Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 784: Seal it Deathwing

Zuifeng's guess is basically correct.

As an "extraterrestrial" ancient god, Haka's power is basically the growth of flesh and blood.

In other words, Hakkar's core ability is to regenerate blood-unlimited blood rebirth!

And Deathwing, which swallowed the core of Hakkar, possessed this ability.

At the very beginning, Deathwing only used Hakkar's ability as a source of strength to repair his body. After all, he has been slashed. Although I have been used to it for so many years, it is a pain in the end.

But in the process of repairing, Deathwing made new discoveries.

It seems that this recovery is unlimited.

When Deathwing's scales changed to what it looked like at the beginning without the demon soul, Deathwing found that the vitality of flesh and blood growth had not disappeared.

It's as if your blood volume has returned to full, but there is no tendency to stop the blood recovery-at this time, in order not to waste this resilience, shouldn't we raise the upper limit of blood volume?

Deathwing thought so at first.

Because he swallowed flesh and blood seeds without soul and will, Deathwing could control this power very precisely, so he also carried out some experiments without restraint.

(From Deathwing to Nefarian, it seems that the black dragon's scientific talent is very good)

Facts have proved that the overgrowth of flesh and blood is of no use, but will become a burden.

Not reconciled to this end, Deathwing has carried out a bolder experiment-what if these overgrown flesh and blood become another self?

Here, Deathwing draws on some of Nefarian's ideas-since Dragon Summon can make so many, can't I create more of myself?

Isn’t the reason why the group of Titans that I look down upon is so special because they can create things?

I can too!

I don't know whether to say Deathwing is bold or desperate.

Just like Zuifeng guessed, Deathwing divided his soul!

Why did Deathwing not participate in almost anything for such a long time? Even if C'Thun passed over his head, he was indifferent?

Because Deathwing has more important things to do!

Not long ago, Deathwing completed its own research.

Using the growth of flesh and blood, Deathwing can create more of itself by dividing part of its soul.

The only problem is that, due to insufficient control capabilities, Deathwing is now split into two at most.

However, just splitting into two, the pressure on the Drunken Wind Seven is already so great!

A bit of Drunken Wind’s guess is wrong-after Deathwing has divided itself, the strength can't be reduced, but now it is because of a sudden single-mindedness that has led to insufficient control.

Deathwing only divided part of the soul, but the consciousness of the two deathwings is still the same.


The battle is still going on, but the main task of Zuifeng has actually changed.

That's right, now the main attack is Malfurion.

No way, you may not believe it. Among the seven people, the one who is best at sealing is Malfurion!

As long as the soul of Deathwing is sealed, it is no longer possible for him to make trouble!

Remember Harves?

Malfurion mobilized the power of the Emerald Dream and turned Harris into an oak tree. This is not a transformation technique, it is a seal technique...

It's just that something went wrong after the seal—Harves sank to the bottom of the sea, arrived in N'Zoth's territory, and had contact with the Emerald Dream.

Now, another difficult task fell on Malfurion.

Seal the wings of death!

Thanks to Drunken Wind’s touch of reincarnation just now, when Azeroth’s will was mobilized, that part of Deathwing’s soul was directly annihilated, which greatly reduced the difficulty of Malfurion’s seal.

But having said that, no matter how difficult it is, the thing that needs to be sealed is Deathwing!

Malfurion frowned.

Zuifeng just used the element clone, and then took the opportunity to inform others of his thoughts and related plans. Now under the attack of Deathwing, Zuifeng disarmed the element clone in embarrassment.

After learning about Zuifeng's speculation and plan, everyone changed their minds.

It is no longer an attempt to kill, but a consumption and control, while preventing Deathwing from escaping.

An opportunity to create a seal for Malfurion.

With the help of Ysera, Malfurion is trying to communicate the Emerald Dream.

To seal the wings of death, the power of the Emerald Dream is indispensable!

But Deathwing also knows exactly what the Emerald Dream means. If Malfurion rashly takes action, the success rate cannot be guaranteed. If Deathwing is wary and starts to flee, then everything is over!

In this case, Ysera and Malygos can relax a bit. Needless to say the burden of powerful spells on the body, don’t look at Malygos’s "Deathwing Fallen Ray" so sharp, every time it comes, Malygos himself suffered for a long time!

Nozdormu's mission has also become heavier. When Drunk Wind is chased by Deathwing, he is the most suitable manpower to restrict Deathwing. The process of sealing is basically controlled by Nozdormu. Malfurion started.

Maybe Ysera can be covered?

Malygos' eyes lit up.


Ysera once again communicated the power of the Emerald Dream, and a dream spell began to brew again.

Deathwing doesn't care about it-you can't lose my soul in seconds, I will recover in minutes!

It is more important to kill that pandaman!

Ysera's spells successfully concealed Malfurion's true purpose. At this time, behind Ysera, Malfurion was also communicating the power of the Emerald Dream.

Under the cover of the green dragon queen's broad body, Malfurion was looking for an opportunity. At the same time, an emerald green seed was floating in Malfurion's chest.

This seed is so magical seems to exude endless vitality.

After Ysera's spell was completed, a green ball of light flew towards Deathwing-just like the previous few times.

Deathwing didn't care.

Then after the ball of light hit, a seed was planted on Deathwing.

The seed suddenly began to grow wildly. Deathwing wanted to abandon this body, but was horrified to find that his soul was bound!

The seed fell to the ground-in the abyss that Deathwing opened up by itself, Deathwing was pressed down by a huge oak tree.

The soul is sealed, and the other Deathwing loses consciousness. After the flesh and blood grows wildly unconsciously, this body is destined to become the nourishment of the seal!

It seems that things have been resolved successfully?

But Drunk Wind looked at Malfurion's eyes with something wrong.

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