Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 790: Unsuitable combination

In order to be able to smoothly solve the chariot of flames, Luminus and Allen formed a temporary team.

These two guys who are used to flying solo, in the current situation of being forced to form a team, behave a bit embarrassingly.

Ever heard of it?

Now Luminus and Allen are presenting a textbook-style awkward chatting demonstration for us in Azjol-Nerub.

"Uh, it's hard to imagine, you such a handsome human being actually a warlock."

As if to ease the embarrassment, Luminus spoke first, but what she said seemed to be different from what she seemed to express...

"I mean, I'm sorry, I don't have that kind. Humans are not as good as elves...oh..."

Luminus is obviously not very good at chatting. She wanted to compliment Alan and express her surprise, but it was not right-either as if she was belittling the profession of warlock or the appearance of human beings.

On the other hand, Ellen was no better than her.

"I understand what you mean-after all I am not that kind of Mediterranean-have you heard the jokes circulating in the tavern? Many fighters believe that if they can show a kind bald head, they will be hurt when they attack. Higher, more prone to a fatal blow."

Allen's jokes obviously won't resonate with Luminus. For the female mage, the noisy tavern is simply a terrible hell, where there are only countless perverts and countless meaty jokes.

That's right, Luminus is an expert in destroying the atmosphere of the tavern-with her, the tavern will always fall into the cold, or fight.

(After Luminus entered the tavern, either the adventurers couldn't let go of the beauties, or the idiots with short eyes tried to move their hands and were burned out of all body hair)

Therefore, Luminus can only be confused about Allen's jokes.

Fortunately, under the guidance of Pluto, the two have returned to the place where Allen fled.

"Alert, alert!"

The familiar and piercing alarm finally ended the awkwardness between the two people. Among the parts of the magic breaker robot on the floor, the chariot of flames appeared once again.

Unexpectedly, the two guys who can only talk awkwardly, performed well in the battle.

Without Alan's words, Luminus stepped forward.


Luminus quickly divided into three, and then began to cast his own spell.

"Find the target, judge with energy, see through the disguise."

The sound of mechanical judgment made Luminus a headache.

Contrary to Luminus's expectation, the Chariot of Flames was quite intelligent, it saw through the mirror image for the first time, and directly attacked Luminus' body.

"Damn it, I knew I would not save mana!"

The flame chariot reacted so fast, naturally it was energy judgment, Luminus did not consume too much mana when releasing the mirror image, so the energy response of the mirror image was very weak, and it was directly seen by the flame chariot.

The blind eye technique has failed, and Alan is still drawing the summoning circle. In this case, Luminus can only insist on it!

Interrupting the Ring of Resistance, Luminus directly activated the inherent magic circle on his robe.

"Drift ice cast spells!"

After turning on the ice casting technique, Luminus temporarily has the ability to move spells, she is directly two fireballs.

The fireball does not cause substantial damage to the Chariot of Fire, but the impact is still desirable. At least for now, Luminus does not need to worry about the trouble of Chariot of Fire to Alan.

In the raging flames, the chariot rolled forward.

The battle location is relatively small, and although there are no walls around it, there are tough spider silks everywhere, and Luminas has very little space to dodge.

Fortunately, the wizards will flash-although this kind of spell that forcibly moves oneself a short distance is not commonly used, it can always help Luminus find opportunities when used at critical moments.

But this persistence cannot last long.

"Alan, are you ready?" Luminus really couldn't support it. This kind of battle that can only be forced to defend and avoid is simply a torture, "I can't hold on anymore!"

"Wait, a few seconds!"

Luminus could hardly wait for a few seconds, the chariot of flames moved faster and faster, and because his body was repelled by the spatial energy, Luminus could not flash.

Just as the Chariot of Flame was about to drive Luminus, Allen's call was finally completed.

On the ground, the dreadful green circle burst out with dazzling brilliance. The next moment, a burning stone man appeared on the circle.


Seeing Allen summoned out of Hellfire directly, Luminus was really surprised.

Don't think that Hellfire is a popular spell. Although Hellfire is a demon, summoning Hellfire is completely different from summoning other demons!

The other demons are summoned in accordance with the power of the contract, and the hellfire is responsible for the creation of the body by the summoner.

In other words, other demons are coming from the body, and the hellfire only comes from the soul-even only the subconscious mind.

So summoning Hellfire is a very difficult spell.

Contrary to what many people think, hellfire does not have to fall from the sky—the reason why everyone remembers that hellfire falls from the sky is because it can quickly cause the first wave of damage.

Now Alan is underground! Want to have a call from the sky?

But anyway, the emergence of hellfire directly changed the situation of the battle.

The first was that the Chariot of Flame was stopped.

The small size of the flame chariot really didn't have any size advantage in front of the hellfire. After a roar, the hellfire directly raised his fist and hit the side of the flame chariot hard.


After a toothless violent rubbing the flame chariot was forced to drift for a period of time, and at the same time, a long trace was left on the ground.

Then the Hellfire became so powerful that under Alan's control, he waved his fist that was burning with flames again and again.

"Bang! Bang!"

The chariot of flames was tossing around, but the hellfire seemed to be getting more and more excited.

The Hellfire’s attack was very effective. Luminas saw the surface of the Flame Chariot become uneven at a speed visible to the naked eye-but the Flame Chariot could not form an effective attack on the Hellfire.

The flames generated by the movement of the chariot obviously cannot cause damage (the hellfire's resistance to flames is heinous), and the mortar system for giant creatures is also unable to aim because of the constant shaking.

The situation is great!

But Luminus found that it seemed that Alan's face was not so good...

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