Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 774: Orcs who passed the battle

Although the disassembler has been attacking, but he has never had the upper hand.

Attacking does not mean suppressing, it may be because I want you to attack-now is the time for Gromash to counterattack!

After severing one of the disassemblers’ arms, Grommash showed his fighting capacity. Soon, the entire disassembler robot was dismantled under Grommash’s gore howl and dismantled with bare hands. Up to, but so!

Grommash panted slightly after the dismantlers were resolved.

Although the entire battle was under Grommash's control, after all, time was not forgiving.

After a lot of fighting gave Grommash rich experience, it also took away his youth. Now Grommash is no longer the energetic guy.

But so what?

Sitting on the ground, Grommash took a few mouthfuls from the water bag on his waist.

The cold spring water made Grommash's spirit more excited, he shook his head, and then moved his shoulders slightly.

After some simple repairs, Gromash picked up Gorehowl again and continued to move toward the depths of Ulduar.

It now appears that the existence of Saratas was an accident.

But Gromash believed that the sudden appearance of this ancient **** must have something to do with Garrosh!


In the last battle of Ulduar, Drunk Wind led people to kill Ulduar.

Although Mimiron, who had recovered his mind afterwards, made some repairs to Ulduar's defensive facilities, it was completely incomparable to the heavily guarded Ulduar before.

After all, destruction is easier than construction.

Moreover, due to the Norgannon Disc, Mimiron simply restored Ulduar's order, and hurried to Uldaman with Brian Bronzebeard, which directly caused Ulduar's defense to be very empty now.

As a result, Grommash found Khadgar who was embarrassedly trapped after hacking to death a few faceless people.

In the transparent light curtain, Khadgar was full of embarrassment. Grommash could see him, but couldn't hear what he said.

Grommash didn't know how to manipulate the instrument to open the door of the control room, nor could he understand Khadgar's gestures inside. After thinking about it for a while, Grommash decided to take the simplest and rude way.

Smash it!

The big deal is to fix it again.

It's a pity that the door to the control room is still a bit sturdy... Grommash smashed it for a long time, but he couldn't break it.

After all, the control room is the core area of ​​Ulduar, and the defense here is related to Ulduar as a whole.

Now things are very embarrassing.

Not only is it impossible to rely on brute force now, even if Grommash wants to operate the instrument according to Khadgar's instructions.

Because the outer console of the control room was smashed...

In the control room, Khadgar was dumbfounded.

This orc... is poisonous!

Which side are you on?

Had it not been for the sight of Grommash's Axe Destroyer through the observation system, Khadgar would have even suspected that this orc was connected with the man behind the Ulduar Incident!

Feeling like he was causing some trouble, Grommash scratched his head rare.

It seems that the battle still needs to come alone!

No way, Grommash could only lift up Gorehowl, waved his hand at Khadgar in the control room, and then walked towards the depths of Ulduar.

"I'll go inside to solve Salatas and come to help you out!"


Ulduar was originally the prison where Yogg-Saron was kept-later, based on the prison, it became a laboratory for several guardians.

But it is undeniable that Ulduar's basic function is still a prison...

For Gromash, who came to Ulduar for the first time, all roads lead to Yogg-Saron’s prison-there is no way, the passage to other places is really a bit secret, Gromash did not immediately Not able to find out.

But this also happened to fulfill Grommash's idea, he also wanted to go to the prison where Yogg-Saron was once.

The Battle of Ulduar started suddenly and ended quickly. After that, the Guardians blocked Ulduar directly. The Horde sacrificed Brox in this battle, but it was not only fruitless, it was even great. Most of the orcs had not even seen the remains of Yogg-Saron.

(But then again, what's so good about a dead octopus with a mouth full of it?)

Now that Ulduar has traces of Saratas, it is most likely that Saratas will be in the place where Yogg-Saron used to be!

Don't forget, there is a competitive relationship between the ancient gods!

If given the opportunity, Saratas will also be interested in Yogg-Saron's "legacy".

Along the sloping passage, Grommash gradually went deep underground and came to the prison where Yogg-Saron was once held.

There are faceless people everywhere here.

These disgusting guys mumbled words that Grommash couldn't understand, and waved all kinds of weird weapons in their hands, but they didn't know why they dared not do anything with Grommash.

Seeing this situation, Grommash had an unknown premonition in his heart...

Then, in Yogg-Saron's prison, Grommash's hunch came true—he saw Garrosh.

It's just that Garrosh doesn't look like an orc anymore. His body is swollen, his eyes bulge, and even tentacles are squeezed out from the gaps in the armor of his body. It looks like he has been parasitized by the ancient gods.

Gromash squeezed Gorehowl in his hand.

Although instinctively feeling sad, Grommash knew that this is not the time to be sad!

In this state, Garrosh is obviously not This time maybe he will have a fight with his son!

At this moment, Garrosh finally raised his head.

"Isn't this my dear father...what? Are you still holding your battle axe tightly? Is the **** roar in your hand more important than your son?"

"Garrosh?" Grommash's voice hesitated, "Are you Garrosh?"

"Of course!" Garrosh's eyes widened. "Thank you for your plan-if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be as strong as I am now! Very strong!"

"Powerful?" Grommash finally raised the **** roar in his hand, "No, what I saw was a coward who was distorted by the desire in my heart. My plan is to conquer the ancient gods, not to succumb to the ancients. God!"

With that, Grommash started his own charge.

"Don't pretend, Saratas! Tell me, where is Garrosh?!"

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