Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 787: Break through the snowman

For most adventurers who participate in the trial, the hordes of snowmen are a huge trouble.

It's not because you can't beat it heads-up, but because group fights are too troublesome.

Snowmen are "pseudo-social" creatures. Due to their settlements, dozens of them live in the same area. Although there is no relatively stable population structure, once a snowman is attacked, other snowmen will madly retaliate against the attacker. .

If the adventurers rushed out, they would only be besieged by a large number of snowmen.

The snowman is very vengeful!

Of course, there are also many adventurers who don't care about these snowmen at all—for example, a female Faye named Luminas Yanghen.

For the average flame mage, Northrend in the snow and ice is a very disgusting place. Low temperature, strong wind, and heavy snow will reduce the power of fire magic.

But for those who are strong enough, the environment has never been a problem.

Luminus is such a strong enough master. This eldest lady from the high elf sunmark family is not a safe master. She has no interest in intrigue since she was a child. After the high elf was drawn into the oath. , She simply left home and ran to Misty Harbor to be an adventurer.

Others do tasks in order to make money, and this man who does not lack money does tasks in order to experience life.

"I won't be like Liadrin, wasting my good youth in busy work!"

When facing the hordes of snowmen, Luminus was not polite, the crimson staff inserted into the deep snow, and a mysterious rune appeared directly on the ground.

The next moment, the flames rise into the sky!

Flame storm!

The raging flames directly reduced the group of snowmen who had rushed towards Luminus to ashes.

Kalecgos, who was watching the battle at high altitude, expressed his surprise. This charming female mage is a little bit beyond imagination!

"It seems that this trial is not so boring..."

The super-evolved Zhanwu Zha seems to have found his goal.


After all, there are only a few who can easily break through the snowmen like Luminus. In front of the hordes of snowmen, the adventurers began to organize spontaneously.

The adventurers who have been on the mission together greet each other and then force a breakthrough (group a T!); some people go slant and try to sneak long distances (professional sneak thief, I lose if you see it!); of course there are also People realized the smell on their bodies and chose to change their clothes.

Allen does not belong to any of the above.

The identity of the warlock makes it difficult for Alan to be trusted, and the warlock does not have any sneaking skills. Alan did not notice the Kogukaphine powder on his body. After being chased by the snowman for a long time, Alan could only decide to face the battle. .

As he ran down, Alan felt that his mana would be exhausted. Although the ice worm puppet is fast, it needs to be manipulated!

Under the command of Alan, the hellhound Pluto and the demon guard Saguemo met these menacing snowmen.

Although compared to the snowman, the hellhound and the demon guard are small, but with the help of the fel energy, they completed the first step of the interception mission.

The snowmen's formation was disrupted.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

Allen, with the swift ice worm reins, moves the fastest on the snow, so he was the first adventurer to reach the yeti settlement, which led to the largest number of snowmen chasing Allen, Bruto and Sague Mo's help did not play a decisive role.

Seeing the snowman rushing towards him, Allen jumped off the ice worm and shook his head.

Well, there are a lot of enemies...Try the flames of hell!

With Allen as the center, a bleak green fel flame burst out, and this fel flame that could burn the soul caused the snow on the ground to burn.

Alan doesn’t use this spell often, on the one hand because it will cause a serious burden on the body, on the other hand because it will burn the clothes...

Allen is not a local tyrant. A robe that can withstand the flames of **** is not something that Allen can afford-it is the limit that Allen can bear to ensure the safety of his underwear!

Of course, the combat power brought by explosive clothing is also very impressive.

In front of the green flames, the snowmen chose to retreat.

(Nonsense, the clothes are burnt, and there is no kogukkaphine smell, Xueren doesn't bother to care about Alan!)

Seeing the snowman suddenly leave, Allen in the Guo Ben state couldn't react for a while.

The flames of **** have not touched them yet! Why did this run away? !

After a long pause, Allen probably guessed the reason.

"It's really an interesting trial!"

After putting on his clothes again, Allen rode on the mount again, and moved on in the direction of Azjol-Nerub.

This time, when he passed the yeti colony again, Alan had no trouble again.


No matter what method is used, most of the adventurers have passed the first trial, which also proves that these adventurers do have merit-either they are flexible in mind and can quickly see the essence of the problem, or they are strength. Strong enough to cope with emergencies, or natural luck-after all, luck is also part of strength!

For this trial, Drunk Wind modified Azjol-Nerub with Spider-Man's consent.

Speaking of this trial, it can be considered that the people of Azjol-Nerub have undertaken. In order to revive the race and avenge the Lich King, these spidermen are highly cooperative with all the actions of Drunk Wind-they even temporarily contributed the whole The city of Azjol-Nerub, used as a test Under the transformation of Drunk Wind, the entrance of Azjol-Nerub is very different from before. Under the cover of spider silk, The thick fog renders this entrance extremely mysterious.

And when the adventurers reached Azjol-Nerub, the highlight of the trial officially began.

This time, Zuifeng finally stood up.

"Dear adventurers, I am very happy to see everyone at Azjol-Nerub."

"After the warm-up session is over, we finally come to the dinner of the trial-because our goal is the Lich King, one of the most evil beings in Azeroth, so no matter when, we cannot take it lightly-even The same is true during trials!"

"In the last warm-up, the losers pledged to rescue, but in the following trials, if you are willing to participate, then be prepared for death. There is no rescue and no guarantee. If you pass, you will win nothing. If you fail, you will fall into the mist and obscurity."

"Now, after thinking carefully, please tell me, are you ready?"

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