Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 788: Bad luck to Khadgar

A long conversation with Raiden gave Drunk Wind a lot of enlightenment. In this case, Drunk Wind decided to go to Ulduar to see if he could find more clues.

This is something that can't be helped, the current Drunk Wind can't even figure out who the enemy is...

In the end, Drunk Wind didn't ask why Leiden hadn't taken the initiative to tell him before—he understood that if he hadn't noticed the clue this time, Leiden would have hidden the secret.

Will you talk to the frogs in Vale of Eternal Blossoms about how to save the world from the Burning Legion?

Some things are meaningful only after reaching a certain level.

For Raiden, both Azeroth and Titan are important.

Titan and Azeroth are like Raiden's parents. Now there is some kind of conflict between the two sides. Raiden is at a loss and can only give up on himself.

With the help of Onyxia, Drunk Wind came to Ulduar again.

Seeing the wind and snow here, Zuifeng suddenly felt endless emotion.

Why didn't it take long for Yogg-Saron to be killed, so he felt a lot of emotion?

It's amazing...

Moreover, on the Cliffs of Storms, Drunk Wind really heard the whispers left by Yogg-Saron—compared with before, the whispers now seemed to be repetitive, numb, and nothing new.


Entering Ulduar, before attacking the city, the first thing that caught the drunk wind was the corpses everywhere.

Last time Grommash came, I didn’t help the dwarf archaeological team to collect the corpses, so the ground is full of frozen dwarves and dwarves-and it seems that these dwarves were killed first, and later due to the weather. And was frozen.

Drunk wind was shocked!

He didn't know what happened in Ulduar. He was surprised to see so many dwarves who died tragically, but he also had many inexplicable bad associations.

After carefully examining the wounds of these dwarves, Drunk Wind immediately identified the murderer.


This is not because Drunk Wind has chosen forensic medicine, but it is because the marks of damage caused by the Faceless are too obvious-the dead dwarves have either signs of advantageous blades, signs of crushing, signs of shadow spells, or signs of lean The scars that came out-the first few are okay, and the scars are the most illustrative.

Ulduar has no pythons! Only the tentacles of the Faceless One can do this kind of scars that have been strangled!

Could something happen to Ulduar?

The Faceless Man was once Yogg-Saron's subordinate!

Zuifeng and Onyxia looked at each other, and under this circumstance, both of them couldn't help but become cautious.

Cautiously crossed the attacking city, Zuifeng saw the torn apart disassembler.

Observing the parts all over the floor carefully, Zuifeng's doubts deepened.

The disassembler was removed, but the traces seemed to be caused by a heavy knife.

And the Faceless One doesn't seem to have two-handed swords and two-handed axes, right?

More importantly, judging from the length of the wound, it does not seem to be caused by giant weapons-the size of the disassembler is very large. The complete disassembler stands up to more than five meters in height, and various signs indicate that the dismantled The answer may be a "small point".

Now I was drunk and dumbfounded.

Who can tell me what's going on?

But soon, Zuifeng found a clue.

After entering Ulduar’s hall, Zuifeng and Onyxia went straight to the archives, and then next to the archives, they found Khadgar and Sylvana trapped in the control room. S...

Uh, obviously their condition is not very good.

On the side, the control system used to open the door now flashes two sparks from time to time.

What's going on.

Drunk Wind tried to rescue Khadgar, but it seemed that the control system was damaged. Khadgar could not leave the control room until it was repaired.

Fortunately, the control room was previously designed for guardians, and the space is large enough...

Speaking of Khadgar, it was unlucky enough. If it weren’t for Ulduar and space constraints, he took Sylvanas to teleport it out every minute--but because of Ulduar’s own seal, Khadgar would never Unable to teleport, he could only be awkwardly trapped in the control room, staring at him with Sylvanas.

Fortunately, drunk wind is coming...

Although Drunk Wind didn't know how to open this door—and, if it wasn't for Drunk Wind, maybe Onyxia would start to take a deep breath.

"Oni! Oni! This is Ulduar. Ulduar is an integrated defense. If you go down, Khadgar and Sylvanas will know each other!"

The stopped Onyxia seemed to be a little bit lost-recently became the mount of Drunk Wind, Onyxia was still a little unhappy, and Drunk Wind had obviously discovered something, but he was unwilling to interact with Onyxia Ya said that this made Onyxia even more upset.

Okay, back to the problem you are facing now, how do you open the door of the control room?

Khadgar's problem was not serious, but he was only locked up by Saratas.

But now because the control device was broken by Grommash, the door of the control room could not be opened completely!

How to do? Khadgar thought for a while, drew Atiesh, and waved it slightly.

In the control room, a magical firework blossomed, forming a lingua franca in mid-air.

"Look for Mimiron."

This may only be the case!

"Oni, you go to Uldaman-do you know where Uldaman is?"

Onyxia nodded.

"You go to Uldaman, where Mimiron should be digging with Brian, you go there now and get him back-Ulduar must be something wrong."

"What about you?" Onyxia looked at Drunk Wind, a little worried, "You want to go deeper here?"

"This...not necessarily. I have to talk to Khadgar to figure out what is going on here."

"How do you communicate with him?"

"That's it!" Zuifeng stretched out his hand, and a cloud of mist filled his palm. "Have you forgotten the mist of our determination?"

Onyxia spoke softly, then turned and left.

"Tsk how old is it, is this embarrassing?"


Onyxia was destined to have to work hard, and Drunk Wind started to communicate strangely with Khadgar across the transparent control room bulkhead.

"Did she go to Uldaman?" —A magical firework.

"Of course. What's going on here?" —A cloud of mist.

"It's a long story, have you seen Grommash?" —A magical firework.

"No, what does this have to do with the orcs? And your Grommash misspelled it." —A cloud of mist.

Just like texting, Zuifeng and Khadgar communicated with you one by one.

From Khadgar, Zuifeng finally had a general idea of ​​what happened to Ulduar.

(Gromash has been here? Why does it always feel wrong...)

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