Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 757: Precautions for vows

Just when Nomi set off to find the hearty brewers in the Fear Wasteland, Drunk Wind also returned to Kalimdor and successfully completed the matters related to the Pandaren joining the vow.

Compared with the time when the high elves joined the vow, the process of joining the Pandaren is much simpler.

On the one hand, because the founder of the vow is a panda, everyone has a high sense of identification with the panda; on the other hand, because the panda’s own social structure is loose enough—so loose that there is no army except the Shado-Pan, There is no sheriff inside.

The existence of the Sha demon has seriously affected the social development of the Pandaren. Without negative emotions, the Pandaren can be said to be the most peaceful race in Azeroth.

Peace means that there are few disputes. In this respect, the Sha Demon also helped the Pandaren a lot...

In this case, in the oath, the Pandaren cannot be the main combat unit, but can only become the logistics unit.

But this is also good.

Pandaren’s culinary and farming talents can be fully utilized, and those with outstanding skills can also join the battlefield when necessary. This is also good news for the oath.

After handling the handover of Pandaren, Zuifeng had a more in-depth exchange with the leaders of the oath. The main body of the exchange was how to face the coming disaster.

Ten thousand years ago, when the stream told the Jinyu that something was wrong, Azshara summoned Sargeras to death.

Ten thousand years later, the fog cleared, and the Jinyu elder was warned by the current again.

What will happen?

Drunk Wind did not dare to confirm.

Deathwing is ready to move, and catastrophe may occur at any time-but it seems that this is not enough to be called a huge disaster.

Perhaps in the original timeline, the fission of the earth was dangerous enough to be a catastrophe, but I am sorry, Nesario, the time has changed!

Due to the intervention of Drunk Wind, the strength of the Dragon Sleep Legion is very strong in Azeroth.

Not only is the five-color dragon complete, but also the Void Dragon returned by Drunken Wind’s mother-in-law from Draenor. If Deathwing chooses to engage in trouble at this time, it is very likely that he will be united by the dragon without understanding it himself. Packed up.

The biggest possibility is that when Deathwing is doing things, other people are also doing things together-such as Ragnaros, such as Azshara, such as N'Zoth!

Ragnaros is okay, if N'Zoth suddenly jumps out and just face it, the headache is drunk.

After all, when Drunk Wind came to Azeroth, WOW had only progressed to 6.1. In other words, Drunk Wind didn't know what high lord - even if it weren't for an accident, he would not have discovered the Broken Isles!

Drunk Wind knew little about N'Zoth.

Although Zuifeng is called the great prophet, in fact...he is a false prophet!

Now, the world facing the pseudo-prophet is finally out of the plot, like a wild horse running off the rein. Faced with this situation, what Drunk Wind can do is to be prepared.

Guangji Food!

Poor druids, they hadn't slept long before they were awakened again. (Well, but if you say that, it seems that the priestesses still want to thank Drunk Wind?)

Illidan, Maiev, and Vashj all ran to Draenor. They tried to find possible clues in the Burning Legion. Drunk’s brains were limited. They had never thought of demons and jump ships, so the first time The preparations of the game are all arranged in Delano.

Now, the entire Draenor is basically a demon hunter’s outpost, a stronghold of the Alliance and the Horde, the ancient god’s **** cudgel, and the last line of defense of the Dark Portal. There are no more intelligent creatures living here (well, except Some ogres and the like), but as the front line of Azeroth, always ready to fight against demons.

On the other hand, the cooperation with Fao has also made a major breakthrough.

Former Archbishop Faor and his esoteric finally deciphered a part of the Twilight Cult's message. Deathwing and N'Zoth are on the verge of parting ways!

If this is not the smoke bomb released by the ancient gods, then it is simply great news!

While the Alliance was digging three feet in order to find Arthas, Thrall of the Horde left Durotar and came to the Maelstrom, trying to communicate with the elemental spirits.

Neptulon and Therazane both responded to the shaman, and both the earth element and the water element were disturbed.

Of course, not all elements are so easy to speak.

The fire element is as irritable as ever, and the wind element... they are still fighting over the question of who is the new lord.


In addition to this, the combat effectiveness of the oath finally recovered to a certain extent after recuperating.

It has been more than ten years since the Battle of Mount Hyjal-the group of children who first retreated that year have now become young people.

The new Leviskin was established next to the new coastline, and the population of the Darkspear trolls was growing rapidly.

Thunder Bluff is also prosperous. Although during the Battle of Mount Hyjal and the Ashenvale retreat, the tauren who was responsible for the rear cover paid an extremely heavy price, and almost all of them fell on the battlefield. Once the little calf grew into a young man, they are just like their parents.

Misty Port has become busy recently, and a large number of goblin chambers of commerce have received orders from Misty Port-charter agreements.

As long as it can hold things, no matter how big or small the ship is, Mist Harbor wants it!

After the boat is leased, Misty Port will carry out simple maintenance, and go to Pandaria under the **** of Slipblade Naga.

Then brought back a large amount of grain from the warehouse in the Valley of the Four Winds.

Although Azeroth now looks harmonious, all the races of the oath are racing against time, preparing for a possible war except for blood elves and draenei.

You may not believe it, the current blood elves (yes, the former high elves of Ere'Thalas) have worn a pair of pants with the draenei!

The longevity species that believes in the Holy Light! The draenei felt that in front of the blood elves, they almost found a resonance!

Now everyone is preparing for battle, and Delaney's mission is different.

They are repairing their storm fortress.

The encounter in Azeroth gave the draenei confidence—since the battle of Mount Hyjal, the demons could be defeated by the oath except Sargeras. Now, we are no longer absolutely weak. That side!

We can also think about things we have never thought of before.

For example, counterattack Argus!

Vinucci said that he wants to turn Storm Fortress into a real Holy Light Fortress!

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