Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 767: Garrosh's emotions

What Garrosh entered was not a room...actually, it was a cabinet—but for the Guardian it was a cabinet, and for Garrosh it was no different from a small room.

It is divided into many large grids, and inside each grid is a transparent bottle with a section of curled tentacles.

Seeing this, everyone knows that this is Yoggsaron's tentacles.

No one knows what kind of agreement Loken and Yogg-Saron have reached, but it can be seen that Yogg-Saron seems to have shared some of Loken's abilities-of course, it may also be Yogg-Saron who asked Loken to study How can I help myself escape from prison.

But in any case, all the past here has become meaningless with the deaths of Yogg-Saron and Loken.

After seeing these tentacles, Garrosh was refreshed, and even the exhaustion caused by trekking in the wind and snow seemed to disappear.

This is Garrosh's goal!

I don't know what the liquid in these transparent containers is. It successfully preserved these tentacles. Although it looks a bit distorted, it is completely different from the dry tentacles outside that have lost the power of Yogg-Saron.

At least... there seems to be energy flowing?

The feature of Titan Technology-all energy must be in an easy-to-observe state, so Garrosh discovered the energy in these transparent containers for the first time.

Obviously, Loken seems to have made some attempt to merge the energy of the ancient gods and the energy of the Titans.

As for the result... Judging from the fact that these tentacles have not withered yet, there seems to be some effect.

Garrosh put his face on one of the containers and carefully observed the tentacles in it.

Well, it doesn't seem to be as disgusting as they say?

In a mess, Garrosh opened the stopper of one of the transparent containers with his high imitation gorehowl, and poured out the tentacles in it.

"Is that why Delanosh is proud? His uncle fought with the owner of this tentacle and then died of exhaustion?"

Don’t know what’s going on, Garrosh thought of Delanosh, and of Brocks. Now Brocks is a well-known hero in the tribe. He fearlessly confronted the ancient gods and even got The respect of the alliance.

This is rare!

Although Delanosh never said anything, Garrosh believed that he must be proud of Brox secretly.

At least Delanosh's words and deeds have traces of imitation, deliberately putting on a young and mature appearance.

This is also the tradition of the tribe. Any relative of a hero will remember and pass on his deeds. This is also the spirit of the tribe.

But don't know why, Garrosh has been very upset with Dranosh.

Why can you reap the glory from your loved ones, and I have to bear this heavy burden?

Looking at the tentacles in the container, Garrosh’s thoughts no longer knew where he flew. He thought of Thrall, who is the same age as him, but who must be respected by him. You are not relying on Durotan’s legacy. Ze?

If it weren't because you were the son of Durotan, how did Drek'Thar give you the shaman's enlightenment, and how did you become the warchief today?

In a trance, Garrosh had an inexplicable illusion of "I am on my own, and I can do it". He seems to have forgotten the training that humans experienced in the arena before Thrall became a warchief; he forgot to bring Dunhall When the accident of De Citadel became public, Thrall suffered when he was tortured by the spell of Kel'Thuzad; he forgot the hard work Thrall had done every day since becoming a warchief.

At this moment, Garrosh's heart was full of jealousy.

Yes, he was influenced by Yogg-Saron!

The negative emotions represented by Yogg-Saron are selfishness, jealousy, and greed. Among them, selfishness and greed can hardly affect Garrosh. As a fighter, Garrosh doesn’t even care about his life when needed, so These two emotions have little effect on him.

But jealousy is different.

Garrosh's life experience is very different from that of most orcs.

In Galadar, Garrosh received the enlightenment from Gaiaan's grandmother, and he knew his father for the first time in the mouth of the orc grandmother.

Although Gaiaan has no prejudice against Garrosh, she has no positive comments on Gromash.

Reckless, irritable-of course, tough, this is what Gaiaan said about Gromash.

In all fairness, this evaluation is extremely relevant.

But for Garrosh, this evaluation is simply unacceptable.

reckless? irritable?

Garrosh wanted to refute, but he had nothing to say-even the death of Garrosh's mother was related to Grommash's recklessness. Although Garrosh was young at the time, he still didn't know what happened. From the words of other warsong orcs, what he probably knew was that his mother died in the battle to cover the aggressive Grommash during a battle with Goron.

After losing his wife, Gromash did not reflect on his recklessness, but thought that he was not strong enough-if no Goron could stop him, how could this happen?

After that, Grommash stopped taking care of Garrosh, and even after Garrosh got the rash, he just asked someone to send Garrosh to Garrosh.

Garrosh was no longer a fighter at the time, and Grommash didn't care about him.

The unhappy childhood made Garrosh attach great importance to the evaluation of the people around him. Although the little orcs of Garadar did not isolate Garrosh because of, Garrosh still regarded There is a peculiar sensitivity to these things.

What’s more serious is that at the coming-of-age ceremony, the unlucky Garrosh encountered a herd of clefthoof cattle. Among the running clefthoof cattle, Garrosh saved his life with difficulty, but was also scarred-finally he had to use grassland soil. Rats serve as prey for their coming-of-age ceremony.

This is terrible.

After returning to the Horde, Garrosh became more cheerful, but under the influence of Gromash, Garrosh became more extreme.

Garrosh yearns for glory, only true glory can wash away the shame on himself and his loved ones!

Under the influence of Yogg-Saron's energy, this desire finally turned into jealousy.

A voice appeared in Garrosh's heart.

"Kill the guys who are born lucky. They don't need to do anything. They have everything you want to have. Damn them!"

Before he knew it, Garrosh's eyes turned red.

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