Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 779: Desperate Deathwing

A madman and a fool are not the same.

Crazy people have different goals and logic from ordinary people, but their cognition may be clear, but normal people can't understand them; fools rely on instinct in their actions, and logic is completely chaotic - or there is no logic at all.

Deathwing is a lunatic, not a fool.

He wanted to destroy the world, and made a detailed plan for this-even he was very good at grasping the minds of mortals, at least the kings of the alliance had been fooled by the Duke of Prestor.

For his own combat effectiveness, Deathwing's estimate is very accurate.

At the battle of Grim Batol. Deathwing has experienced a lot of embarrassing days.

It is precisely because of the experience that Deathwing knows how difficult it is to truly be one enemy.

At that time, the strange dragon king just recovered his power from the dragon soul, and now they have obviously been preparing for a long time!

It was precisely because they knew these old friends so well that after Deathwing sent the enemy, the first reaction was to flee.

Can you wait to die if you can't beat it?

A man can bend and stretch!

It is a pity that Malygos left Deathwing to give up the option of escape.

As former good friends, Deathwing and Malygos know each other very deeply.

Seeing Malygos, Deathwing has realized the tragic fact that he can't even run. There is no way. Deathwing's teleportation is quite fast, but Malygos's spell countermeasures faster fast.

Malygos was obviously aware of this, and directly assumed a posture of "If you dare to send, I dare to interrupt".

After realizing that he could not run away, Deathwing turned his attention to his daughter.

"Oh? Onyxia, you are still so naive-when do you think you can challenge your father just with the help of these crooked melons?"

"Or, do you think that heavy earth power is your new source of power?"

"Ignorance, recklessness! Mixing with those garbage dragons, you really lost the face of the black dragon!"

The irony and dissatisfaction in Deathwing's tone made Onyxia couldn't help being a little nervous. This tension has nothing to do with strength. Maybe it was purely because of the unpleasant past that Onyxia had experienced in childhood?

Onyxia closed her eyes, and her body seemed to be scarred when her mother took her with her.

You know, Sinestra, as Deathwing's only surviving partner, has experienced a lot of unspeakable pain.

After all, living with a partner who is full of fire is not an easy task!

Except for Cinestra, all other female black dragons that had contact with Deathwing were burned to death...

Later, Sinestra disappeared, and Onyxia fell into the hands of Deathwing.

But Onyxia never even complained about her mother.

It's not that Cinestra doesn't love her children, it's that she will die under Deathwing's hands if she doesn't leave!

The childhood experience made Onyxia have an instinctive fear of Deathwing, and Deathwing knew this, so he tried to intimidate Onyxia at the beginning, looking for opportunities for her escape.

That's right, run away!

Deathwing's thoughts are very clear, this battle can not be taken by itself, can only escape!

Although there are some seeds of the Flesh Seed Project in Earth Abyss, they can no longer be taken care of!

Save your life first!

Onyxia shrank subconsciously and let Deathwing see an opportunity.

If these people can't work together, then it really seems that they can run away!

Unfortunately, Zuifeng quickly extinguished Deathwing's delusion.

After a few words in Onyxia's ear, the drunk wind calmed the nervous Onyxia, the encirclement was still intact, and everyone was still pressing hard.

And under the command of Drunk Wind, the entire encirclement became tighter and tighter.

Deathwing sneered, but was anxious.

In Grim Batol, just after getting rid of the dragon souls of the dragon kings, Deathwing was still in a panic. Now facing the full-bodied dragon kings, Deathwing really has no chance of winning...

After talking heads-up, you have prepared a PvPPPPPPP-Deathwing's mood is broken at the moment.

This didn't blame Deathwing, he really didn't expect Drunk Wind's shot to be so decisive.

You know, there are many spies under Deathwing, so even though he is in the abyss, Deathwing also knows what's happening outside.

In front of Deathwing's spy system, all actions of the Alliance and Horde without any concealment consciousness are almost transparent...

Even MI7 and the Kor'kron Secret Team have mixed into many Twilight followers...

Therefore, Deathwing is very clear that now the Alliance and Horde are very interested in Pandaria's resources.

At this time, the oath should have no time to trouble yourself, right?

After all, if the Alliance and the Horde are allowed to do things, maybe Pandaria will cause trouble!

In order to further divert attention, Deathwing even sent some spies to wait for some destruction in Pandaria, on the one hand, to find something for Drunk Wind, on the other hand, to establish the vow and the opposition of the alliance and the tribe.

Under Deathwing's speculation, this time, Nomi, who should have died and died, was activated by Dragon Summoning, and Drunk Wind should be scorched in Pandaria!

It is precisely because of this wrong judgment that the wings of death appeared immediately.

Then fell into an awkward situation.

"Deathwing, let's catch it!" When the drunk wind calmed Onyxia, Ysera finally said, "We will give you the fairest trial-for the sake of you once being Nesario. ."

"Oh?" Deathwing's tone was full of mockery, "Judgment? You think I will squat on the ground, thinking of your ‘righteous’ surrender, and then justify my actions and ask for forgiveness? Just kidding!"

"It is you who will face the trial! The twilight hour is coming, and you are the one to be judged!"

"Twilight hour?" Hearing Deathwing mentioned this word, Drunk Wind laughed out of a rare laugh, "Why, can't you speak well? I am afraid that only you will believe the jokes at Twilight hour? Those believers of the ancient gods are not as fanatical as you!"

Hearing the name of the ancient god, Deathwing's expression was very wrong.

Seeing the frozen expression of Deathwing, Zuifeng suddenly seemed to realize something...

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