a result, I think you guessed it too-Drunk Wind persuaded everyone. From then on, as long as the mantid and the Yeongo dare to provoke, there will be an elite team of Shado-Pan dispatched to their lair and give them one time. Cruel!"

"Facts have proved that Zuifeng's idea is correct. After that, the mantid has not dared to easily climb over Panlong's spine, and the Valley of the Four Winds even reclaimed a large area of ​​farmland."

With that, Yaliya touched Nomi's head again.

"Little guy, you have a lot to learn, Pandaria is not as simple as it seems!"


The battle of the Setting Sun Pass finally came to an end. Although on the Mantis Plateau, the attack of the mantid was still crazy, but everyone in the Shado-Pan faction had the confidence to resist this reincarnation.

Moreover, as the fog dissipated, many adventurers simply chose to help the Shado-Pan, and helped the Pandaren in a way they had never done before.

What, do you think someone will help the mantid?

Stop it, helping the mantid means being hostile to the pandamen, and being hostile to the pandamen means declaring war on the oath-who dares to do that? What is this not to die?

Except for the venture capital company, no one dares to help the mantid.

At the same time, Nomi, Lili, and Valera also embarked on a new journey again-it is said that some of the pandamen and wine fairies of the Stormstout family did not make wine, and went to the fear wasteland to fight the mantid.

Well, according to them, it is to make amber spirits...

So Nomi, Lili, and Valera chose to support those pandamen together.

Originally, Tao Shi firmly did not allow Nomi to do this. After all, it was too dangerous to fear the wasteland, but Yaliya suddenly expressed that he was willing to go with the three little guys.

Tao Shi couldn't figure it out, but now that Ya Liya had it, safety was no longer a problem, and she could only agree to it in the end.

In a splendid sunrise, Nomi, Lili, Valera, and Yaliya left the Sunset Pass and went south to the Fear Wasteland.


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