Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 786: The dialogue between Zuifeng and Leiden

Drunk Wind had to return to Pandaria with Onyxia's help.

No time to go to the Fear Wasteland to find Nomi, Drunk Wind went straight to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms-Raiden was in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

At this moment, his heart was suddenly full of doubts.

As the so-called "black under the lamp", Drunken Wind had too many opportunities to deal with the Emerald Dream before, and the Emerald Dream became a blind spot for him.

Although he was not a lorewalker, Zuifeng thought he was a person who likes to ask questions. Now he has doubts about Titan's purpose, so he decided to return to Pandaria to ask questions.

Leiden... should be able to know something.

Drunk Wind pulled Onyxia and left the abyss first.

Although Malfurion didn't know why Drunk Wind suddenly became nervous, the follow-up on Deathwing's side was handled in an orderly manner.

Alexstrasza carefully checked all the details of the seal to ensure that Deathwing could not escape.

Regarding the Red Dragon Queen, Drunk Wind can rest assured - after all, what Death Wing has done to her is a bit excessive!


In the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, Drunk Wind found Leiden.

Facing Leiden, Zuifeng directly raised his own question-what is the essence of the Emerald Dream?

This headless question made Leiden stunned.

The guardian didn't understand why this panda would suddenly come over and say such strange words.

But with great kindness towards Zuifeng, Leiden was still happy to answer Zuifeng's doubts.

"Is the Emerald Dream... that was a long time ago-you know, I am the creation under the crown of Khazgros, and the Emerald Dream is the masterpiece under the crown of Iona." Leiden narrowed his eyes. Fallen into memories, "But there are some things I still know. I remember they used to call the Emerald Dream a "blueprint"."

Just as this sentence was said, Drunk Feng's heart shook.


"Anything else?" Zuifeng clenched his fists nervously, "About the Emerald Dream--and about the mother tree, Ainil!"

"I don't know much about Ainil." After reminiscing about it, Leiden shook his head sullenly. "In fact, we don't know much about that tree. Our guardians don't know much about that tree. It was made by Amansur And call it the "foundation of the world"."

"Amansur created Ganir?" Zuifeng quickly grasped the point. "Iona should be more suitable for this job, right?"

"It seems that you know more about Titans than I thought." Leiden was quite surprised by Drunk Wind's words. "But you were right. I used to have doubts, but that was not my duty."

"Who among the Guardians is in charge of Garnier? Is Freya?"

"No." To Drunk's expectation, Layden shook his head, "Actually, the guardian in charge of Garnier is not someone else, but Odin."

Odin? !

Drunk Wind's eyes widened, and he felt very unbelievable. The guy who used his axe to scream and kill all day long was the guardian of Garnier?

On the Broken Isles, Drunk Wind had visited the territory of the Vrykul, so he also had a general impression of Odin. Although I had never seen Odin, Drunk Wind probably knew what kind of guardian Odin was.

Warriors, just the kind of rushing!

But you tell me now that he is the guardian in charge of Ganir?

Drunk wind a hundred unbelief.

Odin... his temper is almost the same after Garnier!

"Don't believe it." Leiden saw Drunk Wind’s suspicion. "This task was indeed handed over to Odin, but the reason was to help Odin vent the excess experience. In fact, we don’t have any specific use. Come take care of Garnier's mission."

"So..." Zuifeng nodded, "Then do you have any special discoveries about the Well of Eternity--or about the Valley of Eternal Blossoms."

"...What is special?" Leiden obviously didn't understand the meaning of Zuifeng. "Titan did not say what is not special. Our task is to observe and then record the information-Titan will collect our data. And further reform on this basis."

"Rely on the Norgannon disc?" Drunk wind touched his chin, feeling that he had found a key point of the problem, "Titan needs Norgannon disc, right?"

"Of course." Grandpa nodded. "Although I don't know where you heard the name of the Norgannon Disc, what you said is the fact that the Titans do need the Norgannon Disc."

"Does Titan have any other Norgannon discs? When you received the information, did you receive any part about Norgannon discs? Whether this planet or... other planets?"

Leiden was finally silent, and at this moment, the tall guardian suddenly buckled.

Looking at the silent Leiden, Drunk Feng felt a little bit clear.

"There are records of other planets, right?"

Leiden nodded.

"On other planets, what the Titans did is not very commendable, right?"

Leiden nodded slightly.

"Do you know the true role of Garnier and the Emerald Dream."

Zuifeng finally raised his head and stared at Leiden scorchingly.

Silent for a long time.


For a long time, Leiden seemed determined.

"Do you really want to know?"

"I really want to know!"

"Things have to start more than ten thousand years ago—"


Most of Zuifeng's guesses are correct.

Titans are not good people—or, in the knowledge of Titans, there is no good or bad, but only order and chaos.

Titans pursue order. They transform chaos. When faced with the inability to transform chaos, they will choose to seal the chaos-or eliminate it altogether.

In the memory that Layden accepts there is no shortage of parts of the planet destroyed. Some are "dying ill" because of the infection of the ancient gods, and some are used as "experimental materials" and sacrificed by the Titans. Up.

Yes, sacrifice!

In Leiden's narration, Zuifeng learned that when the Titans traveled in the universe, they did not just transform those planets with star souls. They would make some changes in almost every new planet they saw.

These changes are regarded as variables and recorded, and become the process of Titan's pursuit of order.

This is understandable.

But when many planets deviate from Titan's expectations, these planets will be formatted after they lose the role of the experiment.

The so-called formatting is to change the planet back to nothing.

All living things will be completely wiped out, and then the planet will reach absolute order.

And there is a way of formatting, which is to "build according to the blueprint"!

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